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Alex LWG

Your first time being a bandit.

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This thread is to share your story and talk about how you became a bandit for the first time and what you did after that.

Here's mine;

I was in Elektrogorsk, on top of that tower which is above some kind of storage area, I had looted a torch and some other useful accessories. I later logged back in after awhile and there was a guy right next to me, he had a CZ and other good stuff (At that moment the Compound Crossbow was the only primary I had had). Rather than logging off I decided to kill him with my Makarov, it may of not been the most nicest thing to do but since he was in a tower with a CZ he would eventually shoot me anyway. I fired a clip into him and watched him collapsed, as soon as he dropped the server crashed and I didn't get to loot him. (Karma lol) =( I could later play again but had to respawn and everything, but I'm still a bandit and intend to be one for a long time.

What's your story?

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I was forced into self defense when I took a round from a pistol then got trapped in a concrete walled yard. I layed down and waited. He came around the corner looking for me and I shot him in the face with a shotgun slug.

I don't shoot people unless I have to. My bandit status is now gone and I don't want it back :)

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Decided to try to play the game as a survivor for a while, but every time I met another survivor I got shot to death. After a good ten deaths I decided "Fuck it, everyone is going to die.".

That led to me spawning, quickly murdering the closest person for the medical supplies and ammo I knew I would need, and then I headed into Cherno and got a shotgun from the grocery store. With a now nearly 1 shot kill weapon that zombies would hardly hear I went on to kill a few more people before dieing somehow. I don't really remember how but likely I died in a gun fight.

I advanced from that to my current character having 5 murders, 2 bandit kills, and 70 zombie kills. Also, I only stayed a survivor for the first two days of game play lol. Been a bandit for around 3 weeks, keeping my humanity around -20k.

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Not one yet. But soon, I feel... I can only take so many survivors taking advantage of my friendly nature.

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I ran out of food and just couldn't find any. I thought I was going to die and it turns out I had been taking the same route as another survivor who must have been picking houses clean. Wrong place at the wrong time I guess. I killed a few more after that and am now trying to repent.

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I was at cherno and saw a flare at the church, I zoomed in with my DMR and saw atleast 7 survivors taking refuge inside. I thought that if I went near they'd probably shoot me, so I threw in a smoke grenade to confuse them, and then threw in a frag grenade which killed atleast 4. I then sniped off the rest.. Got some juicy loot!

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my bandit journey started in chern, i got tired of beeing killed all the time and decided to start doing the killing too. sitting ontop of a tall tower in the factory area overlooking pretty much the entire town. picking off players with my CZ sniper. sat up there for hours taking em out :D lots of fun when a group of 5-6 decided to meet up in chern :P still now and then decide to sit up there and just snipe :]

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I was on the south airfield one morning. Then I saw 2 guys running across the airfield to the barracks, they took no cover, running like retards.

And just because of that I waited in the tower with my Makaraov and took both of them out. Since then I am punishing careless players :)

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I said to myself, "Why not?" I proceeded to go on a spree with my CZ in Cherno and haven't looked back.

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I saw a man in the grocery store in Zelenegorsk' date=' so I put a CZ round in his dome.


Sounds awfully like how i died 3 days ago, when playing first time. Some guy lying on a ditch shot me when i rand out from the store.

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First bandit time? I saved a newbie from a few dozen zeds that he somehow managed to collect around him running through cherno, and tried showing him around the game. The then proceeded to piss me off.

Since then I kept getting it in self defense atleast a dozen times and figured if the game wants to make me a bandit, Im going to damn well earn it, and performed 12 murders that night thanks to NVGs.

How people manage to stay survivor for so long is beyond me anyways, with all the forced self defence.

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first experience was yesterday. saw someone in the chat calling for a blood transfusion near stary sobor ( I was in Novy and had a map, so I knew their location as they had kindly marked it for me). a friendly survivor agrees to help with eh transfusion and they meet in a big rusty warehouse. me and my 20ish rounds of CZ550 ammo decide this would be a fun experiment. I rush up about 350m from the red warehouse, with one exit directly infront of me, and the other two exits had about 100m before the nearest cover (there was no rear exit). during the transfusion I see their hands moving slightly through the rusted panels. I wait for my perfect shot. after 5 mins of them trading I get slightly tired of this and jump the gun. i graze one guys shoulder with a bullet. screaming in the chat. after a 10minute standoff they decide to throw smoke nades and charge my position. I fall back 200m and take up another position after going down to 5k blood and taking morphine. i call for a ceasefire. they agree provided I walk to them with my CZ left on the hill I was sniping from. I agree to the terms and wander into the barn 1911 lowered.

me: "so now what?"

him: "well I kind of expected you to try to kill me, so I dunno"

me: "well I expected you two to kill me....so...derp"

we promptly all become good friends and loot the rest of Stary Sobor together. we split late last night and added each other on steam, so that's how a raiding party was born.

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After looking through my binoculars(while hidden in a tree) I saw 2 guys 30m away sprinting towards me. Had a 5 second think and decided to kill them. Gained bandit status and just became addicted to the hunter aspect.

