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So I was thinking about vehicles and......horses popped into my head

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So I was thinking about how horses would work as a possible means of transportation. Vehicles such as cars and what not will require fuel and repairs im assuming, like the did in the mod. Horses could require a form of this as well in the shape of food, water and possible injuries that if sever enough would kill or force you to kill the horse such as legs getting broken or being shot. This would give people an alternative means of transportation that would have its own pros and cons just like vehicles. 


While riding a horse you are potentially easier to shoot and you run the risk of having the horse shot out from underneath you and so on. However they would be better for navigating tougher terrain such as forests where most motor vehicles wont fit, they would be quieter since you could make them walk and so on and you could build saddle bags for a bit of extra storage, but the bags could be shot potentially ruining what you have in them. You could tie them to posts or trees while you loot and so forth. They could be stolen but unlike a car could make alot of noise if someone other than their normal rider tries to mount them. They of course would be much slower than motor vehicles, which would still make cars and what not the fastest way for getting around. The horses could be found on farms or potentially roaming around after they got loose.


Just my thought, to me horses seem like they would fit perfectly in a survival game


Thoughts guys?

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Dean has spoken of horses already.



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Oh my apologies for making a new thread about it then lol


This is what we have the search function for. You know, the white bar in the top left corner you can write stuff in.

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Suggested previously. Your unique snowflake status is revoked.

If you posted this in suggestions I wouldn't have commented.

Edited by Disgraced

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A little off-topic, but I'd love to see P.E.T.A.'s reaction to us having to "put our horses down" if/when heavy enough injury warranted such actions. After Assassin's Creed IV's debacle with whale harpooning, I'd almost pay to see the reaction of their C.E.O.

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