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Alex LWG

Your first time being a bandit.

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Just now. Trekking through the woods on my way to a new town. Badly geared. M104 with 8 rounds. Makarov. Low food and no water.

Spotted some Zeds leaving a tiny place, thought they were after me at first but I'd been nowhere near. Started running as I saw about 5 heading my general direction. On my way uphill towards the tree line I saw another guy running almost parallel to me.

Fell in behind him. Stalked behind him for a good 10mins before he stopped at my initial destination and started looting.

Shotgun shell to the chest and down he went.

Scored a winchester with 4 boxes of ammo, an M16 with 4 mags, a bunch more mags for my makarov, alice pack, map, compass, knife, food and meds.

I'm really chasing a rifle and some NVGs tbh. But I was happy with that score.

His map was marked up with all kinds of locations he'd been to as well. I'm going to have to check them out.

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I don't know if this really counts as being a bandit but it was a murder so I guess it does...

Picture the scene, my first night spawn, I am in the hills above Cherno. I have no flares because I chucked them for food during the day. I can't see a fkin thing and begin to wander around in the dark. People are on chat trying to meet up for safety, hoping that they can find strength in numbers.......

Then I see the first flare, it must be 2 or 3 K from my hilltop position. I head towards it. Another flare goes up and I see the outskirts of town in the eerie red light. I reach the buildings at the edge of town as the last flare goes off, it is outside the church by the looks of it, I am only a few streets away and start to take things a little slower. I have 1 mag in my pistol and nothing else. I hear some shots go off close by, then... CHAT RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently some guy was waiting in the church for the two 'friendlies' who had agreed to meet up. They were not happy but the dude who killed them was having a merry time telling them not to 'look so unfriendly' next time. I walked through the church door while he was looting the corpses and smack talking them on chat. I had time to stand behind him while he gloated, the prick didn't know what hit him. I emptied the whole mag into the cunt while he screamed. He never stood a chance. I T-bagged the corpse before raiding it, what a haul. Larger backpack, binoculars, compass, watch, 3 blood bags, knife, matches. The list went on. LMAO this guy must have been surviving for a while but not anymore. He disconnected without saying a word while I headed to the hills, killed a sheep and cut myself some nice steak to round off a most enjoyable session. I would like to say thanks to the cunt for collecting all the gear for me but next time try and get me a map FFS :P. Normally I don't go on the bandit trail but karma caught up with this dude and he paid heavily. I have no illusion that the same fate will probably come to me at some point but for now, I am eating steak and supping blood like it was red wine :D

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I had just spawn and saw two guys running along coast. I usually am a nice guy, but I had just been killed by a ladder.


So I was a little salty. I pulled out my pistol (these guys were deaf I swear) run behind them and kill one of them. The other one turns around and shoots me. I died. After that, I don't know why, but I felt terrible. The first and last time I do that.

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Bandits? Pshhh... amateurs. I have a stellar humanity rating and I've only killed one player, and that's because he was an idiot and I shot him in the leg and he bled to death because he didn't know how to bandage himself.

What's more fun than being a bandit? Being a sneaky questionable survivor who just wants to look inside other people's packs, and stalk people without actually pulling the trigger just to make them squirm. They don't want to kill you because they'll become a bandit, but they don't want to lose all their stuff. What ever shall they do?!?!?!

They do lots of things actually. Sometimes they fire warning shots, sometimes they throw flares, sometimes they just keep running... until they get eaten by zombies and I come along to loot their bodies.

Bandits are lame. What's the fun in headshotting people from a roof? The victim doesn't even get to see who causes their anguish, who haunts them in their dreams. Besides... bandits get shot on sight. I don't, and I still cause mayhem. :D

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Meeting and/or avoiding other players starting getting stale, so earlier today I was in NE airbase hangar, when I saw a survivor looking at some loot. I knew what it was, but thought, fuck it.

Sorry bro if you're reading this, I just needed something new to keep me interested.

And your demise achieved this for me.

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I got shot by a bandit. Then I started my murderous rampage of camping in towers and cranes, killing every bandit I saw. Love it.

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Survivors are "meh" to kill, even if they got decent gear.

But killing highly geared up bandits, that's like the epitome of happiness.

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We had 2 bandits sniping us survivors at the Elek hospital, he later went ontop of the building we were in to flank us. During this, zombies were invading us and I had a good amount of stuff on me. So I was protecting this guy who only had a malakov pistol, killed over 40 zombies. I was standing infront of him, trying to protect him but only ended up being back stabbed. He shot me after and took my stuff.

I then realized that it's pointless to be a survivor since there's so many noob survivors to team with, or there's just plain trolls who fuck you over. So I realized instead of fretting over this, I'm just gonna kill anyone on sight.

So after I respawned, I saw some guy running with a flare on the highway in the dark. I killed him with my pistol.

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The first time? Hmm, it's been a while now. I know the first time I played I acquire a massive phobia of the trees, due to having spawned fairly late at night.

From there I think I stumbled into Balota airfield, encountering heavy gunfire. I ran for cover on top of the control tower, listening to the bandits(?) below me, running around. I sat in almost pitch-black staring at the ladder, listening for any signs of them, after the movement went quiet. After a few minutes, I span my revolver barrel (back when the revolver was the default pistol) three times (reloading whilst full) to taunt any potential threats.

After a brief pause, a revolver barrel in the room below me was span. Each of us spinning the barrel to taunt the other, me stuck on the tower, them, unable to climb to the top. Frozen in place, I stayed for roughly 10 minutes. Until I gingerly descended. No-one was around.

Can't remember in which town I ended up next, but after a few minutes of running away from the airfield I saw a guy (not sure if was the same one) standing completely still. I spoke. No reply. So I killed him. Then I became a bandit.

Shortly afterwards, I met up with a friend; who then created another 'first': my first time getting attacked in a town. He fired a revolver shot which pulled a horde of zombies, we fired shot after shot into the zombie crowd, standing side by side. He went down after a minute or so of the intense fire-fight. I was sure he would be fine though, picking off the last few stragglers. Walking over to his corpse I realised I was too late, he was dead.

I was all alone. At night. In a town I was sure was filled with zombies.

I crawled into the nearest house and lay there till the morning, daring not to set foot outside again.

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Mine was the worst. It was probably the second time I had spawned after being munched on by some zeds. My heart was already pounding, it was dark, and I saw something move RIGHT BESIDE ME. I jumped in my seat, and pumped every shot of my clip into it, and dammit if it wasn't another player.

I got called out in chat, apologized, and that was it.


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was with 2 other survivors and after walking in the dark for 2 hours we were over run by a mob and as we were running for dear life the guy in front of me decided not to turn around and shoot some of the horde,

so in spite I filled him with a clip of makarov fire and while his bones were being picked clean i patched myself up and made my exit.

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Was at the Balota Air Field and had scavenged and found an AK. While doing this I hear shots in the distance and then see a survivor running straight at me in my warehouse with around 20 zombies chasing him. I consider shooting but I am unsure if he or the zombies have seen me so sneak out and begin to run towards the forest.

He sees me and runs after me. He chases me for a good 10 minutes through the forest with a load of zombies chasing him and then I begin to hear Makarov rounds whizz past my head and hit the trees around me. I turn with my AK, bring it up and drop him and then run for it. He gets swarmed and eaten, I become a bandit, I loot his corpse and then begin down a very dark road....

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I then realized that it's pointless to be a survivor since there's so many noob survivors to team with' date=' or there's just plain trolls who fuck you over. So I realized instead of fretting over this, I'm just gonna kill anyone on sight.



As it is now there's no downside of being a bandit since 95% of the people you see will shoot you on sight, even if unaggressed, anyway so you might as well shoot them first.

Especially true if you're already teaming with a couple of friends.

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I became a bandit by mistake. On the website where it says like "step 1: this" "step 2: that" "step 3: survive"... well in step 2 it says Kill Zombies and Bandits, and bandit there is a guy in a black cap.

So first day I'm playing I'm sneaking up to some barn and I look behind me and there's a bandit sneaking up behind me. I thought he was going to backstab me so as soon as I saw him I emptied my clip in his face.

Turns out it was just a survivor and now I'm a bandit =/

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My first two murders were quite simple.

I saw the church in Novy Sabor and decided to investigate, inside were two survivors crouched down in gear mode picking up loot off the ground.

On a whim I popped them both in the back.

It felt good.

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Well, my first act of banditry failed quite miserably. I had just spawned near Kamenka after the 1.5.7 respawn bug and died instantly from a broken limb(ikr!). I spawned near Cherno and immediately ran east, seeing no sign of players or zombies. But when I was reaching my death point to retreive my stuff (from a bug, I don't normally run back to my body if I had died normally) I spotted a survivor looting my body. I unloaded 3 rounds of Winchester slugs I had found on the way into him and he fell to the floor. Turns out he wasn't dead and shot me once with a DMR and I died. So yeah, an attempted murder.

After that, with my new character, I spawned near Elektro. I headed to the factory on the east road of the city and picked up a Winchester and tons of ammo from a dead bandit. I headed through Elektro untill I came to the store. At that point I was already being chased by around 20 zeds, and once in the store, sprayed some pellets at the horde. They all died. I then wandered over the the house over the road as I heard shots from there as I was defending myself. As soon as I walked in, I came under fire from a survivor in a crouched position. I ran into cover and peeked round the door and fired 1 shot into his head. Down he goes. I show little remorse for that player and show even less to survivors taking pot shots at me while I'm holed up in the Hospital watching out for 'Bandit Hunters. I will never turn back.

