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With some sort of digging put into the game, not to compare it to any sandbox game, you can create:

  • zombie pits
  • stashes for gear
  • bases
  • hidden air fields

Which, gives you the freedom to establish a base anywhere! If generators are put in, you could even have light, and power fridges, all while remaining hidden.


As a consequence, i see the mafia in the future of the game with digging, as it becomes a game to capture and hold bases, gaining territory on the map.


If this is not put in-game, this could be an excellent mod, along with many more options such as business, and re-establishing society.


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burying the victims...

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i like it but it has been suggested a few times. Search Function next time please.

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I have searched it many times, without turning any results! The main problem is that people don't have relative titles, I've mentioned it to inception, about adding more general categories to the suggestions menu! Now, this post is about digging, not hating!

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I don't think the engine can really handle 'digging'.  In the mod even the 'buried stashes' were really just items above the ground (though much lower profile).  Base building will be done later on (I think the estimate was late Beta or maybe even after 'release'.) and they would be underground (instanced if they are still going with that system).  As for building 'hidden' airbases I think you don't know what that includes.  Try walking the runway at any of the airfields and think about how much work that would be with just hand tools (powered or unpowered, still gonna take you a long time)

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