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Day Z map size?

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So how big IS the Day Z Standalone going to be? Map wise I mean. I've noticed in the description for it on Steam that it says it is an "mmo". Does anyone have an info on how large the map will be, or how many people per server it will be increased to?

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No specifics, no. For that matter, I'm unsure if they intend to expand the map (i.e. make it larger) or just expand it in terms of depth.


But, I've always been of the opinion that to make it a true "MMO" they really need to start looking at procedural maps. But I doubt that'd happen, even in the long-run.


I think that Chernarus, as it stands now, could use a modest bump in overall player count. But it ain't as big as people think (in terms of encountering other players). There's currently too big a gap now between encountering TONS of players in cities to encountering NOBODY EVER in the smaller towns. I'd like to be encountering players every now and then when I loot a village.


Part of it has to do with how many servers there are, so people can just chill in an unpopulated server to their heart's content. I personally think server counts (not player counts) should be dynamically allocated to suit the population at any given time. No more and no less. I recognize that "rented" servers might take a hit, but that's sort of the idea.


I think that as they add more features (vehicles, barricading, and storage) that we'll see people spread out more.

Edited by Katana67

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Original Chernarus is 180km^2. They were talking last year to expand the map by 60km^2 if I remember right. I'm not sure has that been done.

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230km2 with water. I don't think they are able to expand the size of Chernarus.

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230km2 with water. I don't think they are able to expand the size of Chernarus.

Have you not seen how much debug zone there actually is? that can all become play-able territory. Increase the performance greatly so everyone can handle the added terrain and you have yourself a bigger map

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Half of the northern and western maps are completely open territory where they could add in tons of things. Currently i'd say something like 3/4 or less of the map is actually played in as an area. The coastline and a few main cities are all that people generally spend time around

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Half of the northern and western maps are completely open territory where they could add in tons of things. Currently i'd say something like 3/4 or less of the map is actually played in as an area. The coastline and a few main cities are all that people generally spend time around


I personally use the whole map, whilst admittedly favoring to the borders of the map (ie NEAF NWAF and Elektro/balota/berezino) However I've visited each named settlement on the http://dayzdb.com/ map at least twice.

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Honestly, they NEED to leave some wilderness areas. There's enough cities now. There's no real frontier/wilderness areas for us to camp out.


Depending on how far they go with construction, this'll be essential. If they just go the "barricading existing buildings route" (which I support wholeheartedly) then I'd love to see some tucked-away little cottages out there in the woods as well.

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I spend most my time in the North or Westeren part of the map,leaving the coast line for others lol

I don't run into a lot of people but I do see others ever time I am travelling so people are out there in the countryside and not all are on the coast in the big cities.

The map seems large enough to me and I have run around the entire map quite a few times along with visiting ever known village,city and landmarks such as castles and towers,damns etc.


There is a lot of room up North for more villages/towns etc. and some areas look like there being readied for development

so there is a lot more that can be done and will be done to this map at the size it is


Even now with the new patch,the North looks much better and there is more to see ...and loot :)

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Have you not seen how much debug zone there actually is? that can all become play-able territory. Increase the performance greatly so everyone can handle the added terrain and you have yourself a bigger map

Can it? I believe it can't.

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