7-75 callaghan 43 Posted June 25, 2012 So honestly i'm not sure exactly how they are currently done. I assume that they either spawn on mission start or at a random time with a max limit of 2-3 if I remember correctly.My suggestion is this - have none on mission start, and the first one actually flies in with setDamage on 0.3 or so (for non-editors this is the scripting command for having a vehicle pre-damaged), so that it is visibly smoking/burning, moves to a random location with altitude decreasing and eventually crashes. (with AI pilot ofc and a damage prevention script)This way, instead of an 'arcadey' text message advising players, or an expected spawn site, the locations are truly random and players have a chance of seeing one flying in and crashing. It would be tense and exciting, be fair to new players who don't know the spawn locations, and would lead to more emergent gameplay and hilarious possibilities such as the helicopter crashing directly onto someones camp/a building, destroying it in the process.Edit - Someone recently raised the point that it is very immersion killing just knowing that there is a crash site out there without ever having seen one, it renders the whole process of exploration far too systematic and 'gamey'. Yet another great reason why this simple change should be implemented. 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kwhy (DayZ) 6 Posted June 25, 2012 So honestly i'm not sure exactly how they are currently done. I assume that they either spawn on mission start or at a random time with a max limit of 2-3 if I remember correctly.My suggestion is this - have none on mission start' date=' and the first one actually flies in with setDamage on 0.3 or so (for non-editors this is the scripting command for having a vehicle pre-damaged), so that it is visibly smoking/burning, moves to a random location with altitude decreasing and eventually crashes. (with AI pilot ofc and a damage prevention script)This way, instead of a arcadey text message advising players, or an expected spawn site, the locations are truly random and players have a chance of seeing one flying in and crashing. It would be tense and exciting, be fair to new players who don't know the spawn locations, and would lead to more emergent gameplay and hilarious possibilities such as the helicopter crashing directly onto someones camp/a building, destroying it in the process.[/quote']this is a great idea. As if the sites aren't already a tense situation but now knowing that a number of people may have seen the heli go down too would make it even more of a challenging to secure any weapons from it.more events like this would add a lot to the game IMO. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joaby 25 Posted June 25, 2012 I'm all for anything that adds another element of random death to the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
huptut 1 Posted June 25, 2012 what if they broadcasted a distress signal through radios giving coords(those with gps)/ the grid(those with maps) they landed in. so anyone with a radio/map or gps could flock to the given location. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7-75 callaghan 43 Posted June 25, 2012 I'm all for anything that adds another element of random death to the game.Well the death would not be random at all. I assume you are referring to have it crash on top of you? You would see and hear it coming' date=' and would have a chance to move. This has actually happened to me a number of times playing the ArmA series, where we'd shoot down a Hind or whatever, and it would come down straight in the direction of my team. More often than not, we were able to run out of the way in terror, always exciting stuff and generated very memorable moments and great talking points.[hr']what if they broadcasted a distress signal through radios giving coords(those with gps)/ the grid(those with maps) they landed in. so anyone with a radio/map or gps could flock to the given location.It's a good idea, but because they always die in the crash maybe they should broadcast a 'mayday' call just before impact. On the other hand, there is enough information simply in seeing the helicopter coming in, and as radios are not in the mod yet, there would be no way of players hearing the distress call. That was partly the point of having the crash visual and audible. Thanks for the feedback though! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joaby 25 Posted June 25, 2012 You're defending the idea like I was being sarcastic, but I wasn't. If you're in a building when the chopper comes you'd have to wait for it to be close enough to hear before you actually went to check on it, and you'd either have to stay outside on the off chance that it's actually going to crash into you or you'd have to take the chance to ignore it and go about your business. Either you remain vigilant on the chance that you need to leg it away from a crashing chopper, or you roll the dice and die to a random event.I'm on board either way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mbainrot 4 Posted June 25, 2012 I like this idea a lot, would make things very interesting and would be pretty fun.Not sure about the mayday call, might make it too easy for everyone in the map to start zeroing in on a specific location causing an all out blood bath. But the random helo that comes from no where then subsequently crashes would be awesome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7-75 callaghan 43 Posted June 25, 2012 I like this idea a lot' date=' would make things very interesting and would be pretty fun.Not sure about the mayday call, might make it too easy for everyone in the map to start zeroing in on a specific location causing an all out blood bath. But the random helo that comes from no where then subsequently crashes would be awesome.