[email protected] 2 Posted March 12, 2014 What´s your problem guys? Somebody KoS-ed you and you are angry and? It´s player´s decision if he kills you or not.One beautiful day I was looting myself in Sobor and met a guy with Firefighter axe in his hands, so I aimed my M4 againts him but he was jelling that he is friendly. I put my gun down, asked him if he wants some food or water he said yes. Till I was opening food for him he took the axe and chopped my neck to death. Since this moment I am KoSer and know what? I live much longer than therefore. Or also one scene happened to me today. I was on NW airfield and met guys with guns so I killed them. One of them stayed unconscious and he was raging as "kos motherfu*ker, sucker, killing idiot". Now srsly people, do you think they wouldn´t killed me if they were 2 and I just 1?(by the way guys thanks for LRS :) )Anyone who comes to the NW airfield and has his gun pulled out isn´t friendly. Why are you keep coming for weapons if you are "so friendly"? There aren´t too many zombs that you need guns. So anybody who was killed on airfield and complaining about Kos, please stop it. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guppy22143 1081 Posted March 12, 2014 Though I don't like KoS, it's part of the game. Get over it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NinjaTurkey 255 Posted March 12, 2014 Right you have two options here as far as im concerned. Use your brain in player encounters not your gun or stop playing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sybelpwns 5 Posted March 12, 2014 Make airfields and towns full of zombies like 20 zombies in firestations, and 100 in the airfield. You gonna see less KoS and more cooperation around map. You must be a bandit if you want to survive longer, but normally you don't want to (and i think much people are forced to KoS to survive like OP) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guppy22143 1081 Posted March 12, 2014 Ja. Natural selection plays a big role in DayZ... Survival of the fittest, not survival of the nicest. Kill off smaller competition, avoid larger competition. That will ensure your survival....Which is why I die a lot... :rolleyes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
or'dinii 28 Posted March 12, 2014 Are you whining because someone else whines about your actions? Priceless :P 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
janol 65 Posted March 12, 2014 Stop complaining about complaining about KoS. At least stop making these bloody threads. (Although it does occasionally seem that not only KoS is part of the game, but also that complaining about KoS is part of the game. Maybe its that extra flavour that makes DayZ so special...) 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Walking Wounded 199 Posted March 12, 2014 can we stop complaining about complaiing. This is the 3rd complaint of complaints thread ive read. I might have to complain... 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
or'dinii 28 Posted March 12, 2014 No, if we do that the forums will wither away and die a slow death.... Makes me wonder why I stalk this place :| Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lastdog 37 Posted March 12, 2014 also stop justifying your KOS. you had a bad experiance and now you cant trust anyone. i get that, its part of the game. but just like you dont want to hear someone cry about you killing them, others arnt going to care why you now always KOS. the guy that killed you when you offered food was wrong, and im sorry that he took advantage of your kindness. im also sorry to see that it brought you down to his level. its a real shame because i think that interaction between you and him could have been a much more interesting aspect of the game then KOSing. hopefully if we ever meet you'll reconsider killing me instantly. i would like nothing more then to work with you share what i have. morphine and bloodbag kits dont work with just one player. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black Dynamite 75 Posted March 12, 2014 Unfortunately, if someone isn't part of my crew, they are fair game. I don't care what your personal motivations are or how many bambis you've shot in the head. You aren't with us, so you're against us. Other players have nothing to offer me anyway, except lead, but I have plenty to offer them as well. Simple as zat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atom Quark 437 Posted March 12, 2014 What a coincidence! I just got done beating a dead horse in my front yard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
makomachine 263 Posted March 12, 2014 When the zombies are THE threat in this game, that's when KOS will be a lesser option. Until then, I trust nobody but kill only when I'm in a 'no other options' situation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cels 43 Posted March 12, 2014 When the zombies are THE threat in this game, that's when KOS will be a lesser option. Until then, I trust nobody but kill only when I'm in a 'no other options' situation. This guy gets it... Only thing currently to do is get gear, test out some things, then try and get yourself killed while killing others. Rinse and repeat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Demoth 366 Posted March 12, 2014 I don't complain about KOS, but I will admit I just had a very annoying experience. This guy was in Berenzino, sniping fresh spawns. I take my raggedy character and my Blazer with 2 shots, and I creeeeep around the guy, making sure that he can't see me sneaking. There was only a tiny bit of him exposed. I finally get within 100 meters, and I blow his face off. The new spawns he was firing at, 4 of them, came running up and waved to me, thanking me for killing him. I told them it was no problem .Then suddenly 3 of them rush me, trying to beat me up. I run backwards, killing 1 and then having to switch to my axe. The 4th one looted the guy, got his Mosin, and proceeded to finish off the 2 attacking me. I thank him, and he goes, "No problem dude" and shoots me in the head. So yeah, I mean, it was kinda my fault for sticking around, but sometimes you run into a stretch where everyone acts like a sociopath. Not saying they wouldn't exist, but very rarely do people just straight out murder people who are clearly beneficial for them. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guppy22143 1081 Posted March 12, 2014 When the zombies are THE threat in this game, that's when KOS will be a lesser option. Until then, I trust nobody but kill only when I'm in a 'no other options' situation.Or, it will encourage KoS and robbing due to the higher demand for lethal supplies and food. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelonewarrior 886 Posted March 12, 2014 Because friendly people need to defend themselves so of course they need a gunIt's stupid to think because they have a gun out they are not friendly, they are just being careful Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
101anavirn 36 Posted March 13, 2014 Can't believe another thread has been made. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheCreeper (DayZ) 3565 Posted March 13, 2014 How bout stop making pointless threads about KoS, its been done to death, suck it up and move on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ld-airgrafix 403 Posted March 13, 2014 I dont care about kos, especially when my fault for running around being careless , however i hate players who sit in a building and wait for that door to open just so they can kill a player who only has a rotten kiwi in his backpack Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted March 13, 2014 (edited) Because friendly people need to defend themselves so of course they need a gunIt's stupid to think because they have a gun out they are not friendly, they are just being carefulI forgot to mentoin, I am not killing guys without guns because I know, they cant hurt me just with hands or melee weapons. But otherwise I am also not helping them. I just pass by. By when I see someone with gun, even if he has it on its back, I kill him no matter how loud he jelled that he is friendly. He is dangerous for me, Edited March 13, 2014 by TeaPack Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bando13204 2 Posted March 13, 2014 Dear people complaining about him complaining about people complaining,Lol?Regards, BandoP.S. It would happen in real life. It's a simulator. Also, irl the people who got murdered would probably complain if they could. I support all complaining about anything. This is not a complaint simply a lawl and a fact. I welcome all disagreements opinions and complaints about this reply. Especially how long my p.s. is ;D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strongtent 74 Posted March 13, 2014 please stop it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
or'dinii 28 Posted March 13, 2014 Dear people complaining about him complaining about people complaining,Lol?Regards, BandoP.S. It would happen in real life. It's a simulator. Also, irl the people who got murdered would probably complain if they could. I support all complaining about anything. This is not a complaint simply a lawl and a fact. I welcome all disagreements opinions and complaints about this reply. Especially how long my p.s. is ;DI'll give you lol; A simulator? Really? Arey you that out of touch with the real world outside your window? Am I to believe it would happen just because you say so? You are just another dime a dozen who fail to realise that the absence of arguements to back up your claims never a believable man made. And you even have to spell out that your post is not a complaint... of course it is, else you wouldn't be in this complain thread :rolleyes: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pacific_coast 632 Posted March 13, 2014 another kos thread after i personally kos'd 4 people in my last session = winning also lolz 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites