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So I combat logged XD

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So I decided that know I was fully geared up I would go to Electro and kill bandits.


For this procedure I had a M4, Acog, MP stock and handgaurd, numerous mags and a bipod.


First bandit I killed, I waited for 5 minutes while he sat on the roof of a fire station next to a body (which he must of killed earlier), I then shot him when he went to loot it.


Next 2 was where 2 people ran into a firestation (1 with a magnum) and 1 killed the other, so I shot the survivor.


Then there were 3 guys, this time none really had guns but they tried to kill each other with axes so I shot above them forcing them to seperate. After about 5 minutes of them running to cover and then coming out to punch eachover they gave up and ran their seperate ways.


Last of all I scared of a bandit with an SKS who had been shooting presumably at new spawns for the past hour (about 40 shots heard from him)


Then as I am there watching this newspawn in a bright blue shirt loot the firestation and I watched to see if anyone else camo I heard footsteps behind me... So I didn't move hoping he would run past and then he stopped and said "hey" and so as you do I said "hey" and just at this moment he shot the ground next to me.


In that moment I thought to myself: Is this him trying to kill me? (He could of missed as his character had obviously run up the mountain and was panting) Or is it just a wakeup shot? (I was a bit slow on pressing mic button) and then I though that either way im not going to end of well as what would you think if you ran to a top of a hill to find a guy in a bush, with a sniper M4, full TTKSO, gas mask, ballistic helm and pointing his gun at the firestaion... He's a bandit!


And what do you do to bandits, especially if your planning on heading down to electro and obviously spent that time to climb that hill to check for snipers: Kill them, or torture them, break their legs, take their stuff and leave them to have to crawl down to electro in search of morphine which is neigh impossible.


So I said "**** that" and exited.


I kinda feel bad, combat logging is bad and all, but I also think I would of probably not of gotten too much out of that at all (probably nothing at all XD)

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You suck.


Sorry, but you do. Combat loggers suck, and you combat logged. You weren't careful enough, you got spotted and outmanoeuvred, but instead of paying the price for that and learning from the experience, you took the cowardly way out and quit.


If everyone played the way you do, DayZ would be unplayable, and the game would be dead in the water.

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I hope that one day the people that claim to kill bandits shooting at new spawns save me one day when I'm in Electro. Because I hardly ever see these saints. Hell, they might've actually been the ones shooting at me before.


Got shot in the buttcheek yesterday and had to haul ass away from my pursuers

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Edited by Guest

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Yes did the OP forget about the new combat log protection?

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So thanks for the replys!

Taking in your feedback I will now change my playstyle to get rid of this tactic!

1. Get a olive or khaki Assault vest! Better for camo than the black one.

2. Choose a better bush!

3. get a SKS (more friendly looking!)

4. Instead of protecting people and breaking up fights, I will just kill people, that way if I get killed I won't get p***** off because I was doing something wrong so I deserved it anyway!

5. When I hear someone instead of hoping they will pass so I don't have to kill them, I will find a new position and then...

6. Shoot anyone on sight! That way I don't need to combat log as I have destroyed the threat straight away and don't feed anyone who may want to torture me anyway!


PS I didn't lose my stuff :P but at least next time I won't take the risk, even if it is a nice person like that guy who didn't kill me.


Edit: Well well... Today is my lucky day, in 30 minutes I have everything I need, on the way back from pavlovo I see a newspawn run into Balota airfield, I decided to see what he does, normally I would just see if there are snipers going to kill him but this time I was only interested in my survival, as per the new tactics. So he finds an M4, searches the ATC and then I see that his route out is where I am going next. Im not going to risk meeting a new spawn with an M4, so bang and he his dead and problem solved B)

Edited by Kaxii

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So thanks for the replys!

Taking in your feedback I will now change my playstyle to get rid of this tactic!

1. Get a olive or khaki Assault vest! Better for camo than the black one.

2. Choose a better bush!

3. get a SKS (more friendly looking!)

