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rather than

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rather than hiring a team to implement new and "awesome" hunting features etc
would it not make more sense using that team to fix the game as it is? then add all those "awesome" features.
in this situation, three players server hopped into ours whilst in the glitch area and started havoc. the chap with the payday mask also found no trouble in running through hanger walls etc
1 of our guys died while we were trying to get their names to kick them, but even if we did, they could just change their names and continue the havoc.
we ended up having to reset the server in order to get them out which is completely stupid. I just cannot understand why you'd focus so much on adding "awesome" features to a broken game, every time we go to ANY airfield, we have to be wary of those stupid glitch spots which are so easily abused.



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I think the idea is add all the features, then fix the bugs.This means they don't have to keep fixing bugs that pop up after every new feature, making them only needed to be fixed once.

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There's different teams working on different things.  There's a bug team and a features team.  The Feature's team only job is to add features, and the Bug Team's job is to fix bugs.  Features are easier to add in than it is to find bugs and squash them.  Honestly they could spend a month just trying to fix one bug, add in a feature then have that bug come back along with a whole host of new bugs.  Hell they can fix a bug and have 20 new bugs pop up in it's place.

I'm sure others have and will say it, It's Alpher, this is going to be the game at it's glitchist moment and that's without all/most of the core features.

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