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I was near that big mountain, dunno the name, used in the first mission of the red harvest campaign to pick targets with a range finder (Dunno if you see which place I'm talking about)

Just down that mountain, there's a railroad, and a road crosses it. Just at this particular place, I could see a flare from the beach. I decided to approach, and I am not a retard nor I like to ris my life, so I prepared myself to kill who made it in case he wasn't a friend.

I go on the railroad, kneel, and look in the direction of the flare - two players are running on the tracks, one with a flare in the hands.

I say: "2 guys running with a flare on the railroad, identify yourselves" but those idiots didn't answer, the guy dropped his flare and they stopped, searching for me with their guns. I considered that as an act of agression, and began shooting. It was nightime and makarovs aren't really accurate weapons, therefore I only hit one guy's leg once, while emptying my mag. They were shooting in my direction, knowing where the gunshots came from, but didn't see me as they were really doing bullshit. I remembered my training and began to move on the left, crouching-running, and placed myself in front of a hill so they wouldn't see my silhouette (Never stand in front of the horizon), and I had a bush between me and the flare, so I was safe from its light. At this point they began to move and shoot around, and I decided to approach them slowly, always with bushes between me and them so they couldn't see me. At this point they began to go where I was when they last saw me, which was an error. One of the guys was crouching and not moving, I shot his head. The other was mental, and ran everywhere shooting, then sprinted to the little forest near the mountain.

I ran to the flare and extinguised it. Sorry buddy, I like darkness.

At this point the guy dropped his brain and did the most retarded thing to do: he got out of his hiding spot (which was good!) to run in the open ... to throw another flare at his feet.

He gave his position away. Despite the fact that I extinguised his flare he didn't know where I was. I killed him easily at this point.

They then raged over the group chat, stating that they were friendly. I answered "so bad I wasn't." (To troll, since I would have been cool if they said they were friendly lol)

That's how I earned my bandit skin. At this moment I knew that survivors would shoot me on sight and but these two murders gave me the biggest adrenaline burst I had on this game so far. It felt very good, I was excited, I was feeling alive, and anyway now I couldn't go back.

I realized that loots were waaaay easier to get on players than anywhere else, and decided that I would be the scourge of humanity, the evil spirit of this wasteland.

Plus, I always liked drama and trolling, what people say when they die is sometimes just hilarious. I also liked killing miners back when I was playing EVE and get hilarious messages.

That is how I began my bandit career and hopefully many heads will fall from my hand. My goal is now to have the lowest humanity score possible.

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My friend and I were at a barn near Msta, we encountered a sole survivor. He claimed to be friendly and a few minutes of awkward peace ensued. We all looted the barn and then hung around outside fighting off zombies, after which some awkward circling occured with guns being pointed at others a bit too much, eventually this was too much for my friend, who had already killed an innocent in rage after being killed himself, and he took the shot.

My friend was now in bandit skin, and there had been plenty of gunfire. While we were looting this guy's body another sole survivor approached unseen. He opened fire. We took evasive action, but my friend fell and bled out. I hid further up the road (having ran for cover initially) and waited for the attacker to loot my friend's body. Sure enough he showed up straight away. My winchester shot once, then once again as he rounded the car to try to escape. I closed in for the kill and put one final shot into him as he bled profusely. I went from 2610 humanity to around -3000. I don't think I'll be turning back now.

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I still remember my kill.

I bolted from the beach (glitch-death) up the hill. I found a roadway and followed it carefully. Off in the distance I saw a survivor sprinting down the road so I go flat. I figure that since I didn't really have anything, I would give this a go. I hide behind a bush as he speeds by and I shoot him, one Mak shot, in the head. It took FORTY FEET for that joker to stop running and fall over dead. He then raged about how he was running, to which I said "no kidding, your corpse ran for a while."

Looting him was surprisingly easy.

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im the guy that if you startle just shoots first and gets bitched at for it later. well today im picking off zombies with my ak for a guy who was getting swarmed, when a dude runs up behind him and shoots him, so i kill that guy, and just a minute ago i was watching the stairs below me because i heard footsteps, and up pops this dude in desert utilities. i unloaded a mag into him just to be safe i even waited a minute or two before looting him, boy did he have a crap load of ammo for my akm.. made it worth it, also grabbed an m16a2 and two stanag's from under him... all in all, pretty nice, great part is i haven't lost any humanity... i'm still.. incognito per say.

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I had recently looted the North Western Airfield, and was trying to make my way to Novy Sobor to loot some food and water, since I was running low. At the Airfield I had picked up an M4A3 CCO, which I figured would be a great weapon.

