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single fire / autofire switch in m4

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Soo didnt find any topics for this but this would be cool to have. As topic says switch that change single fire / autofire mode in assault rifles. Like try to shoot someone from distance with autofire.. Even bursting it doesnt work that good...


Actually i didnt meant just m4 but its only assault rifle in game atm thats why topic name...









Edited by MangoX

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That is because there already a selector for firing options, is T.

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A real selector switch.

I haven't used an M4 in ages, But there was something reguarding it in the key bindings, however when I had my last M4, It did nothing.

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That is because there already a selector for firing options, is T.


Oh is there? lol


Makes me feel so stupid :blush:


I guess i havent learned my keybindings well anough.. Thanks tho for this information :)

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A real selector switch.

I haven't used an M4 in ages, But there was something reguarding it in the key bindings, however when I had my last M4, It did nothing.


I did actually saw this same pic while looking for one and laughed for it. Anyways i just learned that there allready is this thing in game. Or havent tried it yet but previous guy said so..


Anyway lets let this thread die here :blush:

Edited by MangoX

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I did actually saw this same pic while looking for one and laughed for it. Anyways i just learned that there allready is this thing in game. Or havent tried it yet but previous guy said so..


Anyway lets let this thread die here :blush:

No need, there may be a key binding but there is currently no way to visually tell which fire mode the weapon is set to, which is unrealistic. Only way to tell is to fire some rounds and give away your pos. Def needs fixing.

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Seems we need some kinda indicator then or somekinda text when you press asinged button atleast. Would be cool tho if you could see your gun/selector from side in 1st person mode as in pics i linked above..

Edited by MangoX

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