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your first interaction with another player

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On the way out of the city however, I heard what sounded like a firefight, I just hope they made it out ok.

I only had one encounter with another player so far, but this is what was going through my head. I find it funny that we have these thoughts about other people we find haha

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My first encounter was a rather basic new-spawn-runs-through-a-building-trailing-zombies-me-with-axe-plow-them-down. We waved, he departed.

The first spoken encounter was a little more interesting: in a fire station (got a feeling it was Electro but not certain) and there's a fella crouching in the corner. A gunshot rings through nearby and this guy dashes forward - away from me - and a bloke outside is trying to mow him down with an axe. The first guy asks me to help him so, being the chivalrous soul I try to be shoot the aggressor in the back. I ask if he's ok; he thanks me, loots the dead body, takes a pistol and shoots me dead.

Lesson learnt.

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I was playing a nighttime server for about an hour and the first zombie I see started chasing me. I didn't know how easy it was to escape so I just started jogging down the street. I saw a player standing by a building and decided to walk up to him and try and get the zombie to attack him instead (it didn't). He said, you know there's a zombie chasing you? I said yep. Then we went on a scavenging expedition. Until I lost him in the dark in some town. Miss you buddy.

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I met two dudes who had a m16 and I guess his friend was tagging along. I had just got the game and remembered from bandit videos that when it's time to betray it's usually best done when there distracted. They killed a pig. They both r tards and look at the pig. I hatchet them both. Fucking m16 is empty. The other guy with a hatchet tried to fight back but it was to late when my axed sinker into his arm and chest. The m16 guys was barely getting a grip on wut just happened. Then boom head slice.

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You're one of the lucky ones I guess...


My first interaction was dominated by me being forced to eat rotting fruit and a headshot.

well that sucks... 

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My first encounter ever in DayZ history was meeting an armed guy at Balota and me trying to shoot an empty makarov I just picked up in fright (Forgot to pick up the mags). The guy then looked at me for a few seconds and ran away.

In DayZ standalone, found a guy looting a barrack, hid and then shot him when he came out.

Edited by Sutinen

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My first player interaction in mod was when someone came to me and shot me with a pistol.


In standalone I had played around 5 minutes looking around the swap I spawned in, then someone came up and handed me a can of beans and sardines.


If he would have shot me or handcuffed me and poisoned me, I probably would have done the same to all the fresh spawns I met.

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My first interaction was some guy ran up past me waving (looked like a new spawn) and the second I stopped I was gunned down by machine gun fire. I'm assuming he was a decoy for a 2 man bandit cell. I learned quickly to always look around and keep my eyes open...

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BAM, that was it, shot from behind while looking into a medkit, just started out, second time I didnt have anything, went to elektro, looted for like 10 minutes, go out, somebody holdes his M4 into my face, handcuffs me (without keyes) takes my stuff and kills me

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Okay, the first person I met was a long long time ago the sexy beast infiniteripper was in Balota, I lost almost all of my blood, I hear gunshots in the background *boom boom* I couldn't see where I was going so I stumbled in a building; I went into prone and I see something run in and sure enough *boom* I see the letters "You are dead" on my screen; I sat in my chair in disbelief saying "You're gonna kill someone with no gun?" Well I hope you enjoyed story time little kids.

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Our first interaction (other than the guy who fixed Sean's broken legs) was with a couple of people that I thought were going to be trouble at first. They kinda got the drop on us while we were searching buildings for supplies and wanted us to drop our guns. I said we were friendly but we're NOT dropping our guns so we had a little standoff.  :lol: I was ready to unleash some wookie rage but Sean was able to convince them to team up with us, which turned out to be pretty awesome because one of them had a Scottish accent. I have always been kinda fascinated by those...  :o

Edited by abentwookie

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My first encounter went like this.

I hadn't been playing long when it happened. I was looting some unknown inland town on a daylight server when I see another survivor run down the street towards me. He didn't appear to have a weapon and he was yelling for help. As he got closer I could see that he was being chased by a zombie! Seeing as I had a fireman's Axe, I decided to save him.

I told the survivor to get behind me as he approached, and I sank my axe into the zombie's skull! The man thanked me and asked if I had any bandages and food. As I was going through my inventory to assist my new friend, I saw the man put his fists up and begin punching me wildly!

I was overwhelmed by emotions and adreneline instantly and reacted by whipping out my axe again and chasing down this traitor, slashing and hacking as I went. Just before the death blow, I asked the man why he had betrayed me after I saved his life, his response was very DayZ; "It's kill or be killed!".

From then on I have been a paranoid SOB when it comes to interaction with others. I can trust no one, and everyone is a threat to me no matter your dress, actions or words.

I am the Sasquatch of the NW!

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From then on I have been a paranoid SOB when it comes to interaction with others. I can trust no one, and everyone is a threat to me no matter your dress, actions or words.


Welcome to the club. It didn't take long for you to join... ;)

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I've never actually seen another player, but I keep encountering them. I hear pop pop pop, then spawn. Happened several times now. Still looking though >_<

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I remember it well:


Spawned on the coast and within about 10 seconds I hear a diesel engine and beeping behind me. I turned around and see a dude in a tractor pulling up next to me, typing in direct for me to get in. Epic. Spent the next 10 minutes getting used to the scroll menu function trying to get in the thing.

Edited by Nocturnal
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My very first interaction was on my first spawn, I had been alive for about 40 minutes and was really proud of myself because I had just become confident with killing zombies. I walked into Elektro - in hindsight I was quite stupid because I was just jogging down the main street - when I saw what I thought was another zombie, except this one had a gun. I stopped, my wrench on my bad and said noting. Then I was shot in the chest, then shot again and killed. My first encounter with another player was some asshole that KOSed a freshie.

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My first interaction with a player was the most terryfying feeling i've ever had. and i didnt even see him.


Walking to the airfield with the big apparetment complex next to it(can someone identify this?)


Walk in the grass towards a shed, HEAR PREDATOR CLICKING SOUNDS , walk into the shed, ghostly/raspy voice , "i can see you". predator clicks continue , Oshit.jph

Talk into my mic " i have food, do you want food?" PREDATOR CLICKS BECOME LOUDER, "i can hear you" , ohgod , Pred clicks are all i can hear, Sprint for forest line, pred clicks become louder, and then it stops. Hear zombie noise behind me. Run like the wind


Never heard him again for the next 2 hours, if anyone here did that, please tell me omfg i was creasing myself.


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