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When You Come Across An Armed Fellow And Try To Subdue Them, What Do You Do Or Say?

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I was in Berenzino having a gay ol' time in the piano building when I hear a man 9eo2r6e.jpg

come from behind me. I panicked for he had an SKS and was shooting it not just 5 minutes ago drawing his gun. I panicked and bolted for the door with my empty Mosin on my back an a half eaten can of beans. As I am running around the house trying to lose this man I hear in voice coms "FREEZE!" This only scared me more for I thought he wanted me to stop so as he may shoot me more easily (That is something fresh spawn killers often do). As I managed to lose him I made my way westward further into the heart of Berenzino to begin looting again in peace. As I came to the soccer field I noticed the door to the red building was closed meaning maybe it wasn't looted. I decided to loot the yellow house first so I would get all the loot. As I am leaving the yellow house I notice the red house buildings door is now open. I am confused, maybe I saw it wrong so I continue going westward when my heart sinks, I see the SKS man. I decided I will try to intimidate him with my mosin, so as I see him looting the supermarket I decide to wait a little more west near the second red house he was bound to head there. My plan was perfect, here he was coming with a zombie right on his butt trying every so hard to hit him and then I turned around to notice a zombie following me. I decided to try and punch the zombie to stay quiet but I done fucked and punched the tin wall. I make the sound of a bullet hitting the wall and my stealthy approach was falling apart literally in my bare hands. I see the man coming around the corner investigating the gunshot noise when he notices me. I quickly loop around the tin fence so he can't get a shot on me. I am in third person and so is he so I call over voice coms "Lets agree not to pull the trigger" and I hear him agree with me. I avoided a violent confrontation with another players and we began talking a little bit.


My question is what do you say to someone who's fully geared to subdue them or make peace?

Edited by LeeFriendField

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Shoot them in the knees to cripple them, handcuff them, bandage them, take anything you want from their gear, tell them this is for their own good and if you wanted them dead they would be dead.

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Shoot them in the knees to cripple them, handcuff them, bandage them, take anything you want from their gear, tell them this is for their own good and if you wanted them dead they would be dead.

I enjoy knocking people out, handcuffing them, taking what I like, bandaging them, blood / saline bagin them and then letting them go.

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So far, every fully geared person I've walked up to I've just said - "Hey man, how's things?" 

Even with my weapon drawn (pointed at the ground) I haven't received a hostile reaction yet. Even in the middle of the NWAF I walked right up to a pair of guys and started talking. They were fine, no probs, traded them a few full M4 mags for some Mosin and shotgun ammo and was on my way. 

I'm sure at one point I'll run across a bandit and he'll shoot me as soon as I say anything, but so far so good.

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I decided to try and punch the zombie to stay quiet but I done fucked and punched the tin wall.


Make this your signature, sir.


On subduing a fellow survivor, I usually just ask them to hold still a minute while I shove this here bag over their head, please. Usually works.

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"Normally, you'd be dead as f*cking fried chicken right now, but you happen to catch me during a transitional period. I don't want to kill you, I want to help you. So, need anything?"

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I usually tell them to freeze, if I get the jump on them. If they get the jump on me and tell me to freeze, I usually oblige. If they're close enough to tell me to freeze, they're close enough to gun me down and will probably do so if I try anything. Them telling me to stop shows a want to communicate. First few days of SA, I held up 3-4 guys at Balota, two of them being armed. I simply told them to not move, lower their weapons, and sit tight. After making sure they obliged, I sat down with them and traded.


So far, nothing has gone wrong when either party involved communicates. It also probably helps that I don't team up with them, nor tell them where I'm going. Lessens the chance of being attacked from behind.

Edited by JohnTheCynic

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I usually tell them to freeze, if I get the jump on them. If they get the jump on me and tell me to freeze, I usually oblige. If they're close enough to tell me to freeze, they're close enough to gun me down and will probably do so if I try anything. Them telling me to stop shows a want to communicate. First few days of SA, I held up 3-4 guys at Balota, two of them being armed. I simply told them to not move, lower their weapons, and sit tight. After making sure they obliged, I sat down with them and traded.


