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About Paule2934

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Paule2934


    Restarting my computer seemed to help. Played for a couple hours after that without issue. Maybe just restarting steam would have worked, who knows. Anyways, give that a try if ur having this issue. And Thx for the rundown on experimental leefriendfield. I will give it a try sometime soon ;)
  2. Paule2934


    Restarting my computer seemed to help. Played for the last couple hours without issue. Maybe just restarting steam would have worked, who knows. Anyways, give that a try if ur having this issue. And Thx for the rundown on experimental leefriendfield. I will give it a try sometime soon ;)
  3. Paule2934


    At risk of sounding stupid, how does one switch to experimental?
  4. Paule2934


    I enjoy the more difficult zombies. A lot. I do not enjoy spending 90% of the time attempting to join a server... then getting into one and playing for 5 minutes... and then getting "session lost" again.
  5. Paule2934


    Myself, my brother, and our friend have spent the past couple of hours joining servers, playing for a bit, having it go completely unresponsive for a few minutes, then getting disconnected. Join new server, wait 300 seconds, repeat process. Is this unique to us, or is everybody experiencing this? It makes the game completely unplayable, literally. Hoping it is just us and the rest of you are carrying along without issue.
  6. Paule2934

    How DayZ Destroyed My Friendship...A Tragedy

    The LOTR music made this epic.... lol
  7. Paule2934

    How many have you killed and why ?

    23 on my last life over the last 4 days before finally being surrounded by a four man group and summarily executed. 4 on this life so far. Prior to these 27 kills I was not keeping count, but the total body count is probably more than 50 but less than 75. I do it because it is exciting and there is not much else to do in the game right now once fully looted. Plus I can't spend more than a couple hours a night playing and I'd rather not spend the whole time running. ;)
  8. Paule2934

    Rate the Morality of these Kills

    Finally got surrounded by a 4 man squad and killed after my brother broke his leg. 23 kills for me, not sure how many for him. Sad day :( good news is we got in a found a mosin and an SKS on a 6 person server, then saw a group of 4 heavily armed guys sitting in the middle of the street by the church. Bad idea. Killed 3 of them, 4th logged out. Got 2 m4s and 2 mosin lr's. Took a total of 30 minutes to get fully regeared lol :)
  9. Starting last night, my brother and I are both experiencing game crashes to desktop every 5-30 min. Is this a known issue? Any suggestions?
  10. How pointless... You will never get tired, other than your finger holding the W key. But whatever gets your rocks off :)
  11. Paule2934

    DayZ birthday idea

    Fail. Happy Birthday.
  12. Paule2934

    How long to gear up?

    Just make sure you kill him with one well placed shot rather than spraying his whole body if you want the gear to still be in useable condition...
  13. Paule2934

    How long to gear up?

    Step 1: Join a low pop server and run to elektro. Find any gun with ammo. Revolver, fnx, SKS, whatever. If no gun can be found quickly, a fire Axe will do. Step 2: switch to a full server Step 3: kill one of the fully geared but not skilled players running about through the streets Step 4: loot his body Step 5: profit. Should not take much longer than 30 min, or an hour at most.
  14. Paule2934

    Here's The Deal...

    ^Seriously, this. Anyone who cuffs people and feeds them disinfectant is a sadistic little shit who would probably be out torturing small animals if they weren't too big of a pussy to actually go outside in the sun. I kill players all day for the "sport" of it... but there is no sport in simulating torture on a helpless individual. That is some future serial killer type of shit right there. :facepalm:
  15. Paule2934

    Comparing accuracy of LRS for the Mosin

    Interesting, thanks Elle. I think the one I grabbed was worn or damaged unfortunately. No matter, plenty of snipers to kill in Elektro... I will find one tonight no doubt. :D