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A straight flush

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As in the poker term..




At least I didn't need to drink anything.

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New trend: torture your own char O.o I know that only maschosits play DayZ SA Alpha, but thats hardcore ;) At least bandage that poor soul^^

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New trend: torture your own char O.o I know that only maschosits play DayZ SA Alpha, but thats hardcore ;) At least bandage that poor soul^^


I never intended to let the character get into such a state. I was on a night server, up near Berezino with standard gamma settings on a server that had already been looted so I was finding nothing even if I could see it! The sickness came from the blue berries which in desperation I ate. The guy was more or less in a hungry and thirsty state for what seemed like 30 minutes, getting progressively worse. I found a well which thankfully quenched my thirst was trying to find antibiotics in a completely looted hospital near the well. I thought to myself I'm sure it can't get worse only for it to start raining! I then got swiped by a zombie (that's a hoe you're seeing on my character - pretty damned effective by the way!). It was as I dealt with the zombie then went to my inventory to check for bandages (I had none!) that I spotted I was showing all the indicators.

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So do we need a competition, to see who can become the most sick person, without dying? :D

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Looks more like a straight than a flush.


Thinking about it you'd be right. A straight would presumably be all the indicators. A flush would probably be all the indicators of the same colour (which you can't do as being wet will always be blue and bleeding will always be red).


I just posted the pic as a laugh as I spotted how fucked I was. I managed to bring the poor guy around, so it wasn't terminal although it was touch and go at times and took me the best part of an hour to get him back to normal (he was wet though, couldn't get him dry). 

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