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Any date confirmed for vehicles being introduced?

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Add vehicles but add just a few making it rare to find, along with gas and car parts. If people don't like vehicles in-game, I'm sure there are going to be server admins who also don't like vehicles as well. So why not make vehicles a server option to allow or disallow vehicles.

Edited by Mesmaroth

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'Vehicles will be in next week's experimental build.'

OMG cant wait..... :P

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No, it cannot be both as there is no inflection of tone whatsoever. Being an American or Brit has nothing to do with it.



  • give or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound. (verb)
  • a long, high-pitched complaining cry. (noun)



  • complain persistently and in a peevish or irritating way. (verb)
  • an act of complaining. (noun)


​As you can see they have totally separate definitions and the definition that fits is Whinge.

It's slang...


From urbandictionary.com:


1. Usless complaining to others that dont care.

2. Making oneself feel important through the use of usless complaining

3. Using complaining as propaganda to make someone or something look bad

4. plain oll' bein a fag

Being a brit has everything to do with it:
Mainly brit variant of to bitch, whine, complain.
Welcome to the internet, language is evolving.
Edited by Wyrmgol

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Vehicles should imo be the second creative feature (base building being the first). Specifically, I want to be able to redesign the superstructure from scratch with various materials of varying thickness with corresponding aggression negating capabilities. I also want to be able to upgrade mechanical parts (chassis permitting). Chassis should have weight limits for obvious reasons.


I don't expect vehicles other than bicycles in the game any time soon.

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All this talk about vehicles,....just how long do you expect to be driving or riding one before you see that infamous black screen of death ? Just give me a tent a campfire and some meat and I'll be happy.

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