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Open letter/suggestion/request to the DEVS: DO NOT implement nudity/scat/piss.

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There is a point that different cultures have different opinions on things.  Europeans are usually cooler with nudity, and if I recall correctly Middle Eastern/Arab/Persian what have you cultures actually have much bigger issues with feces than Americans, so there is a balance. 


But, there are good reasons to have "waste removal" and mitigating factors that make it less easy to abuse:


  • You can't poop or urinate on command.  There is a window where you "can" go, but don't "have to" yet, but any griefer is only going to get one dump a day. 
  • The ability/necessity to poop doesn't automatically mean that feces becomes an in-game item.  Even if it does become one, for reasons below, that doesn't mean you're allowed to force-feed it to people.
  • Bodily functions are distracting, but necessary.  As someone else mentioned, you can't do much else during this time.  You're exposed and in danger.  You also don't get a choice.  You don't "have" to stop an engagement and chow down on some beans or antibiotics, but try doing anything while you have to whiz!  This mechanic means that if you eat enough to be healthy, you have to risk going to the bathroom.  You can't just chug lake water to get hydrated if you don't want to be making potty stops all the way to Cherno.
  • Bodily functions are also part of an in-depth medical system.  Not pooping is a good way to get sick and die.  Getting diarrhea is a good way to dehydrated and die.  Rotten food can essentially shut you down without killing you.  You get diarrhea and now have to stop what you're doing to go, and drink tons of fluids to stay alive.  If you just go in your pants, you invite disease and hypothermia.  (Fresh, healthy) urine is also a disinfectant or water source when you are out of other options.
  • Scat is an essential component of tracking.  How do you find deer to eat when you're not sure any are around?  There are a couple ways, but I guarantee animal poop is easier to implement than the subtleties of bent twigs.  Poop is an important part of animal/human presence, especially when they don't want to be found.  Small town look vacant with all the doors closed? The steaming pile you just found in one of the houses says otherwise. And it's still warm...


In short, I agree that there are wrong ways to do it, and that people are going to take it to as disgusting extremes as they can.  But more important than my ability to live with being offended, waste management is one of the fundamental components of survival.  I don't think it should be simply dismissed out of hand for the offense factor, and stating that it has no value is simply false.

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This is the suggestion forum, not the "please do not do this" forum. Everyone has a right to expose his ideas.

Exactly! just becuase i suggested it he made a hole forum post TO NOT DO IT. it's soo pointless snice i actually made a poll for this topic for people to disagree and agree why the fuck would he make a forum topic about it? it's very unlikely dean will add this in the game anyways. jesus chirst.

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Edit:Yeah,i'm a little touchy on the subject,because this is meant to be a survival simulator,not a troll fest.


This is the suggestion forum, not the "please do not do this" forum. Everyone has a right to expose his ideas.

You and anyone else here, sans the mods, are not the "forum police" Everyone DOES have a right to expose their ideas, ME INCLUDED. And I DO realize this is the suggestions forum, and my suggestion, to the devs, is to NOT IMPLEMENT THESE FEATURES. They contribute nothing gameplay wise, aside from being a new tool for immature, disgusting, and depraved trolling.

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To hell with these shitty suggestions. I sign my name twice.

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