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(All other Console discussion)DayZ Standalone Might See an Xbox One Version in Future

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In a recent interview with Gamereactor, Dean Hall has affirmed that he had some dialogues with Microsoft about a console version of DayZ Standalone.


Speaking of his choice of next-gen console, Hall stated that he is looking for someone with a reasonable publishing model, and currently both Xbox One and Playstation 4 seem to provide that kind of atmosphere:

We’d certainly consider release on any feasible platform with a realistic publishing model. It seems like currently both of the next-gen consoles should provide an environment we can develop inside.


For DayZ Standalone, PC is obviously the developer’s choice of platform, but Hall has some pretty good expectations from Xbox One and PS4:

I personally feel the new consoles have yet to prove themselves able to rival the PC experience, however I feel there is the potential from both.


From what we could gather, it looks like Hall is more inclined towards Xbox One than towards PS4:

I’ve not personally had the opportunity to view the full details of the PS4 whereas I have had the opportunity to talk extensively with Microsoft.


We already know that Microsoft is allowing developers to self-publish their content on Xbox One via ID@Xbox program which is very fascinating. Other than this, Kinect 2.0 seems to intrigue Hall as well:

I think if the role of Kinect/Voice expands to where it is desired it could do some awesome things. I just think it’s too early to say at this point.


Anyone think this will happen and will it work fine on the consoles?

Edited by Plimax

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Don't care..but there is definitely a shit load of money to be made if it does go console.

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Bottom line? BI will want to make the most of the asset they have in DayZ. It clearly has more traction than they thought. As a lot of people have bought the Alpha it's unlikely to be a big take up of the game when it hits Beta. If you were looking at it from a financial point of view you would look to move over to consoles in order to monetise your user base in several ways, one being a higher price tag than the Alpha was and with further purchasable DLC. 

I am not trying to piss on anyone's cornflakes here, it's just solid business logic. Go to an audience that is already locked into high prices and a willingness to purchase extra content. 

Of course shifting DayZ onto consoles would have a fairly big negative hit on the game that PC players had got used to (granular controls like keyboard and mouse would clearly be out, replaced presumably by motion detection and game controller meaning the hitbox and interaction with the environment being altered to reflect that), but then on the flip side the PC modding community would take the job of retaining the PC game feel.

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I would support if it went PS3 or PS4


I suck aiming with analog sticks but would be fun killing console bambis

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That's just like saying port Arma 3 to consoles, YOU CAN'T, the console hardware is too weak, and there is a shitload of trouble. Starting with the controls being WAY too complex for a console controller.


And please, I don't want little kiddies playing this game.

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While entirely possible, Bohemia has a bad bad bad history when it comes to Console development.


They should stay in their comfort zone and not make another mistake. Let outdated consoles stay where they are and push forth with pcs.

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That's just like saying port Arma 3 to consoles, YOU CAN'T, the console hardware is too weak, and there is a shitload of trouble. Starting with the controls being WAY too complex for a console controller.


And please, I don't want little kiddies playing this game.


Disagree. The console hardware is more than capable of dealing with the game engine and to suggest a controller isn't complex enough is just PC arrogance (no offence, btw).

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DayZ for consoles eh? I don't see it working out. The developers gave a MAYBE to the consoles when the game is finished. That, and I think the inventory management would be a pain in the ass with a controller.

Edited by AntonioAJC

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Disagree. The console hardware is more than capable of dealing with the game engine and to suggest a controller isn't complex enough is just PC arrogance (no offence, btw).


How dare you ! *sputter*




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On the controller issue, let's not forget that the SA menu offers you controller integration. Not that I've tried it. I used to use the controller for vehicles in the mod (swapping to keyboard/mouse as I got in and out) but I have never managed to get used to a FPS controller game. However I don't see why a clever use of a contextual controller mapping couldn't make it easier. We also have to remember most of us are coming from a keyboard/mouse background, there are lots of players out there who were raised playing consoles and find a keyboard/mouse control clumsy and less intuitive.

In regard to the porting to consoles, who is to say that Bohemia themselves would do it? After all it's quite common for different devs to develop the console to the PC versions. If a known console developing company was to come along and pay a decent whack for a licence, why would BI turn that down? Seems like free money to me.

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How dare you ! *sputter*



Only problem is that you have Apple users so high in your hierarchy.. ;)

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That's just like saying port Arma 3 to consoles, YOU CAN'T, the console hardware is too weak, and there is a shitload of trouble. Starting with the controls being WAY too complex for a console controller.


And please, I don't want little kiddies playing this game.


I am 36 and play plenty of PS3.  Also, the hardware is more than capable of running Dayz.  It could make them a ton of money, but Dean is just being Dean.  He is clueless as to the realities of development.  He says yeah that would be great, but when much better developers than BI and him have tried to get games ported they have failed.  The are serious cost to benefit issues and extreme logistical hurdles to overcome.

