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Stashing LOOT

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Rocket stated that every item will be persistent, he said the guy making items persistent had this idea, pretty sure it was in the rezzed session.


I saw that, and I personally think that it is a really, really, bad idea and far too ambitious; especially with the amount of loot and items players can carry, particularly between servers, etc.


Persistent backpacks and containers is more than enough.

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They do really need to make it - if possible - so that gear only persists while the original player still lives (i.e. the specific life when they dropped the item(s)). Otherwise it would be too easy for new spawns to re-gear (going back to known stash points) and there is more likely to be in-game loot 'inflation' where items are generated by spawning but not removed rapidly enough by player deaths.


This is exactly what occurs with persistent storage - the "death" of permadeath.


Once tents are implemented my group will have base camps set up near all popular spawn points to quickly re-gear in the event of a losing firefight scenario. As long as this is within the rules of the game it will be the meta.

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Since storing items on the coast would be a horrible idea, the boondocks up north would be a lot more dangerous if they were actually some potential campers guarding their or their group's stash in them..


The positives outweigh the negatives.


Eventually, when you consider all of the possible implementations such as tents and hunting, the player count for servers probably needs to be increased as the general play area is going to get more and more spread out. Vehicles will help some, but I HOPE they don't have too many of them. I personally want vehicles to be very rare - I want them to be hard to obtain, hard to maintain, and hard to keep.

Edited by doctor3d

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Since storing items on the coast would be a horrible idea, the boondocks up north would be a lot more dangerous if they were actually some potential campers guarding their or their group's stash in them..


It's not that bad of an idea. If we had persistent storage containers we can carry around, like those protective cases, MedKits or maybe even Ammo Boxes (those would be nearly undetectable in a bush or tree if hidden just right), there might be a chance to find some really good spots for them.


There are parts of towns like Balota, which barely ever get looted, either players are uninterested since the airfield is so close, or the buildings don't ever spawn anything in the first place.


I know the "spawnless" buildings may get changed in the future, but until then there's still time enough to look around, make yourself a nice home on your favorite server, and look for hiding spots no one ever goes to anyway :-)

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What ever item-storage they come up to should stay at least 24h after death like in the mod. I mean thats the whole goddamn idea to stash items, so you can take them when you die when you need them. Who seriously stashes food or other items and uses them while alive? Maybe if you get robbed, but how often is that going to happen?

This is same crap than happened with bodies. 10 min and bodies disappear, why? So people don't get loot back? It has been like 1/100 when I have actually gone back to my body and usually even then it's already looted. It was really fun and super cool to randomly find a corpse and loot it, but now that, to me, important game-element is gone. Thanks a lot whiners.

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stash container in berenzino


spawn in berenzino


loot it


put loot in container


kos until i die


new server


spawn in berenzino


loot it


put loot in container in berenzino


kos until i die


new server


spawn in berenzino...









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stash container in berenzino


spawn in berenzino


loot it


put loot in container


kos until i die


new server


spawn in berenzino


loot it


put loot in container in berenzino


kos until i die


new server


spawn in berenzino...










Yea...but still makes more sence than having disappearing stashes.

Also THIS is exacly why I would play only on private,whitelisted hives.

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When you die, you're supposed to start as someone new. If they follow the mod's blueprint, you can just run back to your camp and restock. I don't really agree with that, as this is a survival game and eventually people will have their tents so full of items it'll negate the entire point of surviving.


I think when you die, your tent should be randomly placed within a 5km² area of its initial location. Your base should be considered abandoned and access should only come from somehow smashing the doors down.

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I think limited storage would solve this. Imagine only being able to stash two primaries, two sidearms and 20-30 item slots. This would turn storage from hoarded high-end gear to just a survival stash of a player. I would love to stash different outfits and for example wear my press vest and black clothes if I'm going to a CQC area to loot, but the UK vest and camo clothing if I'm going out sniping. Yes, clans will be able to make huge camps, but it's still 2 primaries, etc. per player, so I'm fine with it.

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What ever item-storage they come up to should stay at least 24h after death like in the mod. I mean thats the whole goddamn idea to stash items, so you can take them when you die when you need them. Who seriously stashes food or other items and uses them while alive? Maybe if you get robbed, but how often is that going to happen?

This is same crap than happened with bodies. 10 min and bodies disappear, why? So people don't get loot back? It has been like 1/100 when I have actually gone back to my body and usually even then it's already looted. It was really fun and super cool to randomly find a corpse and loot it, but now that, to me, important game-element is gone. Thanks a lot whiners.


The problem is, though, your loot becomes your life. There's no point having the narrative arc of trying to keep a character alive, which after all is the point of the game, when you know that when you die you can run off to a known stash point and take your old life back. Removing the difficulty in this way also leads into more KoS because so (too?) many kills are made because whatever risk might be present in a 'real-life' situation are removed by the cushion factor that if anything goes wrong a player has a stash or three to fall back on later.


Imagine a survival scenario where a bandit with a sniper rifle sees someone in the far distance, apparently unarmed and moving away from his position. In real life the player probably would not shoot unless he is starving or desperate. He wastes a precious bullet, he advertises his position, he risks missing and having made an enemy. He risks losing everything.


In game, the likely scenario is that he will take the shot. He gains nothing from it apart from the thrill of the kill, but knows that he risks little, because of every factor which makes the game ‘easier’ than real life. The main such factor is loot stashing, and this is, of course, unrealistic. IRL, sure I can stash things but I know I can’t retrieve it after I die, I’ll be a bit too dead.

Edited by kander

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The problem is, though, your loot becomes your life.


most of the dayz player base is doing this already, always has and always will

highest-tier gear and a working helicopter is the only endgame dayz has ever had

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They need to make it so private servers reset your character from official servers and that would balance out the looting issues. Then you won't have to worry about loot hoppers because there loot won't transfer over to the real servers. Problem solved 


I don't mind people on official servers with there tents on THAT server going back and getting loot but I do mind people loot hoping from one server to the next without a penalty besides a timer so going from an official server to a non official should reset your character plus the official servers should have most of the community on them because they don't reset every 45 minutes like some which is a fucking joke for "survival". If you don't agree with me it's because you own a private server or abuse restarting your server to gear up.

Edited by -HOTG-Odin

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