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Vision/Player Visibility

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So I want to bring up a suggestion that many people will probably rage at for more, but I feel like it is important to discuss.  That is, how needlessly hard it is to see objects and players.  I understand the upside to this of course, but right now I think player visibility has gone a little overboard.


I've been playing DayZ for a while, and I have a hard time seeing people at a distance, not because of my computer settings, which are practically at max btw, but because textures seemed to be a little too meshed.  I noticed this when I played Arma 3, because there was more shine on certain objects and the camo(though it worked well), didn't make it incredibly hard to see players unless they were in ghillies.  Right now, if you drop anything in the grass that is a dark primary color, it is soooo hard to see.  One could argue that long grass usually hides things well, which to an extent is true, but also not true.....If a person is laying in long grass, you see a clear separation of grass from the person lying there.  The game does try to mimic that, but it is not as noticeable in the SA as it should be.




(Look on the rocks)



ZRvr0d5.jpgIn the first picture, the dude is sooo hard to see, and I come across this quite often.  I personally think lighting plays a huge role on this(even though he was in the shade in this photo).  Light shine has different effects on different materials and I don't think there is a clear difference of how the light shine affects objects in SA at the moment.

As an example of how light would shine in the second picture, the painted SKS should have a certain shine to it from the sun.  Either the finish on the wood would give the rifle a slight glimmer in the sun or the paint on the sun would have a shine that makes it stand out more in the grass.



You can see the glimmer from the sun in that video.


Basically, I'm suggesting that there be a clearer difference between objects and environment. I'm not asking for like, some thick black outline around everything like borderlands, but something to make objects stand out a little more besides color.  Camo clothing doesn't actually hide people, it just makes them less noticeable and harder to see at a distance.


Now before people completely freak out at what I am suggesting, I just want to say it has been confirmed on Chris Torchia's twitter, that 3D camo is something that will be added in game at some point, so anyone that thinks hiding effectively and sniping would be ruined with making things more noticeable, hopefully that will simmer you down a bit



Note: I'm aware that all this might not matter soon, that the lighting and visual differences between objects may be tweaked and that yes, this is pre-alpha.  I just haven't heard any news of them sharpening things up with the graphics in game.  I know they'll polish things up, I just don't know how much.  Personally, I think DayZ looks very picturesque right now and the visual environment of the game is immersive

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Wait, there's a dude in the first picture?

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Wait, there's a dude in the first picture?

hahah, ya dude. second to last lump on the right, thats a player all in basic green with summer hunter pants on, click the link above the picture, theres more pictures, some of them have a guy a little clearer


Edited by srgnt.pepper

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i'm still having.. a hard time seeing the guy. my god, he's like the rock itself.

Edited by Foreveronelol

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i'ms till having.. a hard time seeing the guy. my god, he's like the rock itself.

and there's my point lol

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After a good concentrated few minutes of staring at the extra pictures. I finally located him. Rofl, he's blending in like a rock, you'd never notice him if you where rushing through the area. +Supported

Edited by Foreveronelol
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Why illustrate your post about lack of shining render with guy hidden in shadow , and unvarnished fork handle wood during cloudy/rainy day...?

Edited by JiJi

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Why illustrate your post about lack of shining render with guy hidden in shadow , and unvarnished fork handle wood during cloudy/rainy day...?


A guy who also has a fuck-off yellow axe on his back. And is not made of rock. You would be able to distinguish between the rock and the material of his clothing, but there is no difference.

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If you know how to hide yourself in real life you can become nearly invisible too. If I were to lye in tall grass with my cadpat you wouldn't see me unless I moved. 

One of the best parts about Arma and DayZ is that you don't constantly standout like a glow stick at night. If they could make it so light reflects off scopes, but only at the angle the sun hits it, that would make sense but otherwise nothing should be changed. 

The rule with snipers in real life is even if you don't see them they sure as hell see you. 

ya, you have a good point.  As long as you're wearing the RIGHT GEAR and know how to place yourself, you could be nearly invisible, but not while wearing basic clothing thats just basic green....snipers do stuff like put netting in front of them and stand back from windows inside houses, they wear 3d camo, etc.  They cannot sit on top of a rock, with a basic green backback on, green ballistic, green shirt, and camo pants, and not be seen.  That is unrealistic and a bit overboard.  I do agree, no one should stand out like a glowstick, but there are ways of doing that without just having the player wear green......

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Why illustrate your post about lack of shining render with guy hidden in shadow , and unvarnished fork handle wood during cloudy/rainy day...?

Because, though he is in the shade, people should still be able to see him better than that.  He's just wearing basic green for fucks sake.  I don't know what you're talking about with the fork handle.....thats not something that was part of the topic....you might just not see the green sks in the grass and think im talking about the pitchfork? idk and on a rainy day wood should stand out more because it would have the appearance of being wet....

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