4. Instead of protecting people and breaking up fights, I will just kill people, that way if I get killed I won't get p***** off because I was doing something wrong so I deserved it anyway!

5. When I hear someone instead of hoping they will pass so I don't have to kill them, I will find a new position and then...

6. Shoot anyone on sight! That way I don't need to combat log as I have destroyed the threat straight away and don't feed anyone who may want to torture me anyway!


PS I didn't lose my stuff :P but at least next time I won't take the risk, even if it is a nice person like that guy who didn't kill me.


Edit: Well well... Today is my lucky day, in 30 minutes I have everything I need, on the way back from pavlovo I see a newspawn run into Balota airfield, I decided to see what he does, normally I would just see if there are snipers going to kill him but this time I was only interested in my survival, as per the new tactics. So he finds an M4, searches the ATC and then I see that his route out is where I am going next. Im not going to risk meeting a new spawn with an M4, so bang and he his dead and problem solved B)


You either took our messages the wrong way, or this post was passive aggressively giving us a nice camouflaged "fuck you guys". lmao..


(I'll just admit right now that what you were doing beforehand wasn't bad at all. Noteworthy in my eyes.)


If you literally don't understand what we were saying, all we were trying to say is that you shouldn't combat log. You took everything we said and completely spun it out of proportion. What kind of reaction are you going to expect when you tell everybody you combat logged? Just don't do it. It's considered the coward's way out. If the guy was going to kill you, your first reaction shouldn't be to log out. It ruins the game. We weren't saying "fuck errybody else. kill them suns a bitches." 


Me personally, I was joking about people who save other people, because I've just never seen it happen in-game. Plus you were acting like the whole experience was supposed to be hilarious. 


PS: I still don't even see how he shot the ground next to you, but didn't kill you after you logged out.

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Last of all I scared of a bandit with an SKS who had been shooting presumably at new spawns for the past hour (about 40 shots heard from him)


did you actually see him shoot a new-spawn? I know I sometimes just sit along the coast with my mosin taking pot shots at zombies or even just shooting whatever stands out in the landscape. I don't like that people may so easily mistake me for a bandit. (although I do shoot the occasional new spawn in the leg, but I do then go and patch them up right after, I'm not evil)

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Combat logging is a horrid thing, and while I appreciate you were trying to do something good, it is in excusable.


It takes all the fun out of the game, if you avoid KOS'ing and then your prey simply logs out to avoid you, its a real painful thing which makes people more likely to KOS afterward.


I have had a few close calls, when I wasn't careful enough and they've got the drop on me, I haven't logged once. I enjoy the duck/spin/shoot combination, its a great card to play in those situations, even though it only works 25% of the time.



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Ahh more moral handwringing by the DayZ forum patrol.  Now I understand why Dean is quitting.

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so essentially you were just killing ppl, what makes you different from the so called bandits you were hunting, seems more like you're a pussy who kills and logs

Edited by PiLLZ

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Ohhh ok, I get it now, So all I have to do is now just make sure I don't get caught, and even then just die? If so then I will continue with what I was doing before but play it safer and just well take it (literally)


did you actually see him shoot a new-spawn? I know I sometimes just sit along the coast with my mosin taking pot shots at zombies or even just shooting whatever stands out in the landscape. I don't like that people may so easily mistake me for a bandit. (although I do shoot the occasional new spawn in the leg, but I do then go and patch them up right after, I'm not evil)

Yep, I saw him kill the guy on the roof and then continue to sit there for about 10 minutes watching the firestation before I shot him as he then went to loot the guy he killed earlier. And anyway it was electro, I only managed to definately kill that guy, the rest I scared into logging out themselves, or I stopped them from trying to axe each other to death so that they just ran away (Shooting above their heads or right next to them.)


Edit: Well success! Made 2 bandits combat log, they were prone on the eastern hill facing down onto the firestation, shot at them and they just went poof and gone, and I am pretty well camoes as well so hopefully no mroe comba logging for me

Edited by Kaxii
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