Crooked Hauser 258 Posted March 11, 2014 I mean't the view, not the server. But I already knew what the answer would be. It's nothing but a personal preference. Allow 3PP in 'hardcore' servers with the 'fog of war' enabled and I'd most likely play in them. exactly. I prefer one way and prefer others to not have an advantage over me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Canned Muffins 82 Posted March 11, 2014 (edited) I posted this in the past as a response to a person who did feel it was an exploit. : "Its not cheating or an exploit when the largest games in the history of gaming have continued to use it and players enjoy it. Star Wars Battlefront,SOCOM,Splinter Cell,Assasins Creed,Unreal Tournament,Grand Theft Auto,Gears of War,Halo(vehicles),Battlefield(vehicles) ,and Call of Duty (vehicles) ect.....all prove your point to be incorrect. It is not cheating it is a play style preference. One that exists in all of those massive titles. Are you saying that this feature thats been included for the past several decades is cheating? If so the community and industry disagree.It comes down to preference and the preference of the majority prefers having the option of 3rd person. This is proven by the server population in both Arma and DayZ."Its matter of play style and preference. Edited March 11, 2014 by Canned Muffins Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
minime1000 78 Posted March 11, 2014 It is a 3rd person shooter so obviously it is not an exploit. Corner peeking and camping is just part of the genre, like it or not.And nobody says taking cover and peeking around a corner in Gears Of War, GunZ or CoD 3pp mode is exploiting. But suddenly in this game it is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
casper1 44 Posted March 11, 2014 You can use first person inside buildings and easily see through floors. Engine itself is an exploit lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
omgwtfbbq (DayZ) 1069 Posted March 11, 2014 (edited) Easy fix: use the mod that removes any objects/people/zombies that cannot be seen in first person when using third person. Easy. Someone already made it, just plug that shit into the RV engine. Then, people can still have third person, and this particular exploit is removed. (If you're looking for why people call it an exploit, I'd start to wonder why people don't think it's an exploit in its current form. The main problem with it is the ability to see around corners you cannot see around normally, and other people cannot see you. Also applies to seeing over fences or ledges. When playing on normal servers, there's no reason to not go third person, due to everyone using it because of the massive crutch. No reason to put yourself at a disadvantage. Same applies to nighttime gamma exploit. No reason to not do it and give yourself a disadvantage over others.) Edited March 11, 2014 by omgwtfbbq 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
solodude23 649 Posted March 11, 2014 It is a 3rd person shooter so obviously it is not an exploit. Corner peeking and camping is just part of the genre, like it or not.And nobody says taking cover and peeking around a corner in Gears Of War, GunZ or CoD 3pp mode is exploiting. But suddenly in this game it is.The difference is all those game are far from tactical or realistic (authentic). DayZ (or ArmA) is not like any of those games and 3rd person view entirely changes the mechanics of firefights in a not so flattering way. Luckily there are hardcore servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Munson_fry (DayZ) 312 Posted March 11, 2014 3rd person is no exploit... IT`S BORING LIKE FUCK ! at least to me . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mopa 44 Posted March 11, 2014 I keep seeing people refer to 3pp as an exploit or just looking down on 3pp in general and I can't help but wonder why. It seems completely ridiculous. So ridiculous in fact that I wonder if it's a joke. Do some people consider 3pp an exploit? Along the same lines as jumping into walls? It's as silly as saying people who crouch behind walls are exploiting the game. Absurd isn't it? 3pp is part of the game, I's there...built in, part of the controls. Everyone is just as able to use it as anyone else. If you choose not to make use of it, then I guarantee the person you're in a fight with will be. If you choose to limit yourself then that's on you. The thing I don't understand is why people look down on 3pp when it is completely optional. There are two separate hives for servers that allow 3pp and servers that are 1pp only. If you don't like 3pp, you can stick to the hardcore servers. Not to mention, if the game is 'meant' to be 1pp only...don't you think they would force hardcore servers only? Why deal with separate hives when they could just have the one that you're 'supposed' to play. I just don't get why there is so much hate for 'regular' servers, when it's totally optional. It's like me getting mad at someone because they don't like the same color as me. I am genuinely curious about the 3pp hate. I've stated where I stand on this 'issue', and now I'm curious to hear from those who do not like 3pp. Particularly those who consider it an exploit or just look down on those who use it. I'm absolutely open minded to hear your thoughts. Orlok's thread has an interesting idea about 'fixing' 3pp. I think that is a pretty good idea. However, I've noticed people calling 3pp an 'exploit' for quite awhile before today. As I stated, I'm curious to hear from those who consider 3pp an exploit. [For clarification, I personally play both. My more 'serious' character is on the hardcore hive, whilst my more 'adventurous' character is on the regular hive] Because a lot of people in this community are ass hats. They get a opportunity to act more powerful then someone else and they will take it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UbuntuFoo 40 Posted March 11, 2014 (edited) Seeing without reveling yourself while in cover is the biggest gripe. End of. The rest of it is just politics. You been around long enough and seen enough threads to know this by now Rhodes. Its not a novelty. Some people enjoy 3pp and are familiar with it from many other games. The only argument that's defensible is "sack up and play hardcore like a real survivor". By the same logic, logging out/in to a game world, running infinitely, and surviving bullets to the head are unrealistic and downright exploitative. Do you exploit infinite run, Mart? Did you survive damage that would kill a real man? I imagine you never log out unless a server resets on you, because that just ain't real or hardcore enough, right? Also there's a selection of servers for your play style. More are coming. You don't have to play with all the people you disagree with. Edited March 11, 2014 by UbuntuFoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chucknorris405 83 Posted March 11, 2014 (edited) For me it isnt a matter of choice. I have a character on regular and hardcore, but i can only play on hardcore for maybe an hour max. Any longer than that and i start getting terrible motion sickness, so i have to switch to my regular character if I wanna keep playing. I would prefer HC most of the time, if I could do it without wanting to puke. As far as people calling 3rd person an exploit. My guess is they are either bitter people that cant let people enjoy something they dont, or they got owned on a regular server and just need an excuse for why. If you dont like it, dont play it..............its pretty simple really Edited March 11, 2014 by Chucknorris405 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shagohad 124 Posted March 11, 2014 well myself and some friends refer to it as 3rd person haxing. To suggest we actually think its hacking would be ridiculous we are just mocking the fact that in 3rd person you can look over walls, ledges, bushes, ect. I think as others have suggested you are active enough on these forums to have heard all the arguments. I think the majority of 1st person players couldn't care less about what is going on in regular hive, they just aren't interested. Very few of us believe the whole game needs to be 1st person and the name hardcore is only useful as a way to separate 3rd from 1st (and crosshairs off when that is available). So I'm not sure what the objective of this thread is? Were you just looking for some positive affirmation? Ill just say what I say in all these threads. A lot of the complaints from people playing on regular (getting constantly killed by KoS snipers ect.) is fixed by 1st person. Play carefully and you will be rewarded its a simple as that. You will look at your surroundings in a completely new way. In MY opinion this makes the game more immersive. Of course you are welcome to your own opinions as well, but this topic has reached the point of a dead horse severely flogged. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted March 11, 2014 Hello there Sorry guys, but im going to close this. There's so many threads on this subject already, feel free to resurrect them IF you have something new to bring to the table. We are just going over old and flamey ground here. Rdgs LoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites