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Wizardry is OP, needs to be toned down.

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Im just upset that these people are flaunting dsync when it was obviously magic, then when you try to explain it to them they say, "yep dsync". Even with evidence to the contrary.

Its like going to the doctor and saying hey doc, my foots broke, and he says nope, aneurism. But doc, my foots flopping wildly... my foots broken. "Look kid I dont care if your foots falling off I know shit so im right, your having an aneurism"

That kind of mentality makes me hostile.


Understandable.. my apologies if I came off abrasive, I was just being overtly honest I suppose. 

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There is a known hack, documented on video numerous times, that prevents a player within a certain proximity of the hacker from equipping a weapon. One of the videos even shows, from the hacker's perspective, how you can toggle that particular hack.

Was it that in this case? Who fucking knows. Was I saying it was? No. Was I wrong? FUCK NO.

You know there is plenty of editing software to make videos like that without it actually being real right?

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Im just upset that these people are flaunting dsync when it was obviously magic, then when you try to explain it to them they say, "yep dsync". Even with evidence to the contrary.

Its like going to the doctor and saying hey doc, my foots broke, and he says nope, aneurism. But doc, my foots flopping wildly... my foots broken. "Look kid I dont care if your foots falling off I know shit so im right, your having an aneurism"

That kind of mentality makes me hostile.

That is a really bad analogy for this discussion. Dysnc does the same things as being reported in this thread, and the LARGE majority of people calling HACKS! are usually experiencing dysnc. Although it is possible it was a hack of some kind, it's more likely it was dsync.

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Was your vicious attacker wearing this?

Edited by Inception.
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Ok theres another person calling dsync. As I said, been with the arma franchise for a while, sometimes its impossible to tell the difference between dsync and hacks. Im not one for calling hacks unless im pretty sure.

The guy pops up in a room we just cleared, geared like hes been sitting at the airport for two weeks, facing the wrong direction, looking around like he is freaking confused why he in a building, I charge him and axe him in the face for lime 15 seconds before he even figures out im there, he turns to me, and shoots my friend through the wall, then shoots me too. I axed him atleast 8 times. He wasnt dsynced because I could see him moving/looking around.

Im not raging because I died, im raging because all you AHoles woukd rather blame crap on dsync, whether it was or not, hacking is a REAL problem with this game, already.

It is not authoritative in any way.

I understand nubz yelling hacks cause guy disappears in dsync and kills you. Whatever, thats networking crap and can be solved at some point.

If you want a game to be more anti hack it needs to be built from the ground up to be unfriendly towards people who will take unfair advantage, that obviously is not happening this time around.... (flaws in BIS engine...)

But if everytime someone calls hacks, you all shove dsync down his throat untill his pleas cannot be heard, the issue is never going to get a real fucking discussion. Which I think this thread was started for. To discuss the state of magic, and how ridiculously OP it is already at this stage in the game hacking should be almost non possible, instead its download, press a couple buttons, that is freaking sad.

You all know it too but youd rather yell dsync, who the fuck cares, dsync or hacks or magic its fucked.

You just dont want to admit ur precious dayz is doomed to be exoited so you go in denial yelling DSYNC, ITS DSYNC NOT HAX NUBZ. Well ur game is hacked, and if you loved it as much as I do, youd be trying to do something constructive, like start a thread to give a laugh about the crappy situation and get people talking so maybe some kind of solution could be had.

You can call an apple an orange but its still an apple. But that hacker has both, and yours too.

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Ok theres another person calling dsync. As I said, been with the arma franchise for a while, sometimes its impossible to tell the difference between dsync and hacks. Im not one for calling hacks unless im pretty sure.

The guy pops up in a room we just cleared, geared like hes been sitting at the airport for two weeks, facing the wrong direction, looking around like he is freaking confused why he in a building, I charge him and axe him in the face for lime 15 seconds before he even figures out im there, he turns to me, and shoots my friend through the wall, then shoots me too. I axed him atleast 8 times. He wasnt dsynced because I could see him moving/looking around.

Im not raging because I died, im raging because all you AHoles woukd rather blame crap on dsync, whether it was or not, hacking is a REAL problem with this game, already.

It is not authoritative in any way.

I understand nubz yelling hacks cause guy disappears in dsync and kills you. Whatever, thats networking crap and can be solved at some point.

If you want a game to be more anti hack it needs to be built from the ground up to be unfriendly towards people who will take unfair advantage, that obviously is not happening this time around.... (flaws in BIS engine...)

But if everytime someone calls hacks, you all shove dsync down his throat untill his pleas cannot be heard, the issue is never going to get a real fucking discussion. Which I think this thread was started for. To discuss the state of magic, and how ridiculously OP it is already at this stage in the game hacking should be almost non possible, instead its download, press a couple buttons, that is freaking sad.

You all know it too but youd rather yell dsync, who the fuck cares, dsync or hacks or magic its fucked.

You just dont want to admit ur precious dayz is doomed to be exoited so you go in denial yelling DSYNC, ITS DSYNC NOT HAX NUBZ. Well ur game is hacked, and if you loved it as much as I do, youd be trying to do something constructive, like start a thread to give a laugh about the crappy situation and get people talking so maybe some kind of solution could be had.

