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Weyland Yutani (DayZ)

[Discovery] Source of Infection

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Dr. Yutani was kind enough to embark on this solo mission to find the Source Of Infection. Naturally the mission was a success.
Initially this was a suicide mission as the risk of infection was far too great to spread to our colonists. Dr. Yutani took it upon himself in the name of science to get to the bottom of why we are here in Chernarus.
Some of you might have expected this result, some of you might be shocked. Avoid these creatues at all cost.




Some of you might be shocked, some of you might have expected this result.

Edited by Weyland Yutani
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I never dared approach this place more than this...  You're a very brave man.



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I never dared approach this place more than this...  You're a very brave man.


I understand your fear but what would you have me do now that we're so close to answering the most meaningful questions ever asked by mankind? How could I leave without knowing what they are? 


Wait, is the entire map an island now? Because the original map never had any edges like this


No its not. If you run north a bit debug open across the expansion.

Edited by Weyland Yutani
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