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Dauerstrandticket - Char wird nie gespeichert

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Hey Fellas,


I always spawn at the coast, no matter which server I join, how I'm equipped, how often I try etc... Already tried restarts, validating files.... I only play hardcore on stable.


Any1 with the same experiemce and a solution maybe?

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Warum hast du nicht Deutsche gesprochen?


Das is schade 

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Warum hast du nicht Deutsche gesprochen?


Das is schade

The title is very funny to be honest(Dauerstrandticket, impossible to translate into english so it makes sense).

I expected a german post aswell, but this way a lot more people can read/understand his question.

The answer: try playing on a regular server for some time and test if it saved your data after relog or try some other servers.

Versuche mal auf einem regulären Server zu spielen, vielleicht speichert der Hive ja dann den Charakterfortschritt.

Vielleicht liegt's auch am Server auf dem du spielst. Probier mal ein wenig herum. Charakter und damit verbundene Fortschritte werden Serverseitig gespeichert, also hilft dir ne Neuinstallation schonmal gereicht.

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The title is very funny to be honest(Dauerstrandticket, impossible to translate into english so it makes sense).

I expected a german post aswell, but this way a lot more people can read/understand his question.


Sorry - my bad :). I forgot to change the headline. It has to be "permanent ticket for the coast - char doesn't get saved".


I already tried to play on regular, on others servers, on another day and I reinstalled the game two times as well. Acted out every single option without success. I'll now wait for the next update and hope it'll help me out with it.


Thanks for your replies

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I have the same issue myself, my character won't be saved. So i respawn and start on the coast everytime i log out/in :(

I have verified the game catch and re-innstalled aswell, it doesent help. Hope its a fix coming up soon!

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