M0RG0TH 40 Posted March 26, 2014 100+ hours in dayz and I still haven't been killed by anyone playing by themselves. Its really just frustrating to me that I spend a few hours on a character gathering items together on servers barely populated. To die in a situation I couldn't use the gear I just spent hours getting to fight back with, in which the teamwork of the enemy was only possible via out of game communications, every single time. Every single time I've been shot down its because I got jumped by multiple people in a situation I could do nothing about. Almost instant death with hours of progression lost every single time, then you start over and realize there was never any progression at all. Dieing to a single person would be great, but hasn't happened yet. Every single death of mine was by groups who play this more as Arma2 than a zombie survival game. Instant kos, body shots, they don't care about loot. Am I the best DayZ player? Absolutely not. I've had my share of combat encounters, and I've died plenty. But never to a single person who was taking me on alone. I believe I'm done with this game for now. I need some time to think about If I feel the game is worth putting further time into. I have no doubt that if I keep playing some solo player will bring me to my end at some point. I'm just really discouraged by and against the idea that all my time spent on any character has a much greater chance of dieing in an unfair situation by a group I could do nothing about. A situation where you couldn't even fire a shot in defense. So you don't even get the fun of using your gathered loot. Gathering loot isn't fun if you know you probably won't get the chance to use it. I understand its just a part of the game and its how they have fun. But I'd honestly rather die by a hacker, or glitch in any way, aimbot me, teleport me through 3rd floor wall, anything. At least that situation isn't suppose to happen knowing it might get fixed one day. Majority of players I see in game aren't alone. These gang raped situations are suppose to happen based on how the game is played and the varied maturity level of those who play it. And its not something you can fix or fight against without doing the same and playing with groups of friends. Not something I'm willing or want to do. Now I know what rocket meant when he said DayZ was fundamentally flawed. Whether he meant in this specific way or not. It goes to show it has many. This isn't meant to be a rage "Fix the game" thread, not at all. This is me realizing DayZ itself is not a game I enjoyed based on how it actually plays out, but the core idea of DayZ to me is still and forever will be incredibly appealing, which I believe connects us all. And that it is okay for others to express similar feelings without verbally attacking the game, its associations, and or those with differentiating opinions. Simply quickly put, I'm saying at its current stage DayZ is not for me and I'm not afraid to say it. And just because mine and others opinion is that DayZ is fundamentally flawed, does not in anyway mean the game cannot be enjoyed. And if what I have said so far offends you or deeply conflicts with what you believe I apologize, I never meant to offend anyone. I just wanted to state what I believe as calmly as I can appear to put it with how frustrated and disappointed I feel. Farewell for now and godspeed. 12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geckofrog7 1169 Posted March 26, 2014 (edited) Yay, finally someone who constructively and calmly pointed out legitimate flaws in the idea of the game!Kudos for you, and sorry your gameplay experience wasn't great, this game can be very frustrating at times.I really do have a pet peeve with people who kill me for no other reason other than that I exist; most people don't even loot my body.I actually have more cases of successfully surrendering in ARMA than on DayZ, which is sad to say the least, and I think is caused by the attraction of...ahem..." newer" audiences that all they want to do is kill everyone they see. Edited March 26, 2014 by Geckofrog7 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The_Monk 320 Posted March 26, 2014 You'll find you'll have a lot more fun in group/squad encounters if you're in a group yourself. Sometimes you'll come up against a decent squad, but most of the time they are disorganised and don't communicate properly. I've been in situations where squads 3-4 times our size have been wiped because they are used to facing fresh spawns and or inferior opponents. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M0RG0TH 40 Posted March 26, 2014 My many enjoyable DayZ experience is what gives me hope for the future and what will make me want to come back one day. Its interesting how some experiences you can have while playing, can feel like they taint any past and future experiences you could have with the game. I have met some very bad manipulative people while playing DayZ, and experienced some all new human lows, even for the internetz. :( 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The_Monk 320 Posted March 26, 2014 This is why I have been wandering the coast, dumping mil grade equipment on fresh spawns and arming the peasants. Barracks rats might think twice if there are a few more gun toting folks wandering around. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
