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Starting major online film project! Want-in? Post below.

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Good day to all.


First, Id' like to take a moment to welcome myself to the message boards. I've been a consistent reader and have been very entertained by a lot of the dedication, persistance and over-all support the vast majority of us gamer's have shown to a game that I myself spend a lot of time on. Now, on to the point of the thread. 


My team and I have access to a recording studio, actors, actresses, microphones and your run-of-the-typical programs that allow us to create the graphics and what-not necessary to develop a project that we have in mind. We have history in doing gaming-related things as such as the project we are trying to start up and I hope that me being vague isn't construed as just another random blip of an idea that quickly gets flushed and a waste of everyone's time. My team and I are looking for support for several different reasons. One of which is that we already have the time-line, basics for our execution and even demo-footage to show supporters of some of things we already have gotten on the way.


But let's face facts here folks. This is a forum post on the internet and I don't want to blow smoke up anyone's rear so before I continue on so let me open with a few points.


1. Do not look for monetary gain. We are not promising it isn't possible, but if you want to be apart of it specifically for that. You are not what we are looking for.


2. This will take time and patience. We have a director, leadership and we are looking for people to fill specific roles. Adjustable of course and constructive criticism and feedback would be much appreciated. if you understand that, then this is what we are really looking for.


3. Despite leadership, we are a team. If you cannot work well with a team. Dont bother. Sorry to be rash, but let's not waste each other's time.


4. Maturity is a must. Our average team age is twenty-five. Men and women alike. If that' makes you uncomfortable, be honest with yourself. We will always consider the young and old but keep in mind, maturity is a must.


5. Love the game, love the process. You don't necessarily have to be a film-nut but if you don't understand the process, than you'll more than likely not be able to deal with our expectations.


6. Major roles are already written and filled. However like any film project, that is subject to change. (I really, REALLY dont want to give anyone's hopes up on that point before messaging back.)


7. If this project is done right. The team plans to visit the DayZ studio to meet, greet and photograph the developers and team. However, a meeting with Rocket would probably not happen nor do we claim to have the support of Bohemia or there team at this time.


At the end of the day, we are trying to build something special that is first funny, comical and bond with the players that share the same love for the game we do. However, without support, we cant get far. I wanted to point that out and if you are still interested after all that honesty than you are probably the kind of individual we are looking to bring onto this team. We run on EST, keep in mind. However we have some roleplayers who are as far as Texas and California and some-how, we've managed to make it work for several years.


A. You need a microphone, better the quality, the better the result. Skype. (Ventrilo from time to time, just for specific codec/volume control recording.)

B. A toaster for a computer will not make it. If you feel you are getting -10 or less frames in major cities, we cant compensate for that. You need a good computer.

C. Free-time. Cant stress it enough. Some of us have jobs+school but we manage. So if we can, you can also. If you dont have the minimum two hours to dedicate, forget it.

D. No experience in this sort of thing? Not good at being a writer or actor/actress? That's A-OK! Your dedication and your expectation to have as much fun as possible is what we care about most.


This is how Red vs Blue started. This is how Summit started. This is how ZeroPunctuation and other major influences in the gaming industry started. A simple mundane post of information that got turned into something people can get on board with. We are asking anyone with the time and ability to do the same. Our dream collectively is to do what we can to earn as much as possible so we may travel the world to see DayZ developers. To be inside the studio standing there asking questions. To give back in a way few of us do but all of us secretly WOULD LOVE TO DO. It may same mundane to most but we aren't looking for the most. We are looking for the few motivated individuals we can grind down from this single topic to try and draw on and feed. We plan on releasing a trailer within three month's or so. So like I said. There's no magical promises here, no piggy backing on anyone on this thread. We just want to see who'd be interested in participating, small or large and support from all DayZ gamer's. Cause besides our dream. We are of course doing this for future fans. Our hard work will pay off. I promise that much.

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No Spec.

Also, regarding that last paragraph, ZP is just one guy. He didn't solicit spec work. He just used Windows Movie Maker. Thus the statement is deliberately misleading.

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I would like to see some references of you work.

YT: Sharknado, Sharknado 2 and what ever is the next thing M. Night Shlamayalala is doing

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Do you have a role for an asshole or douchebag in your film?  If so, I am your man.

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Do you have a role for an asshole or douchebag in your film?  If so, I am your man.


What about a Danish asshole? I'm pretty good at speaking English with a Danish accent.

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What about a Danish asshole? I'm pretty good at speaking English with a Danish accent.

Fuck off, I got dibs on the part of asshole/douchebag.

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im cautiously curious about this, if you want to PM me or something we could discuss what kinds of roles you are looking to fill and see if there might be a fit. I have a LOT of freetime during the week as I work fri-sun 6am-6pm CST.

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Well, I do appreciate the support DayZ gamers. Asshole with a danish accent. To be absolutely honest, The "bandit-asshole" role as we can call it if you'd like has already been taken for quite some time now. But just the idea of someone speaking danish and acting like an ass at the same time would be very entertaining to take a listen to. I just have this reverse Hugh Laurie thing going off in my head just at the thought of that . Anyone interested, can send a private message to me and I would be happy to share all the details to get into contact with myself and my team. 


Also, @Alogos.


I understand being cautiously curious. Makes perfect sense to me. I would be to. Who feel's like getting jerked about for their time now-a-days? Not myself. 

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Well, I do appreciate the support DayZ gamers. Asshole with a danish accent. To be absolutely honest, The "bandit-asshole" role as we can call it if you'd like has already been taken for quite some time now. But just the idea of someone speaking danish and acting like an ass at the same time would be very entertaining to take a listen to. I just have this reverse Hugh Laurie thing going off in my head just at the thought of that . Anyone interested, can send a private message to me and I would be happy to share all the details to get into contact with myself and my team. 


Also, @Alogos.


I understand being cautiously curious. Makes perfect sense to me. I would be to. Who feel's like getting jerked about for their time now-a-days? Not myself. 

so what can you tell me about the project? like i said i have free time to commit and am interested in being a part of your team for the duration of its scope. if youd like, my steam ID: eeastburn

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