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Dear Dean....

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Dear dean,


I understand that you are very busy at the moment working arduous 9-5 hours in harsh conditions but please hear my plea!!


Please can you use some of the $30,000,000 bohemia has earned to fix a slight problem I am having with the game.

Since the last weekly maintenance period my game has become unplayable due to constant freezes and crashes. Now while we all love new pairs of flip flops and handbags, I'd love to be able to use them for longer than thirty seconds!!


Please allow me a playable alpha so I can take part in this glorious social experiment and development process.


It must be truly gruelling for you getting paid to play/make games, that one day a month when you have to get up at the crack of dawn must be soul destroying.


Just keep at it my friend and you'll get there eventually, maybe we'll even get a playable game at the end! That would be terrific!!!


Until then I await patiently in my purple canvas pants fighting invisible ghost zombies.



Yours truly,


Devoted dayz player

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Since last week..Are you using an Nvidia video card?

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you have to send a crashlog/dxdiag etc. - they don't got a jawbreaker dude.

You even didn't told us your specs and drivers...

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you have to send a crashlog/dxdiag etc. - they don't got a jawbreaker dude.

You even didn't told us your specs and drivers...




Also when you talk about "you've made blablala amount of money, fix blablal" you know that whoever is reading this will just go :rolleyes: ...

It takes a lot of money to keep up a big team and this project running

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you have to send a crashlog/dxdiag etc. - they don't got a jawbreaker dude.

You even didn't told us your specs and drivers...

Whats the point in adding a crashlog, specs and drivers?

I guess thousands of players have the same issue, I dont think the problem is local or any of that bullshit.

Its the same fix for everyone, and the Devs are the only one who can throw this out.

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Whats the point in adding a crashlog, specs and drivers?

I guess thousands of players have the same issue, I dont think the problem is local or any of that bullshit.

Its the same fix for everyone, and the Devs are the only one who can throw this out.

Without going technical, as simple as possible: it helps the dev locating causes/errors.

Also there is known problem with a single driver Version of NVIDIA, wich CAN be fixed by downgrading those.

Edited by Guest

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No way in any world or reality does it take $30,000,000 to make a game like this or keep a team running to make it. Unless of course animators and coders get paid pop star wages now.


Let's all make an offering to the cult of dean and maybe he will bless us with a playable game.



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there really isn't any point in coming onto the forums and bitching is there?

Did you read the comment from the developers when you bought the game?

Key point to note -


"Be aware that our Early Access offer is a representation of our core pillars, and the framework we have created around them. It is a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs."




"We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early Access means and are interested in participating in the ongoing development cycle."


Quit your whining and deal with it.

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Without going technical, as simple as possible: it helps the dev locating causes/errors.

Word on that, and i totally agree.

But on the game-crashing-part is been dousins of threads about it. Rocket have even replyed on Reddit that they are aware of the problem and got enough crash-logs.

So I guess we just have to sit back and wait for it to approach :)

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there really isn't any point in coming onto the forums and bitching is there?

Did you read the comment from the developers when you bought the game?

Key point to note -


"Be aware that our Early Access offer is a representation of our core pillars, and the framework we have created around them. It is a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs."




"We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early Access means and are interested in participating in the ongoing development cycle."


Quit your whining and deal with it.



It's funny how people that post comments like this would be the first to complain if the same happened to them.


And I'm not whining bro, I simply want to take part in the development process of this game. Right now I cannot do that!!


Forget in game features like walls that work or weapons that shoot properly! All I want is new flip flops and a handbag!

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The game hasn't crashed any more or less than normal in my experience. I reboot the game every few hours because of the memleaks. I'm running NVIDIA hardware right now, so I know that isn't it.

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I understand that you are very busy at the moment working arduous 9-5 hours in harsh conditions


Please can you use some of the $30,000,000 bohemia has earned to fix a slight problem I am having with the game.


Please allow me a playable alpha so I can take part in this glorious social experiment and development process.


It must be truly gruelling for you getting paid to play/make games, that one day a month when you have to get up at the crack of dawn must be soul destroying.


Just keep at it my friend and you'll get there eventually, maybe we'll even get a playable game at the end! That would be terrific!!!


That's the kind of attitude that really helps.


I think it was the philosopher Wittgenstein who said 'If man wishes to be taken seriously, then serious he must take things'.


Or maybe it was Miley Cyrus, I dunno.

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I`ll hold a finger on Miley Cyrus, her wrecking ball is more stable than this game.

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It's funny how people that post comments like this would be the first to complain if the same happened to them.


Nope sorry. It's happened to me lots of times and I've never come to the forums complaining about it.

