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DayZ feels American

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^Most rich people are bad, how do you think they got their money? Hard work and patience LOL.







Sweet mother of mercy, you are a college student, aren't you? Please say yes, otherwise your stupidity is pretty much inexcusable. I am a member of the lower-middle class, and I don't want wealth to be redistributed.

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M7's I'm only joking I have big love for America, me love you long time!


But saying the US got no oil from Iraq is totally bonkers, been there twice and trust me people were busy getting their precious oil.


P.s. I'm 27 ho's!!!

No, that oil was sold to other countries, most likely Russia and China. Like what was said above, we export and sell more oil and petroleum products than we import and buy. Want to know the # 1 and 2 countries we buy oil from? Canada and Mexico. # 3 is the EU. 


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^Most rich people are bad, how do you think they got their money? Hard work and patience LOL.





A little short sighted, but not too far off...  Essentially the problem all stems from the phrase "It's Just Business".  Now call me crazy, but intentionally pushing a small business out of business just to slightly increase the overall corporate "productivity" of your company is certainly, very very personal...


I look at people who live by this expression in a similar light as people who use religion as an excuse for violence or prejudice.  The similarity between the two is apparent once you realize all it's doing is giving out a morality "freebee" to those who deserve it the least.

Edited by taco86

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So, you are a troll. Typical, and sadly unsurprising. How old are you? 

PS: Regardless of how old you are, learn to type properly. Your diction is horrible, and if it was better, people might take you more seriously.

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Whyherro123 hates college educated people because they make him feel insignificant!!


Not our fault your genes are basic bro!!


This board is more entertaining than dayz!

Edited by TheWanderingMan

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A little short sighted, but not too far off...  Essentially the problem all stems from the phrase "It's Just Business".  Now call me crazy, but intentionally pushing a small business out of business just to slightly increase the overall corporate "productivity" of your company is certainly, very very personal...

Exactly. The wealthy aren't evil, just generally short-sighted, and supportive of extremely predatory business practices.

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Exactly. The wealthy aren't evil, just generally short-sighted, and supportive of extremely predatory business practices.



Sweet holy hell bro, tell yourself this so you can sleep easily.

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Whyherro123 hates college educated people because they make him feel insignificant!!


Not our fault your genes are basic bro!!

I'm in University, you trolling fool. Probably at a higher level than you, based upon your skills with grammar and diction.

What exactly do you mean by "basic genes"? Last time I checked, we all have pretty much the same genes, unless.....you've discovered the secrets of transhumanism!!!!11111!!!!

I kid.


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Came here to discuss the topic, got "America is this, America does that". Holy crap, take it somewhere else.


Topic-related, the inclusion of American-made firearms and clothing is probably in conjunction with American involvement in the Chernarus outbreak. However, nothing about the story of DayZ has been revealed and is all speculation currently. For all we know, the outbreak could be after the events of ArmA 2, during ArmA 2 (as an alternate course of history), etc., etc. Also, as people have pointed out, we don't know how influenced Chernarus is by western civilization, which would explain why clothing like cowboy hats are in the game.

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Came here to discuss the topic, got "America is this, America does that". Holy crap, take it somewhere else.


Topic-related, the inclusion of American-made firearms and clothing is probably in conjunction with American involvement in the Chernarus outbreak. However, nothing about the story of DayZ has been revealed and is all speculation currently. For all we know, the outbreak could be after the events of ArmA 2, during ArmA 2 (as an alternate course of history), etc., etc. Also, as people have pointed out, we don't know how influenced Chernarus is by western civilization, which would explain why clothing like cowboy hats are in the game.

The appreciation of a good cap is universal, my friend. Universal.

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Cowboy hats should NOT be in the game. Nobody outside the US wears them unless it's entirely in a mocking fashion.. ;)


I'll happily nail my colours to the mast here, I hate cowboy hats and think anyone wearing them looks stupid. Obviously that's a personal opinion, but you just wouldn't get away with wearing one in your average European street without numerous people giggling behind your back.

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Cowboy hats should NOT be in the game. Nobody outside the US wears them unless it's entirely in a mocking fashion.. ;)


I'll happily nail my colours to the mast here, I hate cowboy hats and think anyone wearing them looks stupid. Obviously that's a personal opinion, but you just wouldn't get away with wearing one in your average European street without numerous people giggling behind your back.

LOL, do you actually believe the shit that spews from your mouth?

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Capitalism and Socialism can peacefully co-exist with each other and actually support one another if implemented right.

But humans are a fickle bunch and we tend to fuck things up. So no system in place will ever be perfect because of human corruption and greed.


Maybe we should nuke ourselves.

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LOL, do you actually believe the shit that spews from your mouth?


You ever lived in Europe OR3GONIZ3D?

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Cowboy hats should NOT be in the game. Nobody outside the US wears them unless it's entirely in a mocking fashion.. ;)


I'll happily nail my colours to the mast here, I hate cowboy hats and think anyone wearing them looks stupid. Obviously that's a personal opinion, but you just wouldn't get away with wearing one in your average European street without numerous people giggling behind your back.

Why? It's just a damn hat, specifically a specific style of hat. Why is it different from, say, a trilby. Is Europe filled with xenophobes that mock whatever is different?

See what I did there? I judged an entire group (several groups, as a matter of fact) and boiled the group down to a single, offensive stereotype.

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Capitalism and Socialism can peacefully co-exist with each other and actually support one another if implemented right.

But humans are a fickle bunch and we tend to fuck things up. So no system in place will ever be perfect because of human corruption and greed.


Maybe we should nuke ourselves.


Thing is Capitalism and Socialism don't really exist beyond abstract political constructs.

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I love people that think America are the only empire to have done wrong. Every empire since the dawn of time has exploited for their own needs. The common denominator is Man not a country. Greed Money Power.

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Why? It's just a damn hat, specifically a specific style of hat. Why is it different from, say, a trilby. Is Europe filled with xenophobes that mock whatever is different?

See what I did there? I judged an entire group (several groups, as a matter of fact) and boiled the group down to a single, offensive stereotype.


Do you really need to ask if it's different from a trilby? You don't really because you know the answer.

I'm sorry if you are not happy with the way people will laugh at cowboy hats in real life, but that's just the way it is.

Obviously my personal opinion is my personal opinion, but that doesn't change other people's reactions.

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Europe is totes full of xenomorphs bitch

So Europe is filled with rape symbolism?

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I personally don't care where this apocalypse is taking place as long as the setting and atmosphere are full of tension and thrill. 

I'm not that much into weapons so it doesn't matter to me which gun it is I chose not to use.


I'd love tough if it would take place in Australia and I could ride a kangaroo, I've always wanted to ride a kangaroo.


/edit: typos

Edited by daisho

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