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Can't join ANY servers

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Well I say I can't join any I can join maybe 1 in every 15 I try. Those servers I can join play well for 30 seconds then it displays the message "Session lost".


I try to join a server and it keeps me on the screen "wait for host" or when I do get past that bit it just says "please wait".

I wait, wait a bit more, then after 3 minutes of waiting nothing happens still.


This is also happening to my friend, so I assume this isn't a problem my end? Hopefully.


Anyway, would be great if someone could help me try and fix this rather annoying problem which makes the game literally unplayable. Or if it is a problem EVERYONE who plays DayZ are having; then it'd be nice to know so I can wait patiently for the next bugdate, sorry update to come out.

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It's the new patch. And I'd bet my right arm it has to do with signature check. The server laggs for a couple of minutes in where you can't pick up anything and ohter players will stand still. This just happened to me and my friend disconnected and got the message "session lost". I then got about 5-6 people at the bottom left coming up in red writing saying something about failed signature check. and loosing connection.

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I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling the game and it seems to have done the trick for me. At least I managed to get into a server and could handle objects and no desyncing or anything.


Edit: I guess I posted too soon. I went to the forum to write this message and when I returned to the game it has resumed its faulty behavior. Suddenly no object handling and it ended with a "Session lost".

Edited by BadAsh

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Well it's a little more reassuring to know that it isn't just me experiencing this problem. Guess we'll have to wait till Wednesday to play again. Until then I'm just going to have to resort to Netflix and DayZ Mod.

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I enter on one server and didnt have any problem... yeah but server had no loot, even trash loot and zeds was bugged, running underground and hiting me :/ Bishes :/

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