odin_lowe 3686 Posted March 26, 2014 (edited) It may sound weird, but I have to say that I enjoyed reading that. Well constructed and also easy to relate. I can't stop playing since I'm addicted, but I understand what you're going through. I play solo most of the time, and rarely see survivors engaging anyone when solo. But I've encountered more mature and talkative players than ones who let their guns do the talking so I can say I was lucky on that part. Anyway, thanks for sharing. Hope it gets better and you can comeback! :thumbsup: B) :beans: Edited March 26, 2014 by Odin Lowe 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charliepow 100 Posted March 26, 2014 1. Join high-pop server with 2 hour restarts. 2. Gear up as you go. 3. You get to play the game how you want (killing other people) and don't have to spend hours on low-pop servers "gearing up." 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hozzdutch 49 Posted March 26, 2014 I understand the frustration. But perhaps you're just unlucky not to have met your match in a single player? I've played lots by myself and have been taken down, and have taken down my fair share of people.I also play with my 3 brothers communicating on teamspeak, we have been tactical and have executed some good tactics and had some very good battles. We was once wiped out by a single person in a building because we just couldn't get a decent shot on him (an embarrassing failure). As much as I hate to bang the 'Alpha drum' though, we have to remember that it's a very early stage in the development and the only fun part, in my opinion, is the PvP. Survival is incredibly boring and too easy - run into a city, find some cans, run into the woods and sit behind a tree till you run out of food. There's not a lot else to do at this point.When we can build a base, have loot respawns and persistant items, them perhaps the game will no longer be mass PvP-fest, until then all we can do is enjoy killing others. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jasonperson 78 Posted March 26, 2014 In DayZ, I don't see anything as unfair or unbeatable. 99% of the time I'm a lone wolfer, and there are certain flaws with being in a group. From what I have seen is they are easy to spot, they are susceptible to friendly fire, and require lots of food to stay alive. Much of the time, groups stay out in the open, so if you want to kill them you can use a mosin at long range , or if your not that type of guy avoid them completely. Groups normally will kill anyone armed with anything, but most of the time will spare people who look like newspawns. From my experiences, the key to DayZ is spot threats before they spot you. If you spot them first, you can determine how to react to the situation efficiently. Best of luck. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Niekas 4 Posted March 26, 2014 (edited) Strangely its the opposite for me. I barely die at all and if i do, i take some bastards with me. I love 1v1 encounters, all the hide'n'seek, but honestly, theres no better feeling than taking down 3+ man groups solo. Especially the moment when you kill 2 out of 3 and you know the 3rd one is either already shitting his pants/trying to log off/or is sitting somewhere in an obvious place to counter shoot me down. This game is so easy. Ive died more by accidently falling off roofs etc than actually being shot. And ive shot way more than 200 in around 100hrs gameplay time, thats no bambis included, cause i usually let them go and also give them some cans of beans in order to get 5 back later on. So man up, if you are running alone you must act like The Lone Wolf or Chuck Norris. Dont be scared to die, and you wont die at all. Good luck in the fields of Chernarus, survivor. B) Edited March 26, 2014 by Niekas 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M0RG0TH 40 Posted March 26, 2014 Sadly, the experiences I have had are groups using good strategies with tactical precision to overkill 1 player who is enjoying the game by themselves. More than once I've gone into a what I thought was an empty town/city on fairly low pop servers. If they were in an open field I would of avoided them like the plague. What I suspect they do is separate in multiple different buildings while keeping voice contact. When one of the group spots me entering the town he warns the rest and they all converge onto my location. Unless you spot them before they jump you, there is almost no way you can know whats about to happen. And unless they attack you one by one, there is almost nothing you can do to fight back. Its really "effective".... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaughingJack (DayZ) 767 Posted March 26, 2014 (edited) Nice but sad post OP. May I add just some thoughts that I had while reading it, if you don't mind? If you do, just skip the text ;) I have died to single persons...2 times in a "fair" fight: one was shooting me down when I tried to enter NWAF barracks armed with....a fire extinguisher, the other one was really amazing: a guy ambushed me and my buddy in the factory area in the northwest of NWAF [who the heck goes there? At night?], shot my buddy down and had an intense some minutes lasting fight in darkness, he with a M4, me with my old Magnum, he ahd the better end for himself in the end, but I wasn't even mad) And 2 or 3 times by snipers (where I can't tell if they were alone or not) "Its really just frustrating to me that I spend a few hours on a character gathering items together on servers barely populated"Here is the key. Don't do that. You will have a total different experience if you avoid low pop servers (and imho also regular) like hell, especially if you only go there just to gear up. That's