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our map isnt "small" its not "balanced"

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i dont see how people can say the map is small.. are they stupid? really?


im pretty sure there are parts of the map thats still left to be ventured


the map is NOT small


its just that the population is concentrated on certain parts of the map due to imbalance in loot spawning

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Loot spawning is balanced.

But people spawn on the coast.

The map isn't small, but it isn't big either.

As a matter of fact, they're working on expanding it even further.

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While the map certainly isn't small, major cities and the airfields are far too close together (even with map changes, the Cherno-Elektro-Skalistksyasdlkjalkdja-airfield run isn't difficult, even without vehicles in-game). The cities are too dangerous (which can't be fixed, and shouldn't be) and the wilderness is too barren (which can be fixed, but probably shouldn't be)

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The map isn't small but it certainly isn't huge either.  


What was the point of this thread anyway?

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"The map is NOT small"


Here comes the expert I guess.


Yes, it's really small, it takes 5 minutes to drive from Solnichniy to Balota with a SUV.


Let's not even talk about choppers. I tried one in Chernarus+ and it took a minute to get from the coast to the NWAF.


"You don't explore enough" excuse is bullshit, after having nothing to do and being overloaded with ammo and food, I did nothing but go to places that I would consider interesting.


Didn't last a day.


The map is little.

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Cars do make it feel smaller, Heli's make it feel really f'n small, however the C130 makes it feel tiny.

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Cars do make it feel smaller, Heli's make it feel really f'n small, however the C130 makes it feel tiny.


Actually, I could try that.


But I don't know if there's anywhere I could take off properly.

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Or this just means that you can get around far too quickly.  Lets do an experiment.  Someone set up a ~25kg pack and start running outside, see how long it takes to go 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50km without stopping.


Maybe once the sprint mechanic gets implemented it will seem bigger.

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I hope they expand to the while Chernaurus.There is a picture that shows that the current map isn't even half the size of Chernaurus.

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Enforce walking. Exhaustion for prolonged running. It is the answer. Yes.

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It's the player distribution. Major towns, are all along the coast, which hold the highest concentration of players, then the other highest concentration is the NWAF. Middle map, northern map, eastern, and North Eastern map hold little value to your typical players, as there is a very low concentration of loot, meaning the players are not evenly distributed across the map, making it seem smaller than it actually is.

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It's the player distribution. Major towns, are all along the coast, which hold the highest concentration of players, then the other highest concentration is the NWAF. Middle map, northern map, eastern, and North Eastern map hold little value to your typical players, as there is a very low concentration of loot, meaning the players are not evenly distributed across the map, making it seem smaller than it actually is.


I more or less agree with this. If they would stick 1 or 2 bigger towns way up north or even a little more central north, that gave players a reason to go up there. I feel like you would run into more players in other towns on your trips up there.

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I more or less agree with this. If they would stick 1 or 2 bigger towns way up north or even a little more central north, that gave players a reason to go up there. I feel like you would run into more players in other towns on your trips up there.

Well in reality, larger town/cities would be closer to the coast, as that's a more logical location. However, the simple addition of more lootspawns/attractions in the center map and NE will draw the player population across those location, so instead of having players along the coast, and NWAF, you have players along the coast, center map, and NEAF.

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It's the player distribution. Major towns, are all along the coast, which hold the highest concentration of players, then the other highest concentration is the NWAF. Middle map, northern map, eastern, and North Eastern map hold little value to your typical players, as there is a very low concentration of loot, meaning the players are not evenly distributed across the map, making it seem smaller than it actually is.

This is why I always find loot in the military areas between NWAF and Balota, and cause they are too far from an  airfield for server hoppers to run to.

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Zelenogorsk is probably my favorite city right now. I really like the new layout they gave it for SA.

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Well in reality, larger town/cities would be closer to the coast, as that's a more logical location. However, the simple addition of more lootspawns/attractions in the center map and NE will draw the player population across those location, so instead of having players along the coast, and NWAF, you have players along the coast, center map, and NEAF.

You guys forget the Chernarus is modeled after a real place, and the real coastline is actually a river. :P


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Okay, so I just flied through Chernarus+ with a fighter jet.


From NWAF to Cherno.


Took 1 minute 26 seconds approx.

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Okay, so I just flied through Chernarus+ with a fighter jet.


From NWAF to Cherno.


Took 1 minute 26 seconds approx.

 That long??

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It's the player distribution. Major towns, are all along the coast, which hold the highest concentration of players, then the other highest concentration is the NWAF. Middle map, northern map, eastern, and North Eastern map hold little value to your typical players, as there is a very low concentration of loot, meaning the players are not evenly distributed across the map, making it seem smaller than it actually is.

I keep getting like the same three spawn points and it's all ways way to stripped for a good run when I spawn without haveing to server jump.   They realy need to spread them out more along the coast or even other places.

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i love how people complain about map size...its mind "bottling"


isnt it 200sq km or so? plenty for a game.

plenty for now.


quality is more important than quantity...JUST LOOK AT ALTIS! its 10x more boring and shit tons bigger.



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Everyone knows that map. That makes it small by a full measure.


If map was completely new, yeah, would be big until is was completely explored.

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Everyone knows that map. That makes it small by a full measure.


If map was completely new, yeah, would be big until is was completely explored.


They should come out with a new map, one specifically modelled to look like a zombie apocalypse has hit. Personally I'd like them to evolve the map as time went on so they could do the following;


- At the start, the map is pristine with fresh dead bodies scattered here and there and fresh blood marks, etc.


- buildings have more loot in them


- Fuel tanks are stocked


- zombie's are dumb


- wild animals aren't abundant in rural areas


Then as time goes on, the devs release a map update. The houses gather moss on their roofs, tendrils start to cover the sides of the roads, loot levels go down in buildings as do fuel supplies. Wild animals start to move into the cities (I think I am legend showed that off quite well?) and *maybe* the zombie AI evolves too.


In other words I want to feel like I'm in a world slowly gripped by the fingers of nature as she takes back her hold.


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