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[Discussion] What is the funniest/best way you died?

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I was a fresh spawn and I was walking over the bridge near the factory. All of a sudden you see 2 bandits come out of under the bridge playing some hostile music. They introduced them selves as the trolls under the toll bridge. I needed to pay the toll for the bridge, I can pay in one of 2 ways a bullet to the toe or my pants. I payed with a bullet in the toe but the guy had bad aim and shot me in the head :(

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I almost killed my teammate. We were horsing around and I shot near his feet, actually hitting him. Had to spend the next 10 minutes trying to save him. He was cross.

Doesn't really count, but amusing.

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Well I remember this time I was sniping in the chapavevsk buildings (on a 40 pop server), after 2 hours of pretty much seeing nothing more than some randmon ppl ( not deserving of getting sniped,my objective was to kill bandits) all of the sudden I hear a voice that says " You are dead" , not gonna lie I freak out that dude scared the shit out of me , being on the roof top is pretty easy to be spotted  so I ran to the ladder to find cover just in case I was in such rush and afraid of getting killed that instead of walking I sprinted , so yeah I falled and died ..

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I was a fresh spawn too, running on the railway for like 5-10 minutes towards Elektro, then out of nowhere 3 bandits fully geared-out appeard, then one of them ask me where I was heading, but I couldn't speak and I couldn't write so one of them ask me to lay down and before I even managed to obey, i got a axe in the face. If you can read this, i hope you got your precious flashlight, since I had nothing else. LOL

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I was checking out the police station in Krasnostav and decided to check out the roof. Apparently getting within 3 feet of the edge is enough to slip and fall off :blush:.


The stupid bit was that I was sad that I lost my leather jacket and shotgun, so I spent around 45 minutes running back. When I arrived I couldn't find my body...so I went to the roof for a better look and slipped and fell again. <_<


Never again.

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I was a fresh spawn too, running on the railway for like 5-10 minutes towards Elektro, then out of nowhere 3 bandits fully geared-out appeard, then one of them ask me where I was heading, but I couldn't speak and I couldn't write so one of them ask me to lay down and before I even managed to obey, i got a axe in the face. If you can read this, i hope you got your

precious flashlight, since I had nothing else. LOL


Ruined flashlight*


My most hilarious one was when I was playing with my friend and we were screwing around with guns, I shot him in the leg, to see if it would be broken, he nearly died. So, he shot me back, in my stomach, instantly died. Lol. We had a good laugh. All of this was done on a fire stations roof in Elektro right next to the sniper hill.

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Well it didn't happen to me, but it happened because of me.

I was with two friends running around up north. We always joke how we're going to shoot one another, and at one point to make a point that I WOULD shoot one of them, I shotgunned Nick's legs. We bandaged him but left him there and he eventually starved to death.

What a great friendship we have :D

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I was killed by Gollum. From my thread: 


Someone 'Gollumed' me last night. 

I spawned near a factory on the east coast (I think). Saw another player running around and he wandered over and we were chatting a bit, trying to figure out whether we were gonna stick together or what. Next minute he goes "Holy shit look out!" and all I here is THWACK - You are unconscious. 

Then dead set, Gollum's voice comes over the comms - "HISSSSSSS... MINE! GET AWAY FROM US! IT'S MINE!" me and the guy I was talking to were laughing so hard I thought I was going to choke. This guy sounded exactly like him, I swear. So I lay there unconscious for a few seconds while he's hissing and spitting and then I'm like, "Okay, well I'm going to respawn." and all I hear is, "NOOOO! Don't leave us precious! Don't go!" goddammit I nearly pissed myself laughing.

So wish I had of had Shadowplay turned on. If you're going to kill fresh spawns... at least make it hilarious.   :P


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DYING IS NOT FUNNY  > :(  > :(  > :(

false. I routinely am laughing a fair amount when i get killed/die


just gotta roll with it yo

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> Fully geared up guy

> Had logged out on a balcony on 2nd floor house in Berezino (I was in a rush so didn't find somewhere safe).

> Respawned, next day, same place, went to move backwards.

> Had my hand placed on my keyboard wrongly.

> Stepped sideways not back

> Fell to my death.

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Good to know I am not the only one that resorts to different voices and accents to intimidate and or entertain. If you are confronted by a deep southern accent, raspy Batman, Jabba, Watto, Yoda, E.T., homosexual drill sergeant, African American female survivalist, old man from India who converted to Christus after the Zombies because of a misunderstood text, chemist with unappreciated puns who attempts to impress random players with completely broken and untrue cooking mechanics in-game, or the Indian war chief who runs, hammer in hand, at new spawns on the beach while raising the warcry (get it? Like you're a pilgrim?)... You've met one of my characters. Please don't put me on youtube without sharing the link.

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