I know it's a bug, I know the dev team know about it. I know that it will be fixed eventually and I knew that this sort of thing would most likely happen with it being in a very early alpha.

Am i bothered? no. I just sigh and carry on again. Gearing up again is half the fun of the game in it's current state.

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I still laugh at the people who don't realize steam takes 10% of all sale profit.


@OP If its too buggy for you to play atm, go play something else till a later revision is on stable. Although i have seen some tweets from rocket saying the latest nivida drivers could be the cause of crashes, however i have been getting them alot recently and im on AMD.

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I still laugh at the people who don't realize steam takes 10% of all sale profit.


@OP If its too buggy for you to play atm, go play something else till a later revision is on stable. Although i have seen some tweets from rocket saying the latest nivida drivers could be the cause of crashes, however i have been getting them alot recently and im on AMD.

Your joking right? Rates are variable and a trade secret on the part of valve - they NDA the shit out of it, but they take way more than 10%. Even from the big boys. Why do you think EA pissed away so much money on Origin?

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Dear TheWanderingMan,


I hope you'll forgive me for replying instead of Dean.


If you are experiencing any crashes, please submit a report to the Feedback Tracker (link in signature). Include a brief description of what you were doing around the time you crashed and upload a .zip/.rar file containing your users\*name*\appdata\local\DayZ folder.


Feel free to PM me a link to the issue you submit and I will take a look at it asap.



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Crashed on me two times and it's ugly. It froze my Windowns completely and I had to reboot. Thought I fried my hard disk too. Not playing until Devs say it's fixed.


Amd GPU btw

Edited by Highlander007
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Heaven forbid you use that brain you're using to produce unreasonable amounts of sarcasm to deduce that you need to provide some information to allow anyone to work on a fix.


In case you weren't aware, computers are machines that function on information.I'm farly certain Dean will not be able to magically fix it by throwing stacks of money from that budget at his computer in order to conjur a magical fix, but perhaps if instead, and hear me out with this one as it's a bit of a stretch, instead of you were to give us, for example, information about the problem you want them to fix, as opposed to heaping amounts of self-entitlement and attempts at being witty, we would be one step closer to the incredible wonderland that is constructive feedback which will serve as a pillar that holds up the bridge to that playable game we all want so badly.


But I understand, being constructive takes effort, and simply telling someone to "fix it" is much, much easier. It allows us to act as clever as we think we are! Not like those chumps being helpful or that rubbish. Losers, Am I right?

Edited by Rage VG
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Word on that, and i totally agree.

But on the game-crashing-part is been dousins of threads about it. Rocket have even replyed on Reddit that they are aware of the problem and got enough crash-logs.

So I guess we just have to sit back and wait for it to approach :)


Yes, but threads on the forums do fuck all. I doubt the dev team trawls the forums looking for bug reports.

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oops didn't quote

Edited by Nibashe

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Heaven forbid you use that brain you're using to produce unreasonable amounts of sarcasm to deduce that you need to provide some information to allow anyone to work on a fix.


In case you weren't aware, computers are machines that function on information.I'm farly certain Dean will not be able to magically fix it by throwing stacks of money from that budget at his computer in order to conjur a magical fix, but perhaps if instead, and hear me out with this one as it's a bit of a stretch, instead of you were to give us, for example, information about the problem you want them to fix, as opposed to heaping amounts of self-entitlement and attempts at being witty, we would be one step closer to the incredible wonderland that is constructive feedback which will serve as a pillar that holds up the bridge to that playable game we all want so badly.


But I understand, being constructive takes effort, and simply telling someone to "fix it" is much, much easier. It allows us to act as clever as we think we are! Not like those chumps being helpful or that rubbish. Losers, Am I right?


Well said.... Nothing to add really.. Just surprised you took the effort of replying to his post.

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No way in any world or reality does it take $30,000,000 to make a game like this or keep a team running to make it. Unless of course animators and coders get paid pop star wages now.


Let's all make an offering to the cult of dean and maybe he will bless us with a playable game.




If each of the now 80 or so developers since it was doubled (let's assume it's 80) made $50,000US this year working on this project, you'd already be at $40,000,000US just paying their salaries. I have no idea what they'd make working on this project, my point is, $30,000,000US is pocket change these days.


Last year I made $292,000US running a crane. Sitting on my ass FOR THE WIN. Who needs university?

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If each of the now 80 or so developers since it was doubled (let's assume it's 80) made $50,000US this year working on this project, you'd already be at $40,000,000US just paying their salaries. I have no idea what they'd make working on this project, my point is, $30,000,000US is pocket change these days.


Last year I made $292,000US running a crane. Sitting on my ass FOR THE WIN. Who needs university?


You're hiring? :D

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