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What weapon was underwhelming to you?

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I was running around US76 a few days back and I found a crashed helicopter west of the NW Airfield. After clearing the zombies out and shuffling around, I found an FN FAL with a few magazines available. Wooo!

I got around to testing it, and although the weapon was pretty solid, it didn't "wow" me like I thought your typical crashed helicopter-exclusive weaponry would. It definitely had positive characteristics to boast, like its powerful ammunition and burst fire capabilities, but it didn't feel any superior in comparison to the M14 EP1. The FN FAL did have a burst fire mode, but it felt unnecessary due to the powerful magazine type already available, which will down any zombie or survivor in a single hit. The ironsights are pretty mediocre and don't grant the peripheral view that the M14 EP1 allows with its aimpoint sight. Add in the fact that FN FAL ammunition is exceptionally rare and that the average military structure is waste deep in DMR ammo, and I feel that the FN FAL isn't worthy of being crashed helicopter-exclusive loot.

The M16A2 was underwhelming to me as well, but it's common enough that it's not potentially glorified in any way.

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The fucking M9SD was the most disappointing piece of crap ever. Silenced, yes, but inaccurate and does as much damage as fucking poking someone.

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The fucking M9SD was the most disappointing piece of crap ever. Silenced' date=' yes, but inaccurate and does as much damage as fucking poking someone.


Damn straight. Most inacurrate pos in the game, i ended up reverting to mak.

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Agree with the M9SD. The novelty quickly wore off when I found one. Thankfully, I hadn't dropped my 1911. I dropped the M9SD not long after finding it in a residential loot pile as a nice suprise for someone.

The situations where I'd actually prefer the M9SD over any other sidearm are, for me, extremely rare. About the only time I'd want it is if I aggo-ed a single zombie in a town and didn't want to spook the horde when I shoot it or if I was close enough to headshot another player from behind while surrounded by zeds. In any other situation, I'd rather have a 1911 (or revolver or G17) as my side arm. So, I'd have to keep two sidearms on me and it's just not worth the sacrifice of backpack space. Even in that case, I'd have to keep the M9 equipped the whole time in situations where I think I MIGHT need it and I certainly wouldn't want to have it equipped if I ran into another player aware I was there. That's even without taking into consideration the relative rarity of the ammo.

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Also agree about the m9sd. M1911 or revolver are my sidearms of choice. The g17 is kinda nice because of the light but it becomes kind of a crutch and can give you away if you get careless. Plus the lower power.. One hit kills are more important to me than noise or light

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Found an M4 cco SD and a MP5 Sd at the NW AF and took both, I first tried the mp5 and the sights were pretty bad, but not as bad as a PDW. Even with headshots (@15-20m) the MP5 seemed to take 2 hits but it was as silent as a crickets fart. I didnt like it too much and kept the M4 silenced. Sadly when i tried to put the mp5 in my buddies pack it just disappeared, oh well.

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Quite honestly, almost all of them.

Maybe it's just due to alpha and all, but IMO, most of the models themselves (with a couple of exceptions) look too small and skinny and just don't feel like they have any "heft" or weight to them, graphically. Also the weapon sounds are just not beefy enough! Makes the guns feel even more wimpy. Way too quiet.

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I understand what your saying about the FAL but its kinda how it is... its a no thrills gun, its sturdy and reliable and deadly accurate and powerful... its a jack of all for battle rifles. So for in a game its not really anything special.

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I was running around some barn near the NWAF, I thought I'd heard someone around it. I don't remember why, but I was at really low blood, almost exactly 4000. I couldn't find anyone so I figured I was imagining things. After clearing the barn I head out onto the road, and see some dude behind the fence surrounding the bar looking at me. I hear clicking, so I thought he was trying to shoot me but had no ammo, I guess to show he wasn't hostile.

Turns out he had a silenced MP5 and sprayed an entire clip at me. I didn't notice until I saw I was taking damage. I scrambled to aim down my sights and put 5 rounds from my M4 into him, dropping him dead.

This guy unloaded an entire MP5SD clip at me, while I was at 4000 blood, taking me completely by surprise. I deserved to die there. I SHOULD have died. Instead, he dies and I limp back into the barn with 350-ish blood, yelling for my buddy to log in and come give me a transfusion since I'm scared as fuck to go anywhere for fear of passing out.

tl;dr MP5SD does jack shit for damage. That, or the guy shooting a me can't aim for shit (I like to think it's a bit of both)

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Most of the rare weapons in general.

The scarcity of ammo kind of negates the slight lethality increase they offer. I find a lot of them to be more of a novelty than anything else.

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The crossbow.

Cool niche weapon on paper. But it is so hard to hit someone. If you do in most of the times you can't retrieve the bolts, especially when you had a couple of misses. Regarding that, ammo is too rare and wastes too much inventory space.

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I understand what your saying about the FAL but its kinda how it is... its a no thrills gun' date=' its sturdy and reliable and deadly accurate and powerful... its a jack of all for battle rifles. So for in a game its not really anything special.