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Was with my clan mates after finding an M24, when I see some idiot sprinting across Balota airfield spraying his makarov blindly at us.. pop goes his skull. Then as we progress to Chernogorsk, another guy starts taking shots at us with a Makarov from behind an out building. He picked on the wrong group, and the wrong sniper. Bang goes his skull, and a zombie goes to eat him.

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I had only played the mod for a couple of hours, I died twice? I think before moving on up through a forest and into a village. I only had one zombie encounter so far so when I approached the village and heard all the moaning I became panicked and skirted around it.

I heard gunshots and decided to go back and investigate further, I saw a survivor with a crossbow so I slowly approached him. I screamed over the direct communication "FRIENDLY FRIENDLY" while also typing it in the chat, he saw me but didn't respond. I tagged along with him for abit, the silence was creepy among the trees. We got to a hill that was almost vertical, he walked closer to it and something went through my mind.

What if I kill him now? I need food and I don't have a primary weapon, I've heard the crossbow is shit but it's better than nothing.

I drew my weak makarov and aimed it toward his head... *POP* *POP* *POP* He vanished! What the fuck is going on I thought... (I was playing on an American server but it was full of russians (bear in mind im from the UK)

I felt three, maybe four bullets hit me and I fell down to the floor, from behind my head I saw him draw closer, my final resting place was to be in the middle of a forest... no one would bury me and i'd be left here to rot or be eaten. He aimed at my head and pulled the trigger...

From then on I've sworn revenge on my death, hunted players through different servers hoping to find that bastard and end his life.

(Fuck lag)

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It was a dark dark night. I was wondering around with no nightvision and no ligt. All the sudden i see a flare some distance away. I walk to it, but i could not see anyone around. So i wander a little longer until i see a flash light. I begin to sneak up on him. The moment i am 1-2 meters behind him he drops a flare on the ground, scaring the shit out of me so i shoot. I hit him once in my panic, but he runs out of the light. With him in the dark i also return to the dark and wait for him to make his move. 2 minutes later he turns on his flashligt. I open fire and kill him. And i have to admit that it felt really good when i put him down and stole his shit.

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Shot a man in the neck from 500 meters away with A DMR, he wasn't a bandit but I didn't like the look of him one bit. He was going through the body of a dead player and I could see in his eyes he was thoroughly enjoying him self..a bit to much if you had asked me. God only knows what that savage would have done to me. I decided not to take any chances and I snuffed him out, he never felt a thing I'm sure. I dont often actively hunt players but I dont exactly ignore them either.

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I had just restarted after dying in Berezino, second death (first happened inside cherno in my first five minutes).

I was inside the Balota airfield, chatting to a couple of randoms on my local communities TS server. We hit it off and decided to group up, before that could happened, we had to meet up. Now inside the airfield, I ended up getting swarmed and barely managed to fight off the zeds, it was at this time, battered and bleeding, that a random player came to my aid, a particularly well geared guardian angel swept down from the heavens and bandaged up my wounds, dropped food/water and started to leave.

It was then that I saw his AK and backpack, without even stopping to think, I put a bullet right into the back of his skull. When I finally linked up with the others who later formed my crew, I was up one alice backpack, an AKM with four clips, a silenced M9, map, compass, binoculars and a whole load of other things.

It was the start of a beautiful thing.

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I was sitting by the beach taking in the salty air, when I heard gun shots almost right behind me. Everyone of these shots had missed me I slowly turn around to see Ricky walking towards me thinking that he had damaged my body and could then take my beans. As I raised my weapon all I could think was "Mortal you dare challenge me!". Unloaded about 10 shots into his chest he fell, I took his beans. I walked down the beach with a couple friends to see another man a few minutes later I looked closer it was Ricky, we set up a firing line it looked something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=92CI3KFEtrk#t=9s

We took his beans.

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Im coming for you bandit noobs, cause there's a new bandit hunter in town!!!

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My first time was when I had just started in Elektro, I had found a revolver while scavenging. I snuck up on a group together trying to heal, one was a bandit and two were survivors and I could see chat where they were using the bandit to kill others and the other two just spot. I killed all three where they stood. Then again I probably would have killed them no matter what the reason just for being a big threat, all were armed with assault rifles and full gear. This was my first life ever within 30 minutes.

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My first time treading into banditry was less about the robbing and more about being really mean to some poor guys.

My first murder was when I sniped some poor guy who was running away from hopping zombies half a mile from me it seamed he had no ammo so I let the zombies eat him unfortunately I think my shot insta killed him.

The second murder was much better, same situation as above but this time he had around 8 zombies on him and I shot him in the leg, it was hella funny watching him freak out in chat thinking he encountered a bug that made him trip and break a leg all the while he lay there being eaten.

Yea I know an insanely cruel thing to do but I still laugh every time I think about it.

If the guys I shot read this I am sorry but if you were looking at it from my perspective I bet you would have been tempted to do the same thing.

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I have given up on humanity, I always get screwed over by other survivors so now, whenever I see someone I gladly pop them in the head and take their stuff.

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