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(Rocket Stream) Did he say we can jump from public to private?

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oh. that sucks.

1000+ helis no repairs self blood bag and saline coming right our way right now!


Probably, not until after release though. I'm not a fan either.


Sub-private hives will come in the meantime though. This allows communities to have their own private servers without it affecting the main hive and without giving server owners direct access to the database. The system is also flexible enough so that a group of servers could run on this shard of the hive too (or just one single one). This gives the best of both having a database and having a private community, without those private communities affecting the main database. For sub-private hives I expect they would have their own loot economy just for that shard. Again they would only be able to jump between servers on that private shard.

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well, we still have to deal with the massive amount of hopping that will take place amongst the public hive the second vehicles are implemented

private servers will be an easy mode mess where you spawn with a heli


i don't think i'll ever find one/get one working with these two things established

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I think it's going to need careful balancing in terms of how rare items are as well as some sort of degradation or other mechanism in place to prevent rare items being hoarded and remaining unused so they can be respawned without causing loot inflation.

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