By no means is the FN FAL some sort of terrible weapon. It's a very solid gun and I felt very secure in using it. What got under my skin, however, is the fact that it wasn't inherently better than the typical assault rifles you'll find lying around a fire station, hangar or barracks. It had its pros of course, but its cons were also just as debilitating, so it really made me wonder why such a weapon was made so rare and confined to crashed helicopter wreckage exclusively when in reality you can find guns just as good or better at a basic military structure.

You can probably tell I like the M14 EP1 very much, and when using the FN FAL I couldn't help but compare the two. The M14 EP1 is a damn fine gun no matter how you slice it, and it's an overall better weapon than the FN FAL, so why is the FN FAL so much rarer in comparison?

Also, another weapon I not only found underwhelming but hated was the PDW. It's balanced around being a fully automatic sidearm, yet it has such recoil that it makes it impossible to use the full auto function with any degree of accuracy, even when burst firing. You had to use the semi auto instead, in which case it was nothing but a Makarov with an extended clip and horrendous ironsights.

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Quite honestly' date=' almost all of them.

Maybe it's just due to alpha and all, but IMO, most of the models themselves (with a couple of exceptions) look too small and skinny and just don't feel like they have any "heft" or weight to them, graphically. Also the weapon sounds are just not beefy enough! Makes the guns feel even more wimpy. Way too quiet.


By the sounds of that you have never played arma before or outside of this mod. All of the weapons (except a couple) are just taken from the base game. They haven't been created, or modified in any way. There are sound mods out there but I don't think you can use them in dayz because it would unbalance it. What do you expect them to add to the realistic looking weapons? I can see your point about how they sound, but adding pointless graphics to the weapon makes no sense to me.

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I found the Mp5SD very usefull, and kind of miss not having one. It's not great for PVP, unlesss you get them within 150m. But for moving through towns wipping out Z's it's great. Just make sure you have it on single shot mode and it's an acurrate 1 hit head shot with a large mag.

It's relativly useless in full auto in any situation.

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DMR was such a disappointment when I found one. No zero-ing was the killer.

The M9SD is horrible innacurrate and has incredibly low damage.

The Bizon SD was a perfectly fine gun, although it's absolutely pointless when guns like the M4 CCO exist with much more common ammo

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I couldn't agree more about the M9SD. I was so excited when I first found one, and eventually gave up on it and went back to the Glock. I found another one and thought maybe I hadn't given it a fair shake. It was worse than I remembered.

The PDW is alright, but I still find the Glock to be more accurate.

I like the Fal, but the ammo becomes a problem very quickly. The M14 is possibly my favourite gun.

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I (and not just me) feel that FN FAL should be able to use DMR mags.

I mean same caliber, same bullet count...come one, this baby deserves it!

Reg. M9SD I just take it's ammo and use it in Glock for silent zombie killing.

Both M9SD and Glock are rather useless in PvP, but for zombie killing Glock with M9SD ammo seems to be doing very fine (remember that SD ammo in non sd gun = zombies do not hear a sheit).

So far me and my buddy found just M107 sniper, FN FAL and Bison in two heli crashes.

For these 3 I liked FN FAL most BUT I also hated it for lack of mags (please DMR mags for FAL!).

Also found M249 on a bandit that tried to kill us, but I did not take it out of the fear that it is very loud (I had some M4 with Aimpoint at that time). Next time I would probably try M249 since ammo is not so rare and 1 box has 200 rounds.

Cant comment on M4SD, M14 or DMR since I have yet to find one (I stick mostly to deer stands and some army tents, not so much to NWAF).

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Quite honestly' date=' almost all of them.

Maybe it's just due to alpha and all, but IMO, most of the models themselves (with a couple of exceptions) look too small and skinny and just don't feel like they have any "heft" or weight to them, graphically. Also the weapon sounds are just not beefy enough! Makes the guns feel even more wimpy. Way too quiet.


Have you ever used the M107?

Shit sounds like a laser cannon. Looks like one too.

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I didn't notice the glock to be any quieter when using m9sd ammo.. Is it supposed to be?

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Most of the rare weapons in general.

The scarcity of ammo kind of negates the slight lethality increase they offer. I find a lot of them to be more of a novelty than anything else.

agreed, I take the winchester over any gun except the silenced ones. The ammo is much more abundant.

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The reason the FN FAL is better at range is that you can be more accurate with it due to the sights. Try shooting someone at 300-400+ meters with an M14 craposcope and then try it with the FN FAL iron sight. The problem with the red dot is, at longer ranges it pretty much obscures your target entirely making it very very very hard to get an accurate shot on the target making the weapon quiet useless at range.

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I didn't notice the glock to be any quieter when using m9sd ammo.. Is it supposed to be?

When using SD ammo in a non-suppressed weapon the sound doesn't change so players hear the same sound but zombies cannot hear the gunfire.

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damn.. so you can use m9sd ammo in a normal m9 and it will be just as quiet to zombies as the suppressed version? good to know.

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