[/quote']Agreed, I prefer the original idea without the extra 'arcadey' element. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7-75 callaghan 43 Posted June 25, 2012 Honestly, compared to 99% of things suggested here, this would be very easy to implement, and would add an immediately cool and exciting element without changing gameplay balance, in fact, helping out the new guys a little to even out that horrible experienced player bias. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KWilt 157 Posted June 25, 2012 I... honestly think this is a pretty good idea. Adds a touch of realism to the game.Plus, now I won't think I'm crazy when I hear random whooshing noises overhead and see nothing.I do see how this could possibly just cause everybody to swarm the heli (If you crash it, they will come) but honestly, if we start to get the spawn points down to a science, that'll happen anyways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barnard401 0 Posted June 25, 2012 Definitely sounds like a great idea, would add to the immersion greatly as well! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 192 Posted June 25, 2012 pretty solid idea..But wouldn't the Ai pilots try to crash land the helicopter or bail out.I know it doesn't take much damage for them to decide to land or eject. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reaps 22 Posted June 25, 2012 Love this idea. Remove the current spawn locations for crash sites, and have real crashes.Simple idea, adding a new dynamic event to the game.+1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7-75 callaghan 43 Posted June 25, 2012 pretty solid idea..But wouldn't the Ai pilots try to crash land the helicopter or bail out.I know it doesn't take much damage for them to decide to land or eject.Don't worry this is easily controlled, even without the use of scripts, the vehicle just needs to be set to locked, and the AI can be disabled after a certain point - actually that would be a great way of activating the crash.Another option would be to increase damage by 0.1 or so every ten seconds, that way, people see it burning up, and eventually spinning out of control - visually spectacular and exciting. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twotoes 11 Posted June 25, 2012 i think that's a great idea.i've always thought the odd plane going overhead would be cool as well.just to give the feeling there's survivors elsewhere - it would make chernarus feel like part of a larger event. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
survivor_davey 0 Posted June 25, 2012 Very yes!!! This should be implemented! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7-75 callaghan 43 Posted June 25, 2012 Well there has been nothing but positive support for this idea so far, hope Rocket sees it soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RobbL (DayZ) 26 Posted June 25, 2012 Great idea, but how'd you fit this in with the soldier zombies that patrol the crash sites? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7-75 callaghan 43 Posted June 25, 2012 Great idea' date=' but how'd you fit this in with the soldier zombies that patrol the crash sites?[/quote']Good question, but very simple, they would spawn as per normal, the Huey is one of the few vehicles in arma 2 with a separate 'wreck' object, so on impact is replaced by this object, the 'swap' being concealed by the explosion and large amount of dust generated by the FX (in turn, this would allow the position to be moved a few meters on the off chance it collides with one of the few bodies of inland water that require swimming, but a trigger area could be set on these zones so that the helos waypoint cannot be set there by the random generator) - could even make it so they have a disembark animation from the wreck object itself as opposed to spawning in out of nowhere. Would add a story element to it - there was an infected on board, either a crewmember or someone being medevacuated, that 'turned Zed' and starting attacking the crew and flight controls...EDIT - Or... other option is to have corpses spawned on ground around crash, that activate, 'rise', once a player approaches, just for extra scariness. But personally I think it best to keep it simple, at least for the alpha, and have them spawn in as per normal to make sure people are happy with the change itself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
saliger64504 0 Posted June 26, 2012 i also like this idea make for team work cause more people will be looking for it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted June 26, 2012 Awww, but other people might see it. I've found 2 in total. Very cool idea, but how would zombies spawn there, or there won't be any? This would require a team to watch one guy's ass he goes in for the lootz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7-75 callaghan 43 Posted June 26, 2012 Awww' date=' but other people might see it. I've found 2 in total. Very cool idea, but how would zombies spawn there, or there won't be any? This would require a team to watch one guy's ass he goes in for the lootz.[/quote']I already answered this question a couple of posts back ;-)Thanks for the positive feedback though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Techercizer 82 Posted June 26, 2012 Good idea. Good thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7-75 callaghan 43 Posted June 26, 2012 Hmm some immature player seemed to have ruined the 5/5 rating with a 1 star vote, just being a dick for the hell of it, because they didn't even post feedback. What a community, sigh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites