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Respawn Problem?

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Hey, i just bought DayZ a few days ago and finally got a chance to play it, as i was looting a school building, i got caught off guard by some zombies and the only way i could get away was go up. They followed me and as i tried to get around them i fell of the roof and broke my legs, i had no way for healing that and the respawn button was grayed out. So i crawled from the town i was in to the coast so i could drown myself and respawn, drowning worked great, the whole respawn part is the problem. I waited for an hour to respawn and nothing, i exited and entered several different servers and the problem persists. I also changed my steam name to see if that would change character in game, that didnt work. so is there anyway to fix this or do i have to wait till the next patch? Now i understand its a alpha so i expects bugs such as this, i just wanted to see if there is a solution,



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I am assuming you have the black screen that says "You are dead". By switching servers this /should/ instantly respawn you, otherwise hit ESC and click respawn where it will bring you to a 30 second timer to live once more.


Always cover the basics, if you have already done this then I would say wait for a new patch, as this last one two days ago did bring up some issues.

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Drowning yourself is bugged. You just end up in a cycle of "You are dead". You need to reset your character, you can do this by entering high ping servers and hoping for the best.

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this is a known issue and a fix is on its way.
There are several workarounds you can use while we work on resolving 
this issue.

You can use the few seconds you have before the "You are dead" screen 
appears to slowly move towards the coast each time, until you are 
finally out of the water.

Because the core of the issue is the fact that your character is 
actually not dead (despite the "You are dead" screen) you can simply 
wait until your character dies of starvation. Once you are actually 
dead, the respawn button will become available again.

Another workaround reported by the community is the following:

1) Rename your character and restart the game
2) Log in to a server
3) When you get the "You are dead" or "You are unconscious" screen, open 
the pause menu and respawn
4) The timer will start counting down from 30 seconds
5) During this 30 second countdown quickly switch servers

You can always change the beta preference in Steam to play on a 
different database. The stable and experimental versions of the game 
each use a different database, therefore if you are experiencing this 
issue on stable, you will be able to play on experimental.

To change the beta preferences, please do the following:

1. Right-click DayZ in the Steam library
2. Click properties
3. Switch to the "Betas" tab
4. Change the preference
5. Close the window
6. Wait for DayZ to update

We realize that this problem is very frustrating and I assure you that 
we are working hard on a solution that will free the characters of all 
players affected by it.

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