boring (for me) Running around, searching for loot while knowing that the chances that you will meet anyone are very low.Really, I just watch for 2 things when I enter a server: (fresh spawn or char with 30+ hours, doesn't matter) : ping below 70 and population above 20, better 30.Because when you see "gearing up" as a process you have to do before you can enjoy the game, you will very often feel bad - because every char in DayZ ether ends dead or logged off and never logged in again...Instead, also when you are a freshspawn, join a server with 30+ persons. Yes, it will be hard to find loot. Yes, chances are good that you will be ambushed, shot, axed, whatever before you find even something to open cans...or even cans.But gearing up is not the main goal or the premise before you can start playing "really". Playing is the main goal of plaing DayZ.Just take it from that point of view: You are stranded there. You try to survive there. There are Zombies, there are other humans that are still alive and there is not much left in this world. Oh...and don't got to electro. Or cherno. Or berezino. ;) I bet, everytime you died was either in one of these cities or at an AF. I don't think, that these people camp...Msta. Or Polana. Or even Zelenogorsk. Because...well...not enough people - and who wants to wait maybe for HOURS in an empty city to ambush a lonewolf?^^ ;)For some strange reason I always meet people in Gorka...but 90% lonewolves that went inland and are working their way slowly towards NWAF, sometiems a group of 2 or 3...but I never got ambushed (or even attacked) by them, since the guys you meet there are not PvP focussed. Sure shit hit the fan one or two times there as well, but I was never camped and killed in the way you described :) And the other thing is the "out of game communication"...this topic was discussed here SO often and in the end, there are always just 2 things left:There is no way to effectively forbid it and the only possibility to make it fair would be to set the ingame voicechat to always on. But heck, if they really want to do that, they will mute their mic and make a phone-conference. And if it is no fun for you at the moment...take a break :) The wodnerful thing about DayZ for me is, that it's one of 2 games (from the hundreds, maybe thousands i have played) that makes me come back again and again and again, even if I take a break for some weeks or months. The other one is minecraft btw... So...thanks for the post and your thoughts, maybe give that "not gearing up on low pop servers as premise to "really" start playing" I described a chance and otherwise take your break and come back soon :) Edited March 26, 2014 by LaughingJack 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheFarm 158 Posted March 26, 2014 Imo out of game comms is a form of cheating. OP all you can do is try to be more stealth, don't go looking for a fight and if you get into trouble try to figure a way out. I'm sure it seems boring at first, but there have been many times a group tried to hunt me down and I slipped away without a scratch, for me that feels just as awesome as winning a gun fight.If all the new players just want to roam around the map with their clan picking fights with solo players then we have to make sure they don't get what they want 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M0RG0TH 40 Posted March 26, 2014 As a player who mostly plays alone, I do end up relying on stealth more than anything. Which makes it an even harder pill to swallow when you get killed by a group of bandits who spotted you despite not wanting to be seen and could of been watching and following you for god knows how long. When they strategize and use that type of ruthless deadly efficiency to kill, it feels very helpless knowing you are so vulnerable to groups like that when alone. In different words, you feel vulnerable knowing the hours you put into a character can be deemed completely wasted should you run into a group of bandits who want your death, assuming there was no means of escape. So for me, knowing that can happen, have trouble deciding to play the game to begin with. :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Etherimp 1323 Posted March 26, 2014 Out of game comms is a form of cheating? Please... Gimme a break and get a clue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaughingJack (DayZ) 767 Posted March 26, 2014 (edited) Etherimp: Well. It's not a form of cheating for me, but I can understand why people might look at it that way: It gives you an unfair advantage over players which rely only on the possibilities given by the game and not external programs....But as said before: That topic has been discussed here 50 times. Maybe 100. Edited March 26, 2014 by LaughingJack Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irl-calibre 744 Posted March 26, 2014 (edited) A lot of people come to Dayz & they don't even know what they don't know. You need to learn fast that YOU ARE BEING HUNTED BY " A.I ". - Zombies and most importantly "I" - HUMANS. DayZ is a survival game that is played on a Mil Sim engine, that has been played for years by thousands of people who play mil sim's - not first person shooters or mmo's but mil sim's - a totally different beast & they by and large are hunting you care bear in highly organised groups. Tough shit eh? boo hoo you gatherd up a bit of nice kit on an empty server over a few hours, no challenge other than broken "A.I." and as soon as you encounter some "I" on a busy server & die, you stamp your feet and cry and say