Anyways, as I was approaching the town of Novy Sobor, after having diligently crawled and crouched my way through the forests so I would not be seen by anyone, I saw flares. There were about 3 flares strewn across the entire town, and gunshots were being wildly fired at zombies. It turns out there was a group of 3 survivors looting the town. I realized after this that they were talking in side chat to coordinate with eachother. That was a mistake.

I felt a bit annoyed, considering that I'd always played so carefully. I never used flares or flashlights at night, and always crawled in towns so I wouldn't have to fire a single shot. These guys were just running around standing up taking shots at the zombies. I realized that they had looted almost the entire town of the supplies I needed. At that moment I made the decision that I would follow them.

I stalked them meticulously for about an hour, and I was always about 300 meters behind them. The only problem is I didn't want to shoot at this group of three and miss with my M4. They eventually decided to go back to the Airfield where I had just come from. I was laying in the grass about 400-500 meters behind them waiting for them to inevitably cross the runways of the airfield. Which they did, but I was still not ready to open fire on them.

Eventually, they reached the hangars. I had flanked around completely and was now on the back side of the hangars without them knowing. I followed them some more, until they got to the last hangar and decided to cross the airfield again. Unfortunately, because it was night, I couldn't see very well, except for their flashlights. As they were crossing, I carefully aimed at the last man in the row of them. That moment was the one I had been waiting for, and my heart was pounding. I shot three, four, or maybe even five shots. I really don't remember, but I know that he was pretty fucked up. I saw flashlights waving around, but luckily I had hidden back behind the hangar after taking those shots, so they wouldn't be able to see where the shots came from.

However, having fired these shots and it being so dark and quiet, about 15 zombies started sprinting at me. I knew I couldn't take the zombies and kill the players, which had really annoyed me. But there was nothing I could do now. I ran to the nearest town, where there was a farm house, and killed the zombies, bandaged myself, and fled into the woods.

They never found me, but I was lucky. I learned that I shouldn't shoot in areas with zombies. It seems like a no brainer, but I figured I could have killed all three of them and run into a building. Seems I was a bit over confident.

I must say though, it was incredibly exciting. I will most likely continue to prey on those that make themselves known to me. Hunting them became my passion as I was doing it.

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My first act into banditry took place in Chernog. A buddy and I were planning on meeting in Chernog and heading North afterwards. We roamed around looking for supplies until I had found the medical tents and proceeded to the roof to help guide my friend to the town. All the while gunshots were blasting I scouted around looking for the source and low and behold a lone survivor firing every bit of ammo he had into the crowd of +40 zeds below him. My friend had finally made it to the roof and he was sporting a trusty CZ and I an Enfield so we traded.

I took a second watching this survivor waiting for him to show himself because I had lost himself behind some tubing. Until finally I had found him, the look in his eyes were that of terror not knowing what to do. No ammo, no place to run. I felt bad for the guy so I would like to see it as a mercy killing. Dumb bastard never saw it coming as I pulled the trigger and placed a shot into the back of his skull. No I didn't loot the body we got what we needed and left.

This thrill of taking out a character that is actually being played by someone was far more rewarding than gunning down a few zeds. Its survival of the fittest and you better hope you're not surviving into my CZ crosshair, because you ain't gonna be surviving no more.

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Some guy was talking in chat to meet up with his buddies. Three of them in total were in the mix. I offered to meet them in Kamenka to join them. They arrived with AKs and as we made our way north, I lagged behind and picked them off one by one in cold blood. The things people will do for a primary in DayZ.

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Well my first attempt at playing this game i was an instant bandit trust no one.

(why i became a bandit)

But i met a friend added him on steam etc so then we were two people who didnt know where the hell we were hahaha so we were damn lost. He convinced me to be good (Rehab) so then i was a friendly survivor who would help the needy but be careful and watch them as i go.

So i see this guy running into a construction yard i go in after him saying "friendly coming in to construction. I know where you are man!" so we share a campfire for about a minute and dont point my gun at the guy. so when i was watching him the prick turns around and shoots my head. Instant death. I didnt lose much! I asked him why he killed me and he replied "I dont like mexicans..". so i just said "it's ayt its part of the game..."

(Bandit Kill)

right after that i swore to kill everything in my sight. I got one of my friends to play and we started to go into town just looking for a primary for him. So when we got into town we pass the cranes and see this guy with a flare crouch walking. I tell my friend to take the shot and he does nails him, the guy collapses. We tried to loot his corpse but we thought it glitched so we went away looking for a better weapon. When we look back we see him get up and we decide to finish him. I got a Enfield of him and as soon as i get it his friend is trying to snipe me and my buddy with a makarov. I quickly aim my gun at his chest and fire. More zombies come and we decide to go to the port and make a decoy, we got away safely and continue to kill who we want to kill. I dont like getting backstabbed anymore... never again...

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