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Notice to forum whiners and fanboys alike: This is a review based on my experiences and perspective only- Of DayZ SA as it CURRENTLY EXISTS. Please take it as such. Feel free to share your experiences/feedback. also, WALL-O-Text warning


First, All the good things-


Well lets see. It looks nice. The newer build of the engine has much nicer lighting then Arma II did, that's for sure. I actually do like that once you leave the coast just finding ample food and drinks can at time be a challenge. hit a few towns that have been cleaned out and you may be in a bad way. The equipment disparity in SA makes it much more stressful just to survive then in the mod where you can basicly live until death by hacker simply by hunting in the woods.


What else? Well the gear UI (similar to that of A3) is rather nice. I like the easy drag n drop combining of things and less fidgety right click options. The Zombies I have mixed feelings about in their current iteration. At times they seem godly due to their ability to warp thru walls and now even floors (a pathing AI desynch Issue STILL not addressed from the mod) but when they actually work correctly they can be a significant threat. I would like to see them "fixed" to be have properly in a more consistent manner and *Only then* seriously buffed to make fighting them a real challenge. I do genuinely like the move towards making mere survival for one more day harder. I look forward to even more environmental hazards.


I really see the SA as a new beginning for dayZ with a TON of potential provided the developers can push it forward quickly enough to take advantage of the fanbase. however, left to linger in its current state more and more will look to other options for entertainment and established dayZ communities will continue to disperse.



The Bad and ugly things-


Zombies still need fixing. Pathing and desynch is horrible, Damage is all over the place and at times they repeatedly swing thru you wile you're standing still doing zero damage. other times they ninja punch you out in one hit. The fact they can now mysteriously go under floors as well and into the ground and hit you when you cant see them is a nearly game-breaking flaw in cities.


Mele weapons are dodgy at best, and sometime outright useless. One can only see the point of using an axe over a gun to quietly dispatch the zombies without drawing unneeded attention, However their effect on the zed is almost entirely random. I can repeat the same scenario 10 times and mayer 4 or 5 of those will result in a dead zombie. sometimes they will ignore it as if nothing happened. other times they agro you and take no damage. sometimes you get lucky and a swing to the back of the head is an instant kill. Consistency is needed here.


Despite SA being delayed multiple times since original projections and being out for some months, We still are lacking core functionality; without which there is no reason to play beyond the first few days. get a few guns, kill a few people, get killed, repeat. without vehicles, storage, and some kind of construction system there is no end-game content. and lacking that, more and more people (myself included) are suffering dayZ burnout and simply giving up on this reaching its "vision" in a reasonable timeframe. I really feel that if we aren't surpassing the functionality by the time summer break rolls around the opportunity may be lost- sadly.



TL;DR (and final thoughts)


All in all its a stripped down version of the mod; that looks slightly nicer. zombie pathing is worse then ever, and I feel more and more so like content development is nowhere near the timetable it should be. sprinkling a few carbon copied betty vans from A2 on the map as they are right now with no new features imho, would be more beneficial then anything else right now. With so many of the models and assets already in existence, I really believe that simply "porting them" Now and re-inventing the wheel later would be the best approach. ride the "summer break" activity increase with new content and more things to do other then spawn/die on the coast and re-invigorate the community.




  • Get *any* working vehicle in the game ASAP. even a direct port from the mod. Same for crappy tent system. give us *something* and reinvent the wheel later with core functionality in place, even if flawed.
  • Fix the zombie pathing and AI once and for all. if I can't hit thru it with an Axe I better not get zombie punched thru it either. No excuses, no exceptions. this is standalone, not mod. shoddy pathing can NO LONGER be written off as "technical limitation" bs. fix it. yesterday.
  • Continued focus on PVE, but give us storage. we need storage. lack of hoarding/build up leaves little more entertainment value besides costal deathmatching.
  • Leave it a completely un-restricted sandbox. Take a lesson out of EvE online's playbook. Provide the sandbox and implements and let the players do as they will with them. for good or evil as they see fit.
  • Any beginnings of construction system (perhaps even something similar to Epoch's base building) would be nice as soon as possible.
Edited by Sovetsky
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So you essentially want a game where you can drive round, collect loot without being bothered by zombies and then hoard it?


Have you considered Mario Kart?

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No, they should not rush things, just because people are too impatient. Everyone has time to spare. :P

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thing is the "assets" Ie. the betty vans from Amra II, already exist. the games is being produced by BIS. there should be no issues simply porting them. doing this wouldn't derail or degrade the game in anyway and would only serve to give groups of players something to leave the coast for, and offer a distinct advantage to those who willing to go to the trouble of repairing and maintaining them. Same with tents. carbon copying some core functionality from the mod *in the mean time* would be much more beneficial then just leavin' us with costal DM w/ zombies that are a minor nuisance.

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Hello there


Just dropping the "Betties" in is not as simple as you make out.


Dont forget they have gutted many of the older components of the engine completely.


They might be able to get the Mesh in game, but that doesn't mean that the control and damage systems are still in game for example.


Its pointless reinserting legacy code.


We all want vehicles to make a reappearence, but id rather it be done when its ready not just to please the masses.





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Hello there


Just dropping the "Betties" in is not as simple as you make out.


Dont forget they have gutted many of the older components of the engine completely.


They might be able to get the Mesh in game, but that doesn't mean that the control and damage systems are still in game for example.


Its pointless reinserting legacy code.


We all want vehicles to make a reappearence, but id rather it be done when its ready not just to please the masses.





You would be good at moding with haiku wouldnt you.

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We can wait for cars, as long as Segways arrive tomorrow. 

Edited by Insane Aradia

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