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unable to join my own server

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hello, i have a question, our community has purchased a new server, but I am unable to join or even locate the server in the serverlist menu.

if I try to join by 'remote login' it just puts me back to serverlist showing a blank/empty list

non of our other community members have this issue. does any of you experience the same issue? if so? how to undo/solve this problem?

thank you in advance,


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How long have you had your server? because it sometimes wont show up for a couple hours.
How I know is because I own a lot of Day Z servers 


Is it only you that cannot connect or find it? 

Edited by furynation

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Not sure if DayZ is like other games I use but all other games I play when running a "Dedicated server Pc" you need to connect to the game with a different Pc

Rather than trying to connect to your dedicated server from the same Pc to play the game


Just throwing this out there,not sure if that is it but I have run across this before with other games

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How long have you had your server? because it sometimes wont show up for a couple hours.

How I know is because I own a lot of Day Z servers 


Is it only you that cannot connect or find it? 

my friend rents the server from a host *vlayer I think*

the server has been up for atleast 2 days so thats why I wonder if anyone else has this problem. 

regarding the 'am I the only one who can find it' yes I am if you read my post carefully you'll see the following line: 'non of our other community members have this issue', so its just me who has this problem I think

I reinstalled steam/dayz/reset my router and Im not blocked/banned from our server in case that thought pops into your mind.

so thats why I posted this question here because Im out of options here and don't know what else I could do to make the server show up.

remotely typing in the IP adress and port (both are correct as our community founder is the one who has full access to the server verified!)

still gets me nowhere but a blank screen and joining them via steam doesnt help either. 

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Not sure if DayZ is like other games I use but all other games I play when running a "Dedicated server Pc" you need to connect to the game with a different Pc

Rather than trying to connect to your dedicated server from the same Pc to play the game


Just throwing this out there,not sure if that is it but I have run across this before with other games

our server isnt run from a dedicated pc. its hosted on a vlayer server system so thats not the problem. 

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Details please or send a support ticket to Vilayer.

I've asked my friend to contact vilayer already.. and sorry for posting it in the wrong section ;) got to me when I posted it, I was like 'hmmm wrong section.. hmmfff' 

and how can I provide details? im unable to find the server in the serverlist. or connect to it any other way *remote connect etc.* 

Im unable to join my friends if their playing on the server. all other servers I join are working just fine.. just our new server has this problem. so I'll ask him to send a support ticket to vilayer.. maybe they know what the problem is.

I can't provide much details other then its not loading when I join via steam *shows loading screen/image and thats about it.

if I try to connect through remote, I type in the IP adress provided (is correct since everyone else is using it) same with the port.

I'll post the IP adress here so you can check it out yourself maybe you know something I don't boneboys

IP Adress:

port: 2402



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either you need to open a port or for some reson your network doesn't want to see it.

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What are your filter settings?  Also try connecting to another Vilayer server and see if you are able to obtain a connection without issue. 

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either you need to open a port or for some reson your network doesn't want to see it.

I didnt have issues with our other server.. and Im able to join other servers without problem. already tryed that, I did not close any ports or change anything in my router/modem settings so that should be fine

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What are your filter settings?  Also try connecting to another Vilayer server and see if you are able to obtain a connection without issue. 

I tryed connecting to other servers. works perfectly no time outs or connection drops what so ever.. its just our server that has this problem. and doesnt want to be found :S

my filter settings are almost non. the only filter I use is NL to filter out NL servers since our server is called Dayz NL Elite from what I hear the founder tell me. non of our other community members have this problem. its just me.

but I've tryed most of your suggestions already so im running out of options. since our last server *the one we had before this one* worked perfectly. I don't see why this one shouldnt act the same since its the same host and practically the same server so to speak.

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I tryed connecting to other servers. works perfectly no time outs or connection drops what so ever.. its just our server that has this problem. and doesnt want to be found :S

my filter settings are almost non. the only filter I use is NL to filter out NL servers since our server is called Dayz NL Elite from what I hear the founder tell me. non of our other community members have this problem. its just me.

but I've tryed most of your suggestions already so im running out of options. since our last server *the one we had before this one* worked perfectly. I don't see why this one shouldnt act the same since its the same host and practically the same server so to speak.


Do you or the listed have ACP to the server?

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Do you or the listed have ACP to the server?

yes thats active, talking to the admin atm. he posted a ticket to vilayer how and why it doesnt work.

maybe you could join our teamspeak for a moment. so we could talk instead of type. thats a bit easier and faster.

ts.nlelite.nl for those who wish to try and help.

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We tried on his computer with my account to login on our server.

Didn't work. we are a little bit out of options now.

The host doesn't return our calls so anyone with a solution speak up please.

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small update: when my friends invite me to play along on the server, it says 'game: dayz game status: unavailable. when I join it quickly enough I get stuck on 'wait for host'  and it remains stuck there with a hour glass same as windows. like the game is crashing. but its working just fine. I see wait for host, but it won't boot through to the server menu.

anyone have an Idea how/why?

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small update: when my friends invite me to play along on the server, it says 'game: dayz game status: unavailable. when I join it quickly enough I get stuck on 'wait for host'  and it remains stuck there with a hour glass same as windows. like the game is crashing. but its working just fine. I see wait for host, but it won't boot through to the server menu.

anyone have an Idea how/why?

our server IP has changed. Im now able to join the server again.. the problem was vlayer related for some reason. thanks anyways for the help this is a solved topic ;)

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