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Johnny Depth

Sweet Idea for the DayZ

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If we get these computers running....


We could show porn on them!   Hide in a bush and shoot at the pervs who take a peek at it.

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If we get these computers running....


We could show porn on them!   Hide in a bush and shoot at the pervs who take a peek at it.


Lousy excuses I say ... for watching it through scope, you are still watching it. Naughty you.

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Im still kind of astounded that someone hasn't played ANY of the FALLOUT series...considering its been around since windows 98...>< and was kind of the first survival game I ever played.. Stim pack and Geko skin anyone? :lol:

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Guys, I like the way you're all thinking. 



Seriously, think about it.  If we could get a power grid up and running in the game, somehow get the computers running, we could literally rebuild the internet in-game.  Make it how we want it to be; websites, games, other things B), and what not.  In this internet, we could have a Chernarus network where anyone in game can have an account where we can discuss the game, plus games that we'd be playing ON these in-game computers.  Everyone that has DayZ can have access to a pop3 or imap email address such as: [email protected] or whatever. 


Once we get everything running smoothly, we can make the transition from this realworld website forum, to the in-game website forum.





This is just the beginning, once we clear out those nasty zombies, and take care of the bandits; we can rebuild society- IN GAME! We can get boring, routine jobs, eat the same food over and over, and live in a dirty, not-quite-second-world country with intermittent power failures. We could secure the cities, and then have roving death squads to take care of the zombies and snipers. And then I will be EMPEROR OF CHERNOGORSK! And I can tell you all about it on the IN-GAME FORUMS!


In all seriousness I think this is a cool idea, but I doubt that the devs will go for it, and you'd never get enough people working together to even fix one computer; let alone rebuild the internet.

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And we shall call it "DayZ - SimCity Edition!" ^_^

Edited by Demonica
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Im still kind of astounded that someone hasn't played ANY of the FALLOUT series...considering its been around since windows 98...>< and was kind of the first survival game I ever played.. Stim pack and Geko skin anyone? :lol:


Nah, noone played it :P


(except me)

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