KarmaCoin 72 Posted February 24, 2014 (edited) Currently the medkit and the small protector case both have 6 slots but the medkit is limited to only holding medical supplies while the protector case can hold anything and protects items inside form damage. I think a nice way to distinguish the medkit from the protector case would be to increase it's capacity to 8 or 10 slots. This would make the medkit much more useful especially once some of the planned features like heart attacks and disease are out because we will want to carry more medical supplies including defibs and anitbotics. Alternatively you could also decrease the number of slots in the protector case to 4 and make its only advantage that it protects items from damage. Edited February 27, 2014 by KarmaCoin 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaedalRogue 83 Posted February 24, 2014 Currently the medkit and the small protector case both have 6 slots but the medkit is limited to only holding medical supplies while the protector case can hold anything. I think a nice way to distinguish the medkit from the protector case would be to increase it's capacity to 8 or 10 slots. This would make the medkit much more useful especially once some of the planned features like heart attacks and disease are out because we will want to carry more medical supplies including defibs and anitbotics. Why not have different versions of the medkit? Military Medkits, versus a Trauma Bag, versus the current "Basic" Home medic kit. Each of them of varying size and function. As it stands the current icon for one is pretty much a hard shell (nylon) home medkit, some people take those and stick them under the seat of their car for emergencies around the vehicle. But it comes with a lot of the stuff that'd be in an EMT's trauma bag. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
electron84 3 Posted February 24, 2014 I vote for more medical kits. Definitely a miltary type, and there should be a trauma kit or something in hospitals. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KarmaCoin 72 Posted February 24, 2014 Why not have different versions of the medkit? Military Medkits, versus a Trauma Bag, versus the current "Basic" Home medic kit. Each of them of varying size and function. I'd be down for this. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dethsupport 110 Posted February 24, 2014 I'm against anything that gives players even more unnecessary inventory space. Inventory space is a crutch that allows you to forgo the planning and foresight to survive for extended periods of time. Instead of having to make decisions based on time, location, and status requirements you can just carry around a supermarket and firearm store in your inventory. Players can easily carry more than enough supplies using a hoodie, jeans and an improvised pack and still have some empty slots. I'd say 95% of the players are hoarders and will have their packs and pockets brimming with beans, bullets and band-aids they will likely be gifting to another player upon their death and will never even have touched them. Less slots will make the game tougher, especially when you start to need other items to stay alive - such as campfire and cooking components. Think long and hard, do you really need those two extra stacks of ammunition even though you already have more than enough? Or perhaps you should drop it for an extra portable gas stove fuel can so you can gorge yourself on seared meat and fresh boiled water tonight with enough fuel left over for tomorrow. Decisions, decisions. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KarmaCoin 72 Posted February 24, 2014 I'm against anything that gives players even more unnecessary inventory space. I agree that you can already carry much more than is required however I think a better approach would be to continue allowing the ability to hoard but give it drawbacks. One way to do this is to assign weight to items and reduced player movement speed based on how much weight you are carrying. I'm sure there are many other suggestions on this that have already been posted as well. I think it is important to keep that hoarding ability in the game because hoarding is a zombie survival strategy that many people would utilize regardless of its debatable real life effectiveness. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geckofrog7 1169 Posted February 24, 2014 Think long and hard, do you really need those two extra stacks of ammunition even though you already have more than enough? Or perhaps you should drop it for an extra portable gas stove fuel can so you can gorge yourself on seared meat and fresh boiled water tonight with enough fuel left over for tomorrow. Decisions, decisions.Food?Fire?Pfft.G'me my FN FAL, G36, and AT4 any day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damnyourdeadman 1045 Posted February 24, 2014 Why not have different versions of the medkit? Military Medkits, versus a Trauma Bag, versus the current "Basic" Home medic kit. Each of them of varying size and function. As it stands the current icon for one is pretty much a hard shell (nylon) home medkit, some people take those and stick them under the seat of their car for emergencies around the vehicle. But it comes with a lot of the stuff that'd be in an EMT's trauma bag.Good idea i like it.More variety is always good ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nylrem 12 Posted February 25, 2014 I like the idea, but I think the larger packs should definitely take up more slots, or even replace the backpack. If you look up the large military medical kits they are often a full backpack, which would also put a big decision on a player, and help those who decided to play as a medic. Plus I could be wrong on this one, but isn't the distinction between the protector and the medkit the fact that the protector will actually protect it's contents? Such as if you fall and have it in your pants, it will be ruined but the contents won't. With the medkit everything inside gets ruined if it does. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KarmaCoin 72 Posted February 26, 2014 Plus I could be wrong on this one, but isn't the distinction between the protector and the medkit the fact that the protector will actually protect it's contents? Such as if you fall and have it in your pants, it will be ruined but the contents won't. With the medkit everything inside gets ruined if it does. I believe it does protect the contents somewhat. What I really mean by make the medkit more distinct is give us a reason to use the medkit over the protector case. currently they are the same size and have an equal number of slots. The med kit can only hold medical supplies and provides no protection to the items inside making the protector case completely better. I like the idea, but I think the larger packs should definitely take up more slots, or even replace the backpack. If you look up the large military medical kits they are often a full backpack, which would also put a big decision on a player, and help those who decided to play as a medic. If it replaces the backpack then no one would use it because you can already put med supplies in a backpack but you can't put other supplies in a medkit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The-MCV- 149 Posted February 26, 2014 I think six slots are actually enough. Just how many things do you need inside. 