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Sir Schmoopy

Experimental servers OVERLY buggy?

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Anyone else having this issue? YES i know its alpha so shut the fuck up. Im wondering if anyone else is having this problem

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Do we know the definition of the word experimental?
Let me fetch Mr. Rogers...Nevermind, he was KoS'd.

Edited by Rudette

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Did you miss the part where they're "experimental"? FWIW the "stable" branch is buggy as all hell right now too, and has been since they pushed the bad update (.34). .35 didn't really fix the memleak, they just band-aided it.

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Did you miss the part where they're "experimental"? FWIW the "stable" branch is buggy as all hell right now too, and has been since they pushed the bad update (.34). .35 didn't really fix the memleak, they just band-aided it.

Just making sure. Had some actual computer issues recently just needed some actual feedback and not some trolls.

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I seemed to have missed where you actually tell us the problem you are actually having.  Or would you prefer we guess?


I've solely been playing on experimental build (3 or so weeks) and have not had any issues that are not in the stable version.

Edited by MadTommy

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Did you honestly expect it to be anything else then "amazingly buggy"?? :)
It does sound like you should opt out of experimental and stick to stable branch mate.

If they are handling the experimental branch in DayZ, like they did with Arma III during development, you will get updates pushed to this branch, which havent been through proper QA.
Hence experimental :)


But as far as the question "Is it overly buggy?", i cant really say, im staying away from experimental for this exact reason tbh.
You should only be on experimental if you are dedicated to NOTHING but focused testing, all day, every day.

Its not the place to try to "play the game", at all.

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Hello there


Although one could argue it is a valid but somewhat self explanatory question, telling the forums as a whole to F off is not the way forward.





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