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Star and Musty's Potato Adventure

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Copy Pasta from MG

So, Myself, Steak, Enderian, PPnJ and God Dan Decide to play some Dayz In the Hopes that it wasn't as Shitty as it was a few months back 

Fun was Had..  






First I login to Dayz after Many a Month of not playing, To find myself in the woods Inside a Tree.. Apparently I was doing some Tree Hugging on my last Visit To Chenarus


After a Few Minuites Of getting my Bearings I Realise Where I am....... The ass end of nowhere

I start heading down south towards Elektro to meet up with the Others, While experiencing Alot of rubber banding and Red-Chain, Mainly due to an Amazing Australian internet Connection (with a massive speed of 350KB/s) 


On the Way down I find Some Clothing to put on myself

I was naked at the Time.....And Although Steak would have preferred there to be a No clothes rule, I have to many Violations for streaking naked, Running around the coast looking for bambies to Feed Rotten Fruit to sad.png


When I make my way down there I see Two of them, and find out steak is AFK in a Building, So I do what anyone would do... Mug him and steal his backpack and food Like the Good school Bully that I am


After Steak comes back from his Time of Solitude with His Majestic Alcoholic Beverage, He realises what I have done, But Since Its me He is used to it

When we all meet up in the middle of the street Zombies decide to come and Tell us About their Lord, Zombie Jesus

While everyone's Politely saying "no thank you" to these Monstrosities with their 'Boom Sticks' I use this time to Use the Handcuffs I stole off Steaks Body and handcuffed one party member who had a Bitchin' Cowboy hat. Of course I had to steal it, But Don;t worry I have Him a Ruined Boonie Hat to keep part of his head warm.


Myself and Steak then left Elektro to go meet up with Enderian, Where she was Chillin at NWAF 

On the way to pass The Time, I put Some beautifull music on repeat in direct for myself and steak to listen to while we walked the Wilderness, that being POMF =3 https://www.youtube....=MkWWx0YSyM0. (All Praise the Glory of Nyanners!

Much Enjoyment was Had, I even played some "Nice Peace" Along with it


Since we both knew Chenarus Better than "Our Mothers Rear end" We Didn't have to worry about any silly maps or Compass's (2,000+Hrs Combined Dose that)


When we made it to Veresnik hill, We Decided to check out the Military base for some Phat loots

We found a pitchfork..... OF AWESOMENESS, Now we could Re-enact 'The Holy Grail' much better.


10 Replays of POMF later, we Finally made it up to NWAF, and just before the sever died I decided to take a Selfie Of us three, Which is shown up the top 


After restart we decided to look around for some more Phat loots, although we couldn't beat Steak's Pitchfork, Which he kept, But Decided to pick up a few little things to make us feel better since he was end game with that pitchfork......and to make it worse he finds a Starwars Helmet to wear around to show-off even more

Outside one of the buildings while Enderian was checking out her inventory, We Realised that in our previous life, we were statues 


I know right... Nothing beats that.


After realising our new Calling, we start heading around to check out Tent City, as We didn't know at the time that Rocket Raided Tent City and Stripped it of its Awesome Loot sad.png, Jks Lets blame Matt.. its always his fault!! (either Lightfoot Or Kichi.... Both are quite tempting)


While Trying to recover from our Devastation we meet up with Baron.. And Realise that myself and steak (mostly Myself..) Forgot to Pack Our Bento's Before we left, and I was Starving without any food, So once again I do what any Normal person would do........ Punch steak in the head until he is Knocked out, then steal his food.

Enderian and Baron gave me some more food to help with the hunger, since Steaks food I stole wasn't quite filling sad.png

Although its like I had a Never-ending hunger, like I was one of those Cursed Skeletor's from Pirates of the Carrabian


So to take my annoyance out on my hunger, I did what most people would do..try to Force Drink Steak Alcohol tincture, However Due to the Action Menu, I accidentally Drank it myself...... Twice sad.png



I was a very sick indeed





But while I was sick, we decided to head East to check out Guba and its developments, On the way I snuck up behind steak and Used him as Target practice..For my fists,

While he was lying there unconscious, I realised he had some good pants, So I decided to steal them from his body.... little did I know I Had on my legs, Harry Potters Accompany to his Cloak, his invisible Pants


No idea how steak Got them off Harry however.


Further along the journey We Met up with Hammyhamm, and the Sickness became much more Severe and my vision was more black and white than a 1900's Silent Film, So They started searching for food to try and keep my regen up so I wont die

In the meantime Baron went afk to go and get a smoke, So We decided to move Barons Body to make a 'Fern Baron




While he was still Away, Steak decided to come up with a great prank, where we all spread out around baron, and Wait for him to Come back to the computer... Apon Which time we would start Spraying our weapons in a Direction Screaming over Mic where the Evil Enemies were, 

Baron's reaction was priceless..


When we got to the next station my Guy couldn't take it anymore, and decide to go have a lay down, due do loss of blood from my Recent Beverage 

But While I was Resting, they found Bountiful amounts of food, To save my life from the Terror That I accidentally Put onto myself....


Although after being feed so much from everyones care, I ended up.... being overfull, Happy happy Joy Joy!, and We decided that since I had all this food inside my empty pit, that the next best place to go to would be Berizino Hospital for medical Supplies since I decided to go all Star and make the trip more.... Enjoyable 


Eventually the Sickness Went away on its own however, thanks to our lord Zombie jesus.


we ended up at the Supermarket, Where Steak, Hammyham and PBNJ had a Heated Discussion on some Subjects..

Then out of nowhere Cale came and suprised us, Along with klesh Logging in.


This was the end of our joruney however, Steak Became more indoxicated, Klesh and Enderine Decided to call it a night, And My Internet was having a Spaz attack.

Although While I net was Spazing out many more joined in 



So this was the end of our journey.. I'm surpised my Team didnt kill me for things I did.. to try and kill them


Edited by Star Thornberry
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That Copy/Paste looks horrible, Star.


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I have yet to read the actual story. :ph34r:

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  On 4/4/2014 at 10:09 AM, kichilron said:

That Copy/Paste looks horrible, Star.



Go suck a Turnip 

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  On 4/4/2014 at 1:39 PM, Statik said:

He's PBnJ, you disrespectful fuck.


Say what now?

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  On 4/4/2014 at 1:46 PM, kichilron said:

Say what now?

  On 4/4/2014 at 7:19 AM, Star Thornberry said:

Copy Pasta from MG

So, Myself, Steak, Enderian, PPnJ and God Dan Decide to play some Dayz In the Hopes that it wasn't as Shitty as it was a few months back 


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