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Disagree. The console hardware is more than capable of dealing with the game engine and to suggest a controller isn't complex enough is just PC arrogance (no offence, btw).


Console hardware can barely run console games at the appropriate screen resolution, sorry but that's just how it is.


As for the topic at hand, he mentioned this in his recent Eurogamer stream and thankfully he said it's not something they plan to do if it would have any effect on the development of the PC version.

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Console hardware can barely run console games at the appropriate screen resolution, sorry but that's just how it is.


Thing is console gamers don't care. 


On the PC if you spot a glitch in the rendering of a texture on the side of a house, for example, then you'd get 5 pages of discussion on here. If it happens on the consoles nobody cares.


It is PC elitism to suggest that something like DayZ couldn't run on a console either through hardware or input problems.

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Here's a fun twist.

What if I was to tell you that..




...DayZ on console would be hacker free? 

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On the PC if you spot a glitch in the rendering of a texture on the side of a house, for example, then you'd get 5 pages of discussion on here. If it happens on the consoles nobody cares.

I'm not sure what you're implying here. Is having high standards a bad thing?



It is PC elitism to suggest that something like DayZ couldn't run on a console either through hardware or input problems.

I'm sure it would run, but if it had the same level of optimisation it has on PC it would run as a slideshow. The current consoles are just low-midrange PCs, and I was just getting 20fps in Stary.

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Here's a fun twist.

What if I was to tell you that..




...DayZ on console would be hacker free? 


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The PS4 can power through 1080p games at 60 fps that require $1500 rigs on the PC.  The are fantastic at what they do.  Top end machines will look and run better, but you are looking at five times the price.


Lets not be silly and act like a poorly written ARMA engine game can't be optimized for console.

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Here's a fun twist.

What if I was to tell you that..




...DayZ on console would be hacker free? 

then your a moron for thinking people dont hack/mod there consoles to cheat on xbox live.

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Darkwave, consoles do so well because the developer can optimize for the exact machine, not a thousand combinations like on PC.  I just don't thin BI is capable of doing it.

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The PS4 can power through 1080p games at 60 fps that require $1500 rigs on the PC.


Not true, a 750Ti will outperform a PS4 in a game like BF4. A system with that graphics card in would cost far less than $1500, do much more, and not require a fee for online play.



Darkwave, consoles do so well because the developer can optimize for the exact machine, not a thousand combinations like on PC.  I just don't thin BI is capable of doing it.


The current gen of consoles are simply just midrange PCs, games tend to perform similarly or even slightly worse on equivalent hardware. The optimisation argument seems to be old hat, I can't remember where I saw them but there were benchmarking vids comparing the 750Ti with the current consoles.


As it stands there are already games out (even exclusives like Ryse) that can't run in 1080p on those consoles, in a year or two you'll start seeing the corners being cut in game design just to make them run at that resolution and look modern. Meanwhile in two years I'll sell my GPU and swap it out for something nearly twice as fast, for hardly any loss financially.

Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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The PS4 can power through 1080p games at 60 fps that require $1500 rigs on the PC.  

I'm sorry, what? I think we got a peasant here boys! I can't still believe that people are claiming that consoles are running with a resolution of 1080p with 60 FPS. The moment they reach that, the PC would have already reached god status.

Edited by AntonioAJC

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I'm not sure what you're implying here. Is having high standards a bad thing?

Less implication and more implicit, console owners don't care if a texture flickers or is slightly out. Which renders (ha! pun!) your argument a little redundant in terms of the hardware side of things. Even though I believe that the XB1 or PS4 would be more than capable of running the DayZ engine.

I'm sure it would run, but if it had the same level of optimisation it has on PC it would run as a slideshow. The current consoles are just low-midrange PCs, and I was just getting 20fps in Stary.

You are trying to compare like for like, it simply doesn't work like that, and to be fair I am sure you know this anyway. A PS4 doesn't need to care about having Windows running underneath everything, or the multitude of other processes that your PC is dealing with. There is also the fact that with DayZ a lot of it is dealt with server side.

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then your a moron for thinking people dont hack/mod there consoles to cheat on xbox live.

Looks like we have a badass around here. Best not point out it was clearly a joke or you might unleash your obvious wit on me once more..

btw, "you're" :) HTH


See. This guy... this guy gets it.. ;)

Edited by ricp

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You are trying to compare like for like, it simply doesn't work like that, and to be fair I am sure you know this anyway. A PS4 doesn't need to care about having Windows running underneath everything, or the multitude of other processes that your PC is dealing with. There is also the fact that with DayZ a lot of it is dealt with server side.


Then why does a machine with a 750Ti equal or outperform the current consoles, considering it has similar specs on paper? This isn't the 16-bit era, you'd be surprised how much OS is running under there (especially on the Xbox One).





Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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