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Establishment of Background Lore for DayZ - Essential

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Pacific. Be quiet, you're a negative Nancy. No one likes a negative Nancy and her friend Debbie downer.


On topic. Game is apart of the Armaverse. The Chedaki beret confirms this. If it wasn't apart of the Armaverse, there would be no Chedaki beret. 

For this I am glad. Keep the history of Chernarus intact, and give us a bit of tidbits about what happened. General information and we can make it our "Own story" after.

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any storyline "written" "produced" "edited" and "approved" by BI will be garbage.


just let us play the game for the broken sandbox it is.



Always helpful.


Daemonkid is right, stop being so negative.

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Pacific. Be quiet, you're a negative Nancy. No one likes a negative Nancy and her friend Debbie downer.


On topic. Game is apart of the Armaverse. The Chedaki beret confirms this. If it wasn't apart of the Armaverse, there would be no Chedaki beret. 

For this I am glad. Keep the history of Chernarus intact, and give us a bit of tidbits about what happened. General information and we can make it our "Own story" after.

reported for attempting to supress the opinion of others and personal insults.


this game is not your life. there are massive flaws. try to think objectively and without emotional investment.

also, get some sunshine and fresh air.


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Always helpful.


Daemonkid is right, stop being so negative.

negative? i am stating facts here, people. I have played every BI game.

Op Flashpoint and it was downhill from there.

Rocket has to get his script approved, otherwise it's this "arma-verse garbage" that we have to deal with.

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also please tell me how the "story" of arma-verse is so captivating lol

it's the most inane garbage of all time, makes cod and BF in-game universe storylines seem more coherent.

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reported for attempting to supress the opinion of others and personal insults.


this game is not your life. there are massive flaws. try to think objectively and without emotional investment.

also, get some sunshine and fresh air.



Your posts are just so full of win.


Calling you a negative Nancy is suppressing your opinion?


Also love how report him for personal insults, and then personally insult him. A lot.


Keep up dat logic man, its really workin for you.

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also please tell me how the "story" of arma-verse is so captivating lol

it's the most inane garbage of all time, makes cod and BF in-game universe storylines seem more coherent.

Oh god OR3GONIZ3D trolling all over again...

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Your posts are just so full of win.


Calling you a negative Nancy is suppressing your opinion?


Also love how report him for personal insults, and then personally insult him. A lot.


Keep up dat logic man, its really workin for you.

your starting to understand my place in ecosystem of this forum...

exposin' n' trollin' tryhards and fanboys since i signed up.

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antonio you have my respect for how much you tryhard on the forums truly we are ying and yang

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well the "armaverse" story is complete garbage, and would add nothing good to the game. there is much more important things they should use their time on. i cant fucking believe i agree with pacific on something

Edited by hellcat420

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antonio you have my respect for how much you tryhard on the forums truly we are ying and yang

The hell happened to you man?

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The hell happened to you man?

it's the same as it ever was!

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Pacific. You're going to have to try harder. My feelings were ONLY slightly hurt. Like, I thought about what you said, then reflected upon it for a WHOLE 2 SECONDS!

I could report you back, but see i'm the better man. I couldn't give 2 shits about what someone thinks about me on an anonymous forum. But, you obviously do care, very much so because being called  a negative Nancy brought such great rage upon you that you felt the need to report me, AND tell me that you reported me.


Try harder son, your skills are lacking.

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Oh god, another thread derailed by pacific_coast? Well, what's new there? For someone who hates the game so bloody much and is convinced it'll be abandoned eventually, I really wonder how you have racked up over 400 posts since the second week of January. That's dedication to your trolling and whining right there.


As for the actual topic: In the period while standalone was in very early development, but before release, Rocket did say a few times that there would be clues as to the origin of the infection and that eventually players would find a lot of things in the world to come up with their own theories and such, but I am not sure he ever said there would be a specific backstory. I'm fine with this because it would retain the feeling of being a stranger to Chernarus who just wound up here with no memory or sense of familiarity with the place.

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Indeed, Darkwave indeed. Signs and little clues of what has happened would be great. We would have players dedicated to searching for the clues and piecing what has happened together. 

It would be great. Especially for people like me who love that kind of shit.

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Sweet 'argument' y'all.


Anywho, so if DayZ occurs in the Armaverse, then why are certain things being dismissed as implausible based solely on their real-world prevalence? They're operating in a fictional universe, they have to abide by the tenets of that universe. Real-world prevalence has no bearing on what can be done in a fictional universe.


Now, they can strive for authenticity insofar as it relates to the real-world. But, it has to be BACKED UP by in-universe reasoning. If they are indeed operating in the Armaverse (this is an example, in reference to weapons) then it should be plausible for every single weapon in ARMA II to be found in Chernarus.


So, for example, rather than Torchia saying "The AK-12 can't be included because it's not prevalent in the real-world yet", it would be appropriate to say "The Chernarussian/Russian military did not acquire the AK-12 system as of 20XX when the outbreak began". Do you see the concept I'm highlighting here? Their narrative reasoning has to be brought in line with the fictional lore of Chernarus.


The development narrative/reasoning needs to be in line with the fictional universe. Which is the crux of what I'm getting at. Just basic information, just dates even, would give us a reference point to judge the statements of the developers inasmuch as it concerns the plausibility of what's being included.


And for those saying "let us make our own stories", I'm not suggesting otherwise. This has nothing to do with "your" stories, you can still have them just as well. It's completely irrelevant.

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Indeed Katana. If you look at the back of the Cereal box, the date on it is 2017. So, maybe that's a little bit of a hint.

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