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Why shoot.

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This is mostly OT, but still have points of contact with this game.

I've this question in mind since a while (long before approaching dayz), talked about with friends and no good answer came out.


We all have a life, we have our ways of amusement and fun (apart from videogames). We basically like people, we like

drink, we like sport, we like genitals & various reproduction procedures :D, and so on.


For some reason though, when it comes to videogames, we feel that need to shoot something, and kill something, the vast majority of best-sellers are weapon based games. That is pretty much weird imo.

I've never had a real weapon in my house, nor in my hand, and i will not have one.

Don't take me wrong, im a long-date GTA lover, loved hitmans, loved splinter cells, etc., i've used nearly any item to kill stuff inside a videogame, so this is not about poor moralism. It's really about a better understanding of the matter, and i would like to know your 2cents about this,


Thanks for reading ;)



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Because its a game and its fun. Simple.


Funny how your answer looks so much like my question. Some fool could argue it's not an answer at all.

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Funny how your answer looks so much like my question. Some fool could argue it's not an answer at all.

Thats because you want something more to it, a meaning to it so to speak, but there isnt, its just fun pure and simple.

You asked for opinion's and i gave you mine. Deal with it not being how you want.

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Fine then, some bullshit about having no limits in games and what not....

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You're dead to me


Your're breaking my heart man.

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Your're breaking my heart man.

Yeah, I guess it was painful for you. :c


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Yeah, I guess it was painful for you. :c




Baby come back, any kind of fool could see


There was something, in everything about you...


Baby come back, you can blame it all on me


I was wrong, and I just can't live without you.

Edited by GrappleX

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 You play GTA ??


and you want to know WHY ?


... ... ... ?

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Damn right we do. Genitals are awesome! Who wants to meet up in my place in Elektro for a genital party? 

No girls allowed



that was somehow a sort of citation


Edited by brazorf
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 You play GTA ??


and you want to know WHY ?


... ... ... ?


Yeah, thats the point. I do not know why i find amusing doing things that are pure evil. According to those answers, seems like nobody really does - so the question.


Ah, the genitals stuff is a joke, i didn't mean to offend any woman. 

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Yeah, thats the point. I do not know why i find amusing doing things that are pure evil. According to those answers, seems like nobody really does - so the question.


You play GTA..... ?


it's that word "evil" - you lost me there. - I don't understand that word.

Do you watch movies? Is "The Sound of Music'" an example of what you'd call  "evil"  ?

It has Nazis in it


xx pilgrim




<In cultures with Buddhist spiritual influence, both good and evil are perceived as part of an antagonistic duality that itself must be overcome through achieving 'Sunyata' meaning emptiness in the sense of recognition of good and evil being two opposing principles but not a reality, emptying the duality of them, and achieving a oneness.>   ok homie ?.

Edited by pilgrim

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You never want a real weapon? I'm guessing you're not an American?


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Because people want to feel empowered. Same reasons someone would want to own/use weapons irl, only in a 'safe' controlled environment.

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I think It's because in RL, when do (most) people ever get the chance to shoot somebody? Never. Same with racing games/sports games etc. Most people can't do it in RL, so we play a game for the experience. Simple.

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It explores the basic viciousness of the human mind in a consequence free environment.


It is no coincidence that the best selling games are the most brutally violent in our pathetically PC society.


There is no modern outlet for our inner Viking.

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The answer is competition, winning makes you feel better.

But the way you can get a winning feeling in this game is different since the goal is survival and you do not have to kill people if you want to.

And that brings in the difference between people and their feelings, some enjoy to just murder and KoS and some try to communicate first and get to know or help other people.

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You play GTA..... ?


it's that word "evil" - you lost me there. - I don't understand that word.

Do you watch movies? Is "The Sound of Music'" an example of what you'd call  "evil"  ?

It has Nazis in it


xx pilgrim




<In cultures with Buddhist spiritual influence, both good and evil are perceived as part of an antagonistic duality that itself must be overcome through achieving 'Sunyata' meaning emptiness in the sense of recognition of good and evil being two opposing principles but not a reality, emptying the duality of them, and achieving a oneness.>   ok homie ?.


I'm sorry buddy, but i can't see your point here.

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Why shoot?


Why do babies shit themselves?


Because of a physiological need. 

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Because people have always killed other people. One could ask the same question about the Roman Colosseum.

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