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Hacked.. or.. glitch?

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So I was playing just now and I wish I recorded it, maybe I'll get on the same server and try but, as I was running in hardcore server, I seemed to be taken control over? Like I was trying to run and my character all of a sudden, looked off into the distance, and started moving his head up and down, then running the other way? 

Was I just hacked...? Im worried for my account really. Any replies would be nice. 

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In an early access game you are bound to run into small bugs hear and there, but more than likely you just tapped the ALT key twice. Double tap it in fast sucession to rebound your mouse to your movement.

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Sounds like rubber banding issues to me. if you encounter something like this and you're extremely worried then it's best to leave the server. If it was a hack, then I would say that your computer has been compromised and being taken over by somebody far away. But this is unlikely unless you were THAT stupid to let someone upload backdoors into your computer without your anti-virus software doing anything about it.

Edited by AntonioAJC

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In an early access game you are bound to run into small bugs hear and there, but more than likely you just tapped the ALT key twice. Double tap it in fast sucession to rebound your mouse to your movement.



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Glitch.  1. its pretty much impossible for those kinds of hacks to work in standalone.  2.  If a hacker took control of you he wouldn't just bob your head around a bit.

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