you're going to leave? see you! you're just not very good at this game, there are people who have been alive in one life the entire length of time you have played. So leave, or, suck it up get in a group and try again. Edited March 26, 2014 by Calibre Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weedmasta 784 Posted March 26, 2014 (edited) 100+ hours in dayz and I still haven't been killed by anyone playing by themselves. Its really just frustrating to me that I spend a few hours on a character gathering items together on servers barely populated. To die in a situation I couldn't use the gear I just spent hours getting to fight back with, in which the teamwork of the enemy was only possible via out of game communications, every single time. Every single time I've been shot down its because I got jumped by multiple people in a situation I could do nothing about. Almost instant death with hours of progression lost every single time, then you start over and realize there was never any progression at all. Dieing to a single person would be great, but hasn't happened yet. Every single death of mine was by groups who play this more as Arma2 than a zombie survival game. Instant kos, body shots, they don't care about loot. Am I the best DayZ player? Absolutely not. I've had my share of combat encounters, and I've died plenty. But never to a single person who was taking me on alone. I believe I'm done with this game for now. I need some time to think about If I feel the game is worth putting further time into. I have no doubt that if I keep playing some solo player will bring me to my end at some point. I'm just really discouraged by and against the idea that all my time spent on any character has a much greater chance of dieing in an unfair situation by a group I could do nothing about. A situation where you couldn't even fire a shot in defense. So you don't even get the fun of using your gathered loot. Gathering loot isn't fun if you know you probably won't get the chance to use it. I understand its just a part of the game and its how they have fun. But I'd honestly rather die by a hacker, or glitch in any way, aimbot me, teleport me through 3rd floor wall, anything. At least that situation isn't suppose to happen knowing it might get fixed one day. Majority of players I see in game aren't alone. These gang raped situations are suppose to happen based on how the game is played and the varied maturity level of those who play it. And its not something you can fix or fight against without doing the same and playing with groups of friends. Not something I'm willing or want to do. Now I know what rocket meant when he said DayZ was fundamentally flawed. Whether he meant in this specific way or not. It goes to show it has many. This isn't meant to be a rage "Fix the game" thread, not at all. This is me realizing DayZ itself is not a game I enjoyed based on how it actually plays out, but the core idea of DayZ to me is still and forever will be incredibly appealing, which I believe connects us all. And that it is okay for others to express similar feelings without verbally attacking the game, its associations, and or those with differentiating opinions. Simply quickly put, I'm saying at its current stage DayZ is not for me and I'm not afraid to say it. And just because mine and others opinion is that DayZ is fundamentally flawed, does not in anyway mean the game cannot be enjoyed. And if what I have said so far offends you or deeply conflicts with what you believe I apologize, I never meant to offend anyone. I just wanted to state what I believe as calmly as I can appear to put it with how frustrated and disappointed I feel. Farewell for now and godspeed. So you decided to play the victim, instead of trying to figure out what you were doing wrong, getting killed by groups. Kudos indeed <_< There is no such thing as "There is nothing I could have done". There is always something you could have done. Farewell to you too. Edit: If someone has been following you "for god knows how long", you are not playing stealthy... Edited March 26, 2014 by weedmasta 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
randomspawn 215 Posted March 26, 2014 So you decided to play the victim, instead of trying to figure out what you were doing wrong, getting killed by groups. Kudos indeed <_< There is no such thing as "There is nothing I could have done". There is always something you could have done. Farewell to you too. Edit: If someone has been following you "for god knows how long", you are not playing stealthy...I kind of agree with Weed here. I kind of understood your first post, but as you posted more, I say more of the blame is on you, and not the groups. If a group of 3 people can find/track you, and you never see them, then you are playing poorly. Your situational awareness is low, and you are just setting yourself up to be killed over and over. How do you know it's always a group that gets you? When I get shot, it's often "YOU ARE DEAD", and I never see who or what killed me. Yesterday, I'm at the military base hidden in the western woods, and getting attacked by a Zombie on the outside perimeter. I get the YOU ARE DEAD screen, and I have no idea why. Maybe the zombie had super strong attacks, or i got sniped while being attacked, or he pushed me into a wall/rock glitch zone. The point is I have no idea how I died, but I do know why. The WHY is because I put myself in a vulnerable position, and was not able to handle the obstacles thrown my way. I am not leaving the game, but I using that event as a teaching moment. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BadAsh (DayZ) 1513 Posted March 26, 2014 I'm playing lone wolf and I don't think I've ever been killed by a group except for those couple of times being killed as a newspawn on the coast by noob newspawnkilling groups. Of course I can't be 100% that one or more of the times I've been killed by a player he didn't have a group backing him, but not to my knowledge. I have also killed my share of players, not excessively, but I have been finding myself seeking confrontation more as of late rather than avoiding is as has been my usual MO. As such I can't really recognise the complaints in the OP. Mind you I do avoid military most military spots, especially airfields, as it is obvious these are the most visited by groups intent on killing, and I haven't been to Elektro since back when in the first days of playing this game. I don't find Cherno or Berezino to be a problem at all. In fact I find Cherno to be one of the safest of the big cities. Haven't met but 1 or 2 players there for months now. So perhaps it is the choices of places you visit that is the problem? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Etherimp 1323 Posted March 26, 2014 My current character has been alive for 10 days .. I know because I make a note of my characters DOB and their Blood type.. Character before that was alive for 6 weeks... My character on experimental has never died.And I've been in A LOT of player encounters.IF you're dying to groups, it's your fault. If you're a lone wolf you should be a ghost. Don't blame VOIP programs or the game.. It's your playstyle that's to blame. You can correct this, or you can say "this game isn't for me, and I quit".. And either choice is fine. DayZ isn't for everyone.. But don't lay blame anywhere but on yourself. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Etherimp 1323 Posted March 26, 2014 Etherimp: Well. It's not a form of cheating for me, but I can understand why people might look at it that way: It gives you an unfair advantage over players which rely only on the possibilities given by the game and not external programs....But as said before: That topic has been discussed here 50 times. Maybe 100. VOIP programs are used in just about every game and everyone has access to them.. As much as I may be able to understand WHY people say they are, they are clearly wrong for thinking that way. It does nobody any good to run around whining about people using TS/Vent/Mumble/Skype.. If you're a lonewolf you just have to deal with the consequences of that play style, and one of the consequences is that GROUPS of players are going to have a numbers advantage. This can be a disadvantage as well.. Most people who play this game (most.. not all), are disorganized grabasstic panic stricken scrubs who couldn't communicate their way out of a paper-bag and get the shakes any time someone fires a gun at them. That's why you see so many players camping the coast and shooting fresh spawns.. most of them don't know what to do once they are the ones getting shot at. But even against an organized group with good communication, you can EASILY avoid most groups by avoiding where most groups group.. IE - high pop cities. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pacific_coast 632 Posted March 26, 2014 op y u no gud @ dayz? lol but seriously: VOIP is not cheating.&There is a lot more you can do to avoid groups and survive encountering them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
makomachine 263 Posted March 26, 2014 When we have more Zeds, things should change. (After all the fixes of course). The "enemy of my enemy" position will become more prevalent at that point - and people will have other areas to point their bang sticks at.... Until then, agree that it's a mad world. I view the current game like I think the first part of the apocalypse would happen - disorganization, chaos, protecting your own, and very little 'work together'. Once the Zeds become the greatest threat, people have to work in groups or die - you'll then see people start being more open to human risks. Although they will always be risks...Thanks for the well thought out post and I hope the development of the game down the road creates a better environment for you to play in the sandbox! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SGT. Kalme 106 Posted March 26, 2014 (edited) I always get furious when group of Taliban kills me. :( Yes, the game is flawed. Yes, the idea of the game is flawed. There are flaws in mechanics. Flaws in environment. So on so forth. Minus the flaws in game design, I enjoy these flaws. Human nature is flawed. And I enjoy that too. I am not going to say that you are bad and should feel bad because it is not the case. You are just a person looking for entertainment. So, hopefully it will work out for you :) I am not active in DayZ right now but when I am back home, I start playing again and if you are still around, we can hook up and I can teach you dips and bits how to survive for a little longer. I have no guaranteed-survival techniques though, just something that would help to deploy counter-actions against hostility. And you know what they say - you are more likely to survive by grouping than finding your own way out. In group, people have things to teach to each other plus advantage that one of many may see the approaching danger. Alone, you have to keep your eyes razor-sharp. :) Edited March 26, 2014 by SGT. Kalme Share this post Link to post Share on other sites