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Zombies and bleeding 24/03/2014

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So I have noticed that zombies are OP again since the recent patch. 1 or two hits and your bleeding. The reduction to hand to hand damage mentioned in the patch notes should include zombies.
I would much rather see them chunk your actual health or blood then cause bleeding every couple of hits.


In my eyes...the zombies are just some glitchy, cheap ass, furiously annoying misfits in this game as of the last patch. I cannot wait until they start focusing on zombies and cut it out with the bell green/red peppers. zombies do not need to be OP right now...being able to hit you through walls, the ceiling, run through walls...is already giving them a very annoying edge.

now I don't mind that they run faster..and yes zombies should be difficult to deal with..but right now...the bleeding is just too much.


now excuse me while I blast every single piss ant zombie I see out of sheer hate and discust.

signing off!


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So I have noticed that zombies are OP again since the recent patch. 1 or two hits and your bleeding. The reduction to hand to hand damage mentioned in the patch notes should include zombies.

I would much rather see them chunk your actual health or blood then cause bleeding every couple of hits.


In my eyes...the zombies are just some glitchy, cheap ass, furiously annoying misfits in this game as of the last patch. I cannot wait until they start focusing on zombies and cut it out with the bell green/red peppers. zombies do not need to be OP right now...being able to hit you through walls, the ceiling, run through walls...is already giving them a very annoying edge.


now I don't mind that they run faster..and yes zombies should be difficult to deal with..but right now...the bleeding is just too much.


now excuse me while I blast every single piss ant zombie I see out of sheer hate and discust.

signing off!




Hello and welcome to the forums. You may want to change your name. ;)


As far as Zombies go, the feedback belongs here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/181561-post-patch-zombie-feedback/

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I like my zombies op thank you, I recommend you DON'T use firearms on zombies

Edited by tiadashi

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I agree with Kichi on this one.  Please make sure you all put your zombie feedback in the link he has provided to the Zombie Feedback sticky thread in General Discussion Forum.  I don't want to keep getting reports from users about stuff being in the wrong forums.  Life is too short. :huh:  :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula

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