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About spartan_k97_

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. spartan_k97_

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    you must be lucky or playing on low pop servers, it happens all the time on European servers, they are the worst
  2. spartan_k97_

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    at the moment, the game is unplayable, for me anyway. i like running into people, talking to them, offer them gear, but now, i died ,6 times today by a guy teleporting and spraying a m4 at me. each time a different hacker. it is a good game. i feel that even though the hackers make the game unplayable, people need to take into account that this is a early access alpha, and i suppose the devs are working on feature and ironing out bugs to have time to work on the hackers. most of the hackers, ive found, are 10-15 years old that got their hands on mummy and daddy's credit card. the hacks i know about are; speed hack, removing weapons from another persons inventory and placing in their own, teleport, glitch rooms (technically an exploit) ,spawning in gear, over sized ammo stacks and infinite mags. can anyone else add to this list?
  3. spartan_k97_

    Worth coming back

    dont come back, the game is unfinished (as it is a alpha) and the hackers, oh god the hackers. at least 2/3 of the people playing this game is hacking, or if they are a brazilian
  4. spartan_k97_

    is it me, or is zeroing bugged

    i use zeroing and i cant seem to hit anything, but befor latest patch i could (stable). has anyone else noticed this?
  5. spartan_k97_

    this role back is getting ridiculous

    ive logged out in front of a trusted team mate and she watched me disappear. She'd know if i was killed
  6. spartan_k97_

    this role back is getting ridiculous

    Its just pretty annoying when my group asks me to run up the airfield to provide overwatch and then i have to say sorry go on your own ive been rolled back for the 3rd time in less than a hour, im not ranting about anything, i want to know if there is a work around so shush
  7. spartan_k97_

    this role back is getting ridiculous

    i know that, have you ever heard of a bug report
  8. spartan_k97_

    this role back is getting ridiculous

    it isn't her, when ever in not on the pc, im out with her. I know she is trust worthy
  9. Ive been rolled back FIVE TIMES back to fresh spawn within 3 hours. Every time i manage to kill a sniped and take his gear, i get rolled back. I know ive not been killed, because my mate watched me leave the server everytime.
  10. spartan_k97_

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    i cant even join one, ive been trying for half a hour, would'nt a easy way to solve this just be add more servers?
  11. spartan_k97_

    can someone come kill me?

    you cant crawl up stairs
  12. spartan_k97_

    can someone come kill me?

    but i am fully energized
  13. spartan_k97_

    can someone come kill me?

    i fell off of devils castle and broke my legs. im there now
  14. spartan_k97_

    Fresh spawns complaining about KoS

    I kill all fresh spawns on experimental. All they ever do is try and knock me out and take my gear. I think it is perfectly acceptable to kill a fresh spawn because of this. what have the got to loose? They have bugger all and if they wanted to keep their spawn, don't run up to a geared guy at factory when he tells you to keep your distance.
  15. spartan_k97_

    DE Experimental Server 45.123906

    what is in the patch?