You can call an apple an orange but its still an apple. But that hacker has both, and yours too.

Look buddy, I shot a guy today at the southern military base.  When I shot him I saw him still running yet my buddy confirmed I had a kill.  Don't patronize people and post your crap here when yourself have no clue wtf you are talking about. I was clearly desynced and to me it looked like it could be a hacker but I know better. Good day.

Edited by Caboose187

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 Sanguine, could you tone it down a little bit? The shrill indignation and anger you're exuding obscures any valid point you're trying to make. Most likely, folks will just fixate on the insults.

 If folks think it's desync, or lag, or some hacker who's cheating everyone (including themselves), or, yes, the minions of Sauron which are to blame what is that to you? Everyone gets to have an opinion. K?

 If you can't be nice, be pleasant.

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Ok, I shall try to be pleasant then.

The main point here, MAGIC, whether it be dsync, or hacking. Is obviously OP.

Caboose, you claim it was dsync. In your situation, yes it was. In my situation, could it have been? Yes I suppose, however, the fact that the guy one by one blew everyone off the server, popped up behind us, killed us, then just logged off because we were the last ones on the server makes me highly doubt it.

Also, whether it is dsync, or hacking... who cares????? Tomato, tamato.

Both are serious issues, however, if dsync gets fixed, but not hacking.... that just makes hackers even harder to dodge.

Atleast with dsync you have a chance to kill him if he isnt running godmode or get the hell out of dodge for a minute or two while you dsync across his map.

IMO hacking is the more important issue. I dont know if any of you on this thread played dayz mod, and remember the thunderdome, or being turned into goats. The nightly serverwide nuking, people hopping from server to server just kill commanding everyone.

If you want to belittle this thread by arguing with me over whether what started it in the first place was a hack, or network issues, that is up to you.

Tell me honestly caboose, would you rather see dsync fixed, or have a structured authoritative game server that is a bitch to hack and will catch you a ban 75% of the time?

Dsync can be fixed anytime down the road....

Making a game authoritative after youve already written near half the code as client sided would be a nightmare, and cause way more bugs than dsync.

Anyways. Good day.

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What is...... E-Peen? New Zealander for E Pen?


I didn't know either. I looked it up. Google it--your answer will be there. :)


And @ Sanguine. Thank you, I got a lot more nfo out of that post than the ones you made before.

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Tell me honestly caboose, would you rather see dsync fixed, or have a structured authoritative game server that is a bitch to hack and will catch you a ban 75% of the time?


Truthfully as I don't believe there are as many hacks as people claim, the desync/networking code should be close to the top of their list of things they need to fix.  Do you think they should release this game with shitty network coding?  

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I honestly just don't care anymore, it was something that happened, but I tried to make a joke of it in a fun way. Oh well.

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Caboose in dayz mod, there were hackers prevalent! Paid websites of monthly donation for dayz hacks, that supposedly work. Hundreds of users... you dont think that guy made enough money that its not worthwhile for him to hack this?

They bipassed EVERY previous attempt by battle eye...

Maybe the hacking isnt prevalent yet, but dayz alpha doesnt have tons of users yet... more diehard fans...

But this is a serious issue if people are already hacking the most basic aspects of gameplay.

Dont you think?

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Ok, I shall try to be pleasant then.

The main point here, MAGIC, whether it be dsync, or hacking. Is obviously OP.

Caboose, you claim it was dsync. In your situation, yes it was. In my situation, could it have been? Yes I suppose, however, the fact that the guy one by one blew everyone off the server, popped up behind us, killed us, then just logged off because we were the last ones on the server makes me highly doubt it.

Also, whether it is dsync, or hacking... who cares????? Tomato, tamato.

Both are serious issues, however, if dsync gets fixed, but not hacking.... that just makes hackers even harder to dodge.

Atleast with dsync you have a chance to kill him if he isnt running godmode or get the hell out of dodge for a minute or two while you dsync across his map.

IMO hacking is the more important issue. I dont know if any of you on this thread played dayz mod, and remember the thunderdome, or being turned into goats. The nightly serverwide nuking, people hopping from server to server just kill commanding everyone.

If you want to belittle this thread by arguing with me over whether what started it in the first place was a hack, or network issues, that is up to you.

Tell me honestly caboose, would you rather see dsync fixed, or have a structured authoritative game server that is a bitch to hack and will catch you a ban 75% of the time?

Dsync can be fixed anytime down the road....

Making a game authoritative after youve already written near half the code as client sided would be a nightmare, and cause way more bugs than dsync.

Anyways. Good day.

Can we be friends? And also, turning players into goats and making them dance Gangam Style were the best dsync issues. Very cool, I loved it



these guys dsynced their asses off

Edited by Highlander007

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What is...... E-Peen? New Zealander for E Pen?

E-Peen: word funny dictionary writing


E-Peen is another phrase for Electronic Penis, and is used to describe other people's on the interwebs who's ego is so far out of check they stroll around the forums like their penis is nearly dragging on the floor.

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Dont forget the parachuting cows highlander, orrrr, at one point there was a hack to make players look like zombies. Love shooting ur buddy in the face cuz u think a zombie crawled up on you.

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