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Dear Dean....

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I like how peopole multiply the ticket price times the number of times purchased and think 'Ah ha, that's how much money they have!'


This isn't a lemonade stand.


Hell, a lemonade stand would need to buy supplies out of the budget, even.


Apparently, along with another poster who is an anti-hack software writing genius, this guy is some kind of magical accountant. We have a lot of amazing people on these forums!

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Its not a matter of support or not.

Why should I be using my time investigating something that have worked for months, then suddenly it doesent work anymore?

Yes, if it was something that only happened to me, THEN i would be arsed to check my computer/game files. But when the same shit/crashes happends to all of my friends and a thousands around the world - Why should I be bothered?

Game worked perfectly until last update, after that it just crashes. I suggests to start here.

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Dear dean,


I understand that you are very busy at the moment working arduous 9-5 hours in harsh conditions but please hear my plea!!


Please can you use some of the $30,000,000 bohemia has earned to fix a slight problem I am having with the game.

Since the last weekly maintenance period my game has become unplayable due to constant freezes and crashes. Now while we all love new pairs of flip flops and handbags, I'd love to be able to use them for longer than thirty seconds!!


Please allow me a playable alpha so I can take part in this glorious social experiment and development process.


It must be truly gruelling for you getting paid to play/make games, that one day a month when you have to get up at the crack of dawn must be soul destroying.


Just keep at it my friend and you'll get there eventually, maybe we'll even get a playable game at the end! That would be terrific!!!


Until then I await patiently in my purple canvas pants fighting invisible ghost zombies.



Yours truly,


Devoted dayz player


I just wanted to inform you that your post makes you sound like an insufferable douche...that is all.

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Perhaps this is what devs should expect when they release an early access alpha?

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Its not a matter of support or not.

Why should I be using my time investigating something that have worked for months, then suddenly it doesent work anymore?

Yes, if it was something that only happened to me, THEN i would be arsed to check my computer/game files. But when the same shit/crashes happends to all of my friends and a thousands around the world - Why should I be bothered?

Game worked perfectly until last update, after that it just crashes. I suggests to start here.


Let me spell this out for you. Maybe, JUST maybe, you will understand.....


A patch is being developed.. People start to play. Now implementations are active in the said patch.

Something happens which makes players crash. Also, at the same time, a lot of players are doing absolutely fine with major improvements.


In order to figure out WHAT makes this crash happen, you need to collect data from the people being affected. You then look at all the gathered data and see where you can find similarities in hardware or software configuration. Then you crunch this together, compare it to whatever is being developed at this point and try to localize the error.


If YOU cant be arsed submitting a bug report in order for them to figure out whats wrong, then also don't expect it for you to work as fast as you want it to... you are part of a process to push this project to beta. With this, it is expected that you throw in your crash report in order to make the game run better.


YOUR stubbornness is what's slowing the game down.

Edited by Nibashe

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Both DayZ Staff and Moderators have posted giving advice.


If you want to help, you know what to do.

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