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About drpastah

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I accepted, when can I expect to see you on?
  2. Name: David Age: 22 Time Zone: EST How often do you play: often When are you on the most: daytime What do you want to bring to Aegis?: Military Standard playing Preferred class(Assault, Medic, Support, Sniper, Grenadier, etc): Overwatch, CQC Do you like tactical realism?: Yes Send skype name if you rather be contacted that way if approved or disapproved: ELITEeNergizer
  3. drpastah

    Game crash

    I get the same problem
  4. drpastah

    ArmA II - DayZ - Cursor Only Showing

    I have the same problem sometimes
  5. drpastah

    Snipers are OP?

    I just find it annoying how most of the weapons got nerfed except for snipers.
  6. drpastah

    Snipers are OP?

    Anyone else think that snipers are OP? It's so hard to fight against a sniper if you don't have a sniper as well, and it makes it hard to even find out where they can be at times. Also if you're being shot at, you'll have to be really lucky to get to cover fast enough. Generally, I don't see any methods of dealing with snipers really.
  7. I'm 21 years of age and I've been playing DayZ and Arma 2 for two months. I've been pretty bored just soloing a lot and only had at max, 1 person that would team up with me. I've already read 75% of this guide http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/ Also I'm pretty damn good at city combat, cities such as cherno, elektro, or even small towns such as stary sobor. I prefer playing on North American servers. Send me up a reply or PM.
  8. drpastah

    Your first time being a bandit.

    We had 2 bandits sniping us survivors at the Elek hospital, he later went ontop of the building we were in to flank us. During this, zombies were invading us and I had a good amount of stuff on me. So I was protecting this guy who only had a malakov pistol, killed over 40 zombies. I was standing infront of him, trying to protect him but only ended up being back stabbed. He shot me after and took my stuff. I then realized that it's pointless to be a survivor since there's so many noob survivors to team with, or there's just plain trolls who fuck you over. So I realized instead of fretting over this, I'm just gonna kill anyone on sight. So after I respawned, I saw some guy running with a flare on the highway in the dark. I killed him with my pistol.
  9. Yes seems strange, but I'm looking for a team of bandits to team up with. I find it difficult to regain my stuff or to get a working vehicle by going lone wolf so I'm looking for a bandit team. I prefer playing on Chicago 1 Blues since it's the best ping, least problems, veteran settings and the admin is active on it. Send me a friend request over steam: ELITEeNergizer Or Skype: ELITEeNergizer MSN: eliteenergizer@hotmail.com