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blur when breathing heavy

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Has anyone noticed that when running or even slightly out of breath in the standalone, that your vision blurs ever so slightly? Its not much but just enough so the textures aren't crisp like normal.

Its not the glitch, or the low blood thing because as soon as I stop panting it clicks over and boom....clear as crystal. This makes it hard to see far when jogging or even walking for that matter since it seems I breath heavy for no reason sometimes.

Is there a fix to this?

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disable post processing I believe.

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Ill definitely try that. Thank you


You should notice a pretty sweet performance boost when you do that, too.

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You should notice a pretty sweet performance boost when you do that, too.

haha yeah I forgot about that ;)

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Yup, excellent advice.  You should find performance significantly improved. :thumbsup:

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Another SA related post in the mod section. Four users and one mod replied, nobody bothered to correct the OP or move the thread. On the contrary, he even gets beans. Meh.

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