1x bandage roll, 1x saline, a slot for the new heart pills, a slot for water purification tablets, last slot for whatever. If you get shot by a player it's either game over, or you need just 25% of the roll. When it's depleted find shirts and make them into rags. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PJSleaze 111 Posted February 26, 2014 Exactly. Purification tabs do nothing right now- I throw them out. 1 roll of bandages is good for 4 wounds. You plan on getting shot 8 times before you find more? Test your blood and toss the syringe. Fill remaining slots with morphine/epi pens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KarmaCoin 72 Posted February 27, 2014 I think six slots are actually enough. Just how many things do you need inside. In the current state of the game I'd agree. But upcoming changes will give us reason to hold onto things like water purification tablets, antibiotics, and defibs which are 2x2 slots. Furthermore the first aid kit can completely be replaced by a protector case which has the same number of slots but also allows you to carry more than just med supplies and protects the items inside. I suppose medkits could also be made more valuable by decreasing the number of slots in the protector case to 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RedDogMT 41 Posted March 2, 2014 (edited) Leave the medi kits as they are.Decrease the current protector case capacity from 6 slots to 4 slots.Add a large protector case that takes up 6 inventory slots with a 6 slot capacity. Edited March 2, 2014 by RedDogMT 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicko2580 398 Posted March 2, 2014 (edited) I'm against anything that gives players even more unnecessary inventory space. Inventory space is a crutch that allows you to forgo the planning and foresight to survive for extended periods of time. Instead of having to make decisions based on time, location, and status requirements you can just carry around a supermarket and firearm store in your inventory. Players can easily carry more than enough supplies using a hoodie, jeans and an improvised pack and still have some empty slots. I'd say 95% of the players are hoarders and will have their packs and pockets brimming with beans, bullets and band-aids they will likely be gifting to another player upon their death and will never even have touched them. Less slots will make the game tougher, especially when you start to need other items to stay alive - such as campfire and cooking components. Think long and hard, do you really need those two extra stacks of ammunition even though you already have more than enough? Or perhaps you should drop it for an extra portable gas stove fuel can so you can gorge yourself on seared meat and fresh boiled water tonight with enough fuel left over for tomorrow. Decisions, decisions.This. I pretty much always have enough room to grab more stuff because I only carry what I need. 1x Medkit (bandage, saline, IV, Bloodbag, morphine/epi)1x Ammo box (can easily store enough ammo to start a small war in one of these)1x Protector case Magazines/clips (they can't go into the ammo box)FoodCanteenMapCompassAll the rest is fluff. Edited March 2, 2014 by Nicko2580 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Window Licker 504 Posted March 2, 2014 (edited) I'm against anything that gives players even more unnecessary inventory space. Inventory space is a crutch that allows you to forgo the planning and foresight to survive for extended periods of time. Instead of having to make decisions based on time, location, and status requirements you can just carry around a supermarket and firearm store in your inventory. Players can easily carry more than enough supplies using a hoodie, jeans and an improvised pack and still have some empty slots. I'd say 95% of the players are hoarders and will have their packs and pockets brimming with beans, bullets and band-aids they will likely be gifting to another player upon their death and will never even have touched them. Less slots will make the game tougher, especially when you start to need other items to stay alive - such as campfire and cooking components. Think long and hard, do you really need those two extra stacks of ammunition even though you already have more than enough? Or perhaps you should drop it for an extra portable gas stove fuel can so you can gorge yourself on seared meat and fresh boiled water tonight with enough fuel left over for tomorrow. Decisions, decisions.I've actually taken to using the improvised backpack when ever possible (anyone got a burlap sack) The current choices for low profile backpack's is that or the hunter's and I've been taking care not to look like a guy who is a walking armoury, I can fit all I need in a improvised backpack with the green raincoat and cargo pant's. Granted I do need to get food a little more often but I can have several "useless" items in my bag and still have enough space. As far as the medkit's go I like the current size and trying to figure out what I NEED to carry vs carrying every item in the game. Epi-pen, morphine, bandages and saline bag, would be my typical load out. Although I do like the idea of the trauma kits maybe taking up a 2x6 slot in the bag but containing a more specialized equipment and having a larger internal space. We will have to wait and see what changes the new medical system introduces. Edited March 2, 2014 by Window Licker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doublebrain 255 Posted March 2, 2014 Leave the medi kits as they are.Decrease the current protector case capacity from 6 slots to 4 slots.Add a large protector case that takes up 6 inventory slots with a 6 slot capacity. So much this! Protector case should only protect. Dont see any reason why you should get more inventory space when your stuff is even protected from damage. They could even make it only have 3 slots so you realy only use the protector case for important stuff.No clue why they thought it would be a good idea to give the medkit a drawback and the protector case only advantages. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sonic-NKT 38 Posted March 2, 2014 (edited) i think a bit more space in the current medikit would be ok, it seems to be as big as one you need to store in your car (atleast in my country) and that thing is full of stuff.... much more than what fits in the current kit.but i guess its more of a problem that a badange needs as much space atm as a can of beans, i think you could squeze atleast 5 or 6 of them in an empty can ;) they should add more containers in the future that compress a certain kind of item, for example a zipbag that stores fresh meat, it takes 2 or 4 spaces in the inventory but holds like 6 spaces of meat items. Edited March 2, 2014 by Sonic-NKT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites