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The real reason why negative mouse acceleration exists

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A long time ago, I went against a speedhacker in Elektro. He missed his first several shots and sped off. I ran for a building to camp and he appeared behind me. He started speedhack strafing while spraying at me. I went to shoot him, but my crosshair just couldn't keep up with him. You are dead.


It took me months to understand the significance of that encounter. The neg accel could easily be completely removed from the game and replaced with 1:1 input. But it won't be, and might never be. It's become clear to me that Dean Hall is being secretly paid money by pay-to-cheat site owners to keep this shit in. As long as it's in, their users will never be killed while speedhacking, will be happier with the cheat and more likely to continue paying the monthly fee. Meanwhile normal players get shafted.

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If you used the search function you would have found the reasoning why the mouse acceleration works the way it does in DayZ.

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Yeah .. Dean totally needs "pay to cheat" website's money, uh ? ... and if I were to pay someone to let me hack / abuse the game I'd probably go ahead and pay BattlEye instead.  :P

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Edited by Preach
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Rerkert..stahp hecking us !

Edited by Hetstaine

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If Alex Jones were a gamer...


How I loathe that scumbag.

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It's become clear to me that Dean Hall is being secretly paid money by pay-to-cheat site owners to keep this shit in.


Oh noes! He discovered our secret! Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun! We meet in (new) Zealand!

And hopefully he doesnt discover the real secret: That cheaters are banned in waves, so that people buy cheats, get banned. Then they have to buy DayZ again and again and again.

There are only 31 players in DayZ. the rest of 1.5 million copies was sold to the same person again and again because of this.

It's Grimey. But don't tell anyone. Shhhhhhh.

Edited by LaughingJack

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As OR3GONIZ3D said, use the search function; it has been explained. 


But it won't be, and might never be. It's become clear to me that Dean Hall is being secretly paid money by pay-to-cheat site owners to keep this shit in. As long as it's in, their users will never be killed while speedhacking, will be happier with the cheat and more likely to continue paying the monthly fee. Meanwhile normal players get shafted.


That is a silly accusation, and, due to your lack of proof, mere slander. 

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