So far, nothing has gone wrong when either party involved communicates. It also probably helps that I don't team up with them, nor tell them where I'm going. Lessens the chance of being attacked from behind.


I don't know but for me you seems just so lucky.


Everytime i die i do my social experiment that is to get in the middle of the road and press f2 when i see someone (as freshspawn)


Worked one time over 40-50 try

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I don't know but for me you seems just so lucky.


Everytime i die i do my social experiment that is to get in the middle of the road and press f2 when i see someone (as freshspawn)


Worked one time over 40-50 try

The problem is the coastline full of armed players (Not bandits, there too bad for that title) that go power hungry with their weapon shooting anything under the sun that moves because they are wannabe UBER PRO SNIPER ELITES. Get gear and try to talk to people at high trafic areas like Berenzino and you will find people who do not want to kill, rather have a nice chat.

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Lie down, cry, and hope they don't notice you crying like a little sissie on the grass.

Edited by AntonioAJC
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I say "Put your weapons away, I'm friendly but if you do anything stupid I'll have to kill you"

There's a surprisingly large amount of stupid people in the game

Some even drawn their weapons and try to aim at me, maybe they don't realise it takes me a fraction of a second to shoot a guy who's drawing their weapon, when it takes them a good 3 seconds to draw and fire their own weapon when they have it away

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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I say "Put your weapons away, I'm friendly but if you do anything stupid I'll have to kill you"

There's a surprisingly large amount of stupid people in the game

Some even drawn their weapons and try to aim at me, maybe they don't realise it takes me a fraction of a second to shoot a guy who's drawing their weapon, when it takes them a good 3 seconds to draw and fire their own weapon when they have it away



This. Usually I spot them in third person, over a wall or around a corner.. I tell them to put their weapon down so nobody gets hurt.. They will usually oblige.. If they don't, just makes my job more exciting.

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In general, what Regulator Lone said works for me. I just warn them that if I feel threatened in any way I will fire.


Yay story time! My most intense confrontation was up at NEAF. And I say intense because I didn't know if I he was hostile or friendly. I mean yeah, having a brushfire with a bandit is pretty much intense, but I think it's even worse when you actually don't know what you're up against.


I was going solo and met a friendly player inside the west prison. He informed me there is another guy, probably hostile, near the tower. We decided to check it out, carefully approached the tower and saw him just as he entered the east prison and closed the door behind him. So we took cover behind the building's corners, while leaning to cover the entrance and I decided to go on microphone. We were two, we already knew his position, he could not shoot at us even through the prison cell, so we had the advantage.


I kindly greeted him with a hello and told him we are friendly. No response. I told him if he didn't have a microphone he could type in text. Nothing. I even asked him to shoot one round in a wall if he could hear me, nothing. I was starting to worry. Heart pounding and all. Friendly or bandit? Was he just scared to make contact, or was he contemplating a plan to take us both down?


Finally I said "dude, we're friendly, please come out of the building with your weapon on your back. Do not have your weapon in your hands or we will fire".


The doors opened, first thing I saw was a mosin. Raised my sights and was ready to take him out while shouting something along the lines of "put your weapon down now". I don't know if he willingly came out with his weapon in hand planning to kill us, then saw our gear and changed his mind, or if he just couldn't understand us at first, but he immediately put the mosin on his back and raised his hands. About two milliseconds before I pulled the trigger. Man I was ready to waste him but good thing I remained calm.

Turns out he didn't have a microphone but he probably could hear and understand us. We ended up lootin the NEAF, Krasno and parted ways after an hour or so.

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Lie down, cry, and hope they don't notice you crying like a little sissie on the grass.

Beans for you sir.

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3pp is cheating. Not really but it's lame. They need a fog of war setup where you can see the landscape but not players/zombies unless you have eye contact. Off topic but not really since OP said he was in 3pp.

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