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A week Playing as a Non-combatant Medic.

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Run around playing this over direct chat:

Or this one :)

or maybe this:

or since you'll be on US servers this would be more suitable:

I'd certainly respond favourably to this:

I may try to follow you around on your endeavour. I'd happily provide a (terribly ineffective) bodyguard service.

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Perhaps after doing so many blood transfusions, bandaging and medicy stuff, your himanity raises enough to trigger a visual difference in your character? Medic skin or something more subtle.

And Bandits can lose loads more humanity for killing you?

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Then' date=' if people start shooting at you, play this as loud as you can:



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Best way to reduce incoming bandit fire, is to be unarmed i guess. Will look like you are fresh spawn with nothing on you, PvP for loot will be cut quite a bit

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Provided you don't approach any players you don't know, sounds like fun... as for the latter.. 99% shoot on sight, or shortly there after regardless of dialog.

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Mission Update 2...using mates account as working away from home tonight.

Server: Several Russian ones at Random.

Location: New spawns at beach and initial spawn in Electro.

Time: Various

Spawn 1

Appeared in the world crouched between two bushes on the edge of the woods overlooking the fields north of Electro, basic equipment of axe, pistol and medical supplies.Local time unknown, still dark.

Whip out my map to plan my route when " BLAM " headshot and killed in one hit, collapse to floor etc etc.

Take 2

Respawn on unknown beach and see almost immediately to my left a firefight with a gaggle of infected and two players, One who is running around in circles with a lit flare and the other who appears to be shooting sea gulls.One player is knocked down and the other spots more pretty sea gulls and runs after them shooting with the infected chasing him.

Jog over to downed but alive player with a " Medic " in direct chat and voice a few times and start to bandage him with my single bandage. " Blam " unknown shooter kills me from somewhere nearby.

Take 3

Spawn on beach in sight of docks, just starting to get daylight. Loot a nearby work shed and come up trumps with some flares, food and 3 bandages. Start walking towards the town making myself obvious unless avoiding infected.

2 players watching me approach, so I light a flare and keep hold of it for a few seconds then do a couple of salutes, drop flare and walk towards them....still out of direct comms range. As I get near, I am still saluting and being careful not to aggro anything and have no weapons showing ( have not got any ) I stop just in front of the two players watching me and type " Medic :) " when I get hit by several shots from an unknown source behind me.

Take 4

Spawn in unknown location in daylight on the coast, i assume near to Balota. Jogging up the coast I come across 3 dead players bodies in a short space of time and then start taking incoming rounds from the town to my right, I run left and take a few hits and swiftly consumed by the infected.

Lessons Learned

1) I need to perfect my standing still while holding a blue chemlight routine to continue being bullet proof.

2) Impossible to communicate over distance and especially if there is a language problem.

3) ex-soviet states do not do medics....the ex-soviet states medic you.

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You should make a you-tube video of you saying "medic" and getting shot repeatedly. It would be a good reality check.

Still, interesting experiment.

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Hit me up if you need an escort or something, can deal with skype/vent :P

I'll pull a few "night shifts" myself this week so to speak (unemployed and bored to death)

Only "problem" I can think of is the lack of global comms but, I guess someone might post here asking for help / Baiting :P

"ex-soviet states do not do medics....the ex-soviet states medic you." I lol'd

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I tried this once. I recorded it on video too but for some reason, Youtube refuses to upload it.

Anyways, it didn't turn out so well for me. It was pretty hilarious for friends but I died pretty damn quickly. My methods were not exactly great though...

You see, I'm a pretty damn impatient person. Sitting near a city waiting for somebody to get hurt while keeping myself alive, is just going to take too long. I actively looked for survivors around the city like I was going to hunt them. Found a guy exiting out of Cherno, bleeding, and immediately ran after him. Didn't care about the zombies behind me. I wanted to heal one person NOW and be done with this. By the way, to make myself look a little more friendly, I gave my primary gun to a friend.

When I finally caught up to him I wanted to let him know I was friendly. I said "Bandages! Bandages! I have some, stop moving!" He didn't stop so I kept repeating stuff like that over and over until I eventually got sick of running and threw a grenade at him. It wasn't supposed to hit him, but it did.

If you want to give this medic thing another try, I'll join you.

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Pretty awesome!

I'd do it if I didn't glitch every time I try to drag someone.....

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you know what would help, the chance to find a military medic uniform, it would be green camo with red crosses with white backgrounds on your bakc and shoulders. and it could have additional slots only for single slot medical supplies like bandages, epi pens and stuff.

People might be less inclined to shoot you if they see you rocking the uniform.

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I doubt it. That would be effectively advertising you might drop medical loot. I think even in modern armies medics don't wear obvious identification these days as it just makes them a priority target.

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BaldBaboon I like what you are trying to do, unfortunately for most people encountering you (even if you administered first aid) you are nothing more than a wandering stackpile of medical supplies. I wish you good luck and maybe some more positive encounters.

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I love it man. If I ever notice you're gaming on the server I am on, I will make it a point to keep an eye out for yah.

Side note, this is a perfect example of how there needs some better way to communicate to others in some shape or form.

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Yep - combat troops don't tend to wear overt symbols of rank / profession any more. Rank insignias etc... are universally subdued. Hell, even the Italian troops I met last summer at Passo Falzarego had the white in their shoulder patches (the tricolore) replaced with black.

As for the combat medic thing; I mainly am on UK87. Hope to see you there some day soon - I go by the same name there.

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Thank you for the advice and feedback, some of the server invites I will take up once the experiment is over. I have checked out what some really organised player groups are doing as well....very good work.

Again, I really appreciate the offers of escorts and such. I just need to complete this week working solo to see if a single player/new player could possibly role themselves as anything other than hunter/hunted if they jump into the game. This is obviously going to prove a challenge either in a full game if its not implemented let alone a simulation that is going through extensive alpha testing.

I know a fair few people who love the concept of this game in all aspects except the full on combat aspect of it, players who would love to play as medics or in an another essential support role.....which they already do in other types of mmorpgs that allow it.

Now I do not want to dangle the a juicy carrot as bait here....but every single one of those players I am on about are female players....a missed resource?

For those worried about the mental impact of such a experiment I have prepared.

a) I am ex-military, so waking up in some bizarre place ( drunk ), eating crap food and drinks of questionable origin( while drunk ), dealing with hordes of dangerous hive mind like individuals ( drunk while with more drunks ) should prove fortunate.

b) watched some " Friends " episodes to burn all my emotions out of me.

c) I have been eating red freshly slaughted cat and dog with mountain dew to get into the mindset needed.

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"Friends" ruined the 90s and my entire life. :D

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b) watched some " Friends " episodes to burn all my emotions out of me.

lol! nice.

Anyway, you could try watching the 'Need medical help' thread in the Survivor HQ forum for patiences. I'd also recommend Berezino hospital for supplies. I find it's the safest to raid.

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Just as food for thought. These are not in-game at all, but if something like this was used for a medical character.....would that be a visual solution to being shot on sight?

I am thinking of a actual choice where the survivor has to swap a equal sized normal backpack over with one of these at a hospital/medic tent to gain one.....you cannot just pick one up.

No slots for a primary ballistic weapon. etc

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you'll never heal anyone, even if you do, they'll just shoot you afterwards to get your beans and meds.

Nice idea, but all people are dicks and need to die.

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