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Chernarus Blood Drive

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Just curious, has anyone ever organized a Blood Drive before?  Perhaps TMW or another medic group has, but I didn't find anything when I searched "Blood Drive" in the forums.  I would come and give blood if there was, and I am sure a lot of others would too.  As long as we get some cereal or rice afterwards (until they implement cookies in a future build, ofc ^_^) Could be done at a hospital or broken down bus?  Or do blood bags spoil too quickly to be worth stocking up a whole bunch of them?

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if you are healthy before you give blood ,you dont need anything else except from waiting to regain it. Anyway i would give blood too if there was a blood drive

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I would only give my (high quality) blood if provided with a pair of shades for each bag filled.

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I'll try to scoop up some next time I run into another player.

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Would gladly give my blood but I almost never find blood testing kits, last one I found is like a month ago.

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Well, I am way too casual a player to go about organizing something like this... but I would certainly be entertained to see someone take the idea and run with it.

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The problem is (beyond security) is the the blood type system and the lack of blood test kits currently. We would need to test every donor and when using that blood we would need to test the patient. We would need a load of test kits.

Currently what tmw does is we have members with O- who we periodically draw blood from and they regeneration the blood. It's working fine right now, but if things change we can look into it.

No doubt it would be a fun event though.

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Thanks for the response Herr Jon.  I can see how that would be a logistical nightmare with the current blood system and scarcity of test kits.  Sounds like you guys have it pretty well under control at the moment.  While impractical right now, sure would be fun! lol.

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I give my blood to no one. Except the occasional zombie. They sometimes steal it; those buggers.

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Thanks for the response Herr Jon.  I can see how that would be a logistical nightmare with the current blood system and scarcity of test kits.  Sounds like you guys have it pretty well under control at the moment.  While impractical right now, sure would be fun! lol.


Yeah, like I said, for our stocks we're fine.  I still have 12 full bags of O- on my character right now.  If things change such as bags going bad or something, things may change.


The one thing I do see us potentially doing is drawing blood from people, getting them healthy, and giving them the bags to use on themselves if they need a pick me up.  However, they would still need someone to administer it and it may get ruined when they get hurt, so personally it seems like a waste of